And More

Uses of Class

Packages that use Range
org.jfree.chart.annotations A framework for addings annotations to charts. 
org.jfree.chart.axis Axis classes and interfaces. 
org.jfree.chart.block Blocks and layout classes used extensively by the LegendTitle class. 
org.jfree.chart.plot Plot classes and related interfaces. 
org.jfree.chart.renderer.category Plug-in renderers for the CategoryPlot class. 
org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy Plug-in renderers for the XYPlot class. 
org.jfree.chart.title Classes used to display chart titles and subtitles. 
org.jfree.data The base package for classes that represent various types of data. 
org.jfree.data.category A package containing the CategoryDataset interface and related classes. 
org.jfree.data.contour Datasets used by the ContourPlot class. 
org.jfree.data.general Data interfaces and classes. 
org.jfree.data.jdbc Dataset classes that fetch data from a database via JDBC. 
org.jfree.data.statistics Classes for representing statistical data. 
org.jfree.data.time Interfaces and classes for time-related data. 
org.jfree.data.xy A package containing the XYDataset interface and related classes. 

Uses of Range in org.jfree.chart.annotations

Methods in org.jfree.chart.annotations that return Range
 Range XYDataImageAnnotation.getXRange()
          Returns the x-range for the annotation.
 Range XYAnnotationBoundsInfo.getXRange()
          Returns the range of x-values (in data space) that the annotation uses.
 Range XYDataImageAnnotation.getYRange()
          Returns the y-range for the annotation.
 Range XYAnnotationBoundsInfo.getYRange()
          Returns the range of y-values (in data space) that the annotation uses.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.chart.axis

Fields in org.jfree.chart.axis declared as Range
static Range ValueAxis.DEFAULT_RANGE
          The default axis range.

Methods in org.jfree.chart.axis that return Range
 Range ValueAxis.getDefaultAutoRange()
          Returns the default auto range.
 Range ValueAxis.getRange()
          Returns the range for the axis.

Methods in org.jfree.chart.axis with parameters of type Range
 void ValueAxis.setDefaultAutoRange(Range range)
          Sets the default auto range and sends an AxisChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
 void ValueAxis.setRange(Range range)
          Sets the range attribute and sends an AxisChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
 void LogarithmicAxis.setRange(Range range)
          Overridden version that calls original and then sets up flag for log axis processing.
 void DateAxis.setRange(Range range)
          Sets the upper and lower bounds for the axis and sends an AxisChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
 void CyclicNumberAxis.setRange(Range range, boolean turnOffAutoRange, boolean notify)
          Sets a new axis range.
 void ValueAxis.setRange(Range range, boolean turnOffAutoRange, boolean notify)
          Sets the range for the axis, if requested, sends an AxisChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
 void PeriodAxis.setRange(Range range, boolean turnOffAutoRange, boolean notify)
          Sets the range for the axis, if requested, sends an AxisChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
 void DateAxis.setRange(Range range, boolean turnOffAutoRange, boolean notify)
          Sets the range for the axis, if requested, sends an AxisChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
 void ValueAxis.setRangeWithMargins(Range range)
          Sets the range for the axis (after first adding the current margins to the specified range) and sends an AxisChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
 void ValueAxis.setRangeWithMargins(Range range, boolean turnOffAutoRange, boolean notify)
          Sets the range for the axis after first adding the current margins to the range and, if requested, sends an AxisChangeEvent to all registered listeners.

Constructors in org.jfree.chart.axis with parameters of type Range
ModuloAxis(java.lang.String label, Range fixedRange)
          Creates a new axis.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.chart.block

Methods in org.jfree.chart.block that return Range
 Range RectangleConstraint.getHeightRange()
          Returns the width range.
 Range RectangleConstraint.getWidthRange()
          Returns the width range.

Methods in org.jfree.chart.block with parameters of type Range
protected  org.jfree.ui.Size2D BorderArrangement.arrangeRR(BlockContainer container, Range widthRange, Range heightRange, java.awt.Graphics2D g2)
          Performs an arrangement with range constraints on both the vertical and horizontal sides.
 RectangleConstraint RectangleConstraint.toRangeHeight(Range range)
          Returns a constraint that matches this one on the width attributes, but has a range height constraint.
 RectangleConstraint RectangleConstraint.toRangeWidth(Range range)
          Returns a constraint that matches this one on the height attributes, but has a range width constraint.

Constructors in org.jfree.chart.block with parameters of type Range
RectangleConstraint(double w, Range h)
          Creates a new constraint with a fixed width and a range for the height.
RectangleConstraint(double w, Range widthRange, LengthConstraintType widthConstraintType, double h, Range heightRange, LengthConstraintType heightConstraintType)
          Creates a new constraint.
RectangleConstraint(Range w, double h)
          Creates a new constraint with a range for the width and a fixed height.
RectangleConstraint(Range w, Range h)
          Creates a new "range width and height" instance.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.chart.plot

Methods in org.jfree.chart.plot that return Range
 Range ContourPlot.getContourDataRange()
          Deprecated. Returns the range for the Contours.
 Range ContourValuePlot.getContourDataRange()
          Deprecated. Returns the range of data values to be plotted.
 Range PolarPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns the range for the specified axis.
 Range ValueAxisPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns the data range that should apply for the specified axis.
 Range CombinedRangeXYPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns a range representing the extent of the data values in this plot (obtained from the subplots) that will be rendered against the specified axis.
 Range ThermometerPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns the data range.
 Range CategoryPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns the range of data values that will be plotted against the range axis.
 Range FastScatterPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns the range of data values to be plotted along the axis, or null if the specified axis isn't the domain axis or the range axis for the plot.
 Range XYPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns the range for the specified axis.
 Range CombinedRangeCategoryPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns a range representing the extent of the data values in this plot (obtained from the subplots) that will be rendered against the specified axis.
 Range ContourPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Deprecated. Returns the range for an axis.
 Range CombinedDomainCategoryPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns a range representing the extent of the data values in this plot (obtained from the subplots) that will be rendered against the specified axis.
 Range CombinedDomainXYPlot.getDataRange(ValueAxis axis)
          Returns a range representing the extent of the data values in this plot (obtained from the subplots) that will be rendered against the specified axis.
 Range MeterPlot.getRange()
          Returns the overall range for the dial.
 Range MeterInterval.getRange()
          Returns the range.
static Range ContourPlotUtilities.visibleRange(ContourDataset data, Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the visible z-range.
 Range ContourPlot.visibleRange(ContourDataset data, Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the visible z-range.

Methods in org.jfree.chart.plot with parameters of type Range
 void MeterPlot.setRange(Range range)
          Sets the range for the dial and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
static Range ContourPlotUtilities.visibleRange(ContourDataset data, Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the visible z-range.
 Range ContourPlot.visibleRange(ContourDataset data, Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the visible z-range.

Constructors in org.jfree.chart.plot with parameters of type Range
MeterInterval(java.lang.String label, Range range)
          Creates a new interval.
MeterInterval(java.lang.String label, Range range, java.awt.Paint outlinePaint, java.awt.Stroke outlineStroke, java.awt.Paint backgroundPaint)
          Creates a new interval.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.chart.renderer.category

Methods in org.jfree.chart.renderer.category that return Range
 Range StatisticalLineAndShapeRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range WaterfallBarRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range BarRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range CategoryItemRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range StackedBarRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range AbstractCategoryItemRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range StackedAreaRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range GroupedStackedBarRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range StackedBarRenderer3D.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range BoxAndWhiskerRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values from the specified dataset that the renderer will require to display all the data.
protected  Range AbstractCategoryItemRenderer.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy

Methods in org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy that return Range
 Range VectorRenderer.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the x-values in the specified dataset.
 Range ClusteredXYBarRenderer.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the x-value bounds for the specified dataset.
 Range XYErrorRenderer.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range required by this renderer to display all the domain values in the specified dataset.
 Range XYBarRenderer.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the x-values in the specified dataset.
 Range AbstractXYItemRenderer.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the x-values in the specified dataset.
 Range XYItemRenderer.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the x-values in the specified dataset.
 Range XYShapeRenderer.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the x-values in the specified dataset.
 Range XYBlockRenderer.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the x-values in the specified dataset.
protected  Range AbstractXYItemRenderer.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the x-values in the specified dataset.
protected  Range ClusteredXYBarRenderer.findDomainBoundsWithOffset(IntervalXYDataset dataset)
          Iterates over the items in an IntervalXYDataset to find the range of x-values including the interval OFFSET so that it centers the interval around the start value.
 Range VectorRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range HighLowRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range CandlestickRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range StackedXYBarRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range XYErrorRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range required by this renderer to display all the range values in the specified dataset.
 Range StackedXYAreaRenderer2.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range XYBoxAndWhiskerRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range DeviationRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range XYBarRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the y-values in the specified dataset.
 Range AbstractXYItemRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range XYItemRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the y-values in the specified dataset.
 Range StackedXYAreaRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range YIntervalRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range XYShapeRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
 Range XYBlockRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
protected  Range AbstractXYItemRenderer.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.chart.title

Methods in org.jfree.chart.title with parameters of type Range
protected  org.jfree.ui.Size2D TextTitle.arrangeRN(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, Range widthRange)
          Arranges the content for this title assuming a range constraint for the width and no bounds on the height, and returns the required size.
protected  org.jfree.ui.Size2D ShortTextTitle.arrangeRN(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, Range widthRange)
          Arranges the content for this title assuming a range constraint for the width and no bounds on the height, and returns the required size.
protected  org.jfree.ui.Size2D TextTitle.arrangeRR(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, Range widthRange, Range heightRange)
          Returns the content size for the title.
protected  org.jfree.ui.Size2D ShortTextTitle.arrangeRR(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, Range widthRange, Range heightRange)
          Returns the content size for the title.
protected  org.jfree.ui.Size2D PaintScaleLegend.arrangeRR(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, Range widthRange, Range heightRange)
          Returns the content size for the title.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.data

Methods in org.jfree.data that return Range
static Range Range.combine(Range range1, Range range2)
          Creates a new range by combining two existing ranges.
static Range Range.expand(Range range, double lowerMargin, double upperMargin)
          Creates a new range by adding margins to an existing range.
static Range Range.expandToInclude(Range range, double value)
          Returns a range that includes all the values in the specified range AND the specified value.
 Range DomainInfo.getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's domain.
 Range RangeInfo.getRangeBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.
static Range Range.scale(Range base, double factor)
          Scales the range by the specified factor.
static Range Range.shift(Range base, double delta)
          Shifts the range by the specified amount.
static Range Range.shift(Range base, double delta, boolean allowZeroCrossing)
          Shifts the range by the specified amount.

Methods in org.jfree.data with parameters of type Range
static Range Range.combine(Range range1, Range range2)
          Creates a new range by combining two existing ranges.
static Range Range.expand(Range range, double lowerMargin, double upperMargin)
          Creates a new range by adding margins to an existing range.
static Range Range.expandToInclude(Range range, double value)
          Returns a range that includes all the values in the specified range AND the specified value.
 boolean Range.intersects(Range range)
          Returns true if the range intersects with the specified range, and false otherwise.
static Range Range.scale(Range base, double factor)
          Scales the range by the specified factor.
static Range Range.shift(Range base, double delta)
          Shifts the range by the specified amount.
static Range Range.shift(Range base, double delta, boolean allowZeroCrossing)
          Shifts the range by the specified amount.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.data.category

Methods in org.jfree.data.category that return Range
 Range CategoryRangeInfo.getRangeBounds(java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.data.contour

Methods in org.jfree.data.contour that return Range
 Range ContourDataset.getZValueRange(Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the maximum z-value within visible region of plot.
 Range DefaultContourDataset.getZValueRange(Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the maximum z-value within visible region of plot.

Methods in org.jfree.data.contour with parameters of type Range
 Range ContourDataset.getZValueRange(Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the maximum z-value within visible region of plot.
 Range DefaultContourDataset.getZValueRange(Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the maximum z-value within visible region of plot.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.data.general

Methods in org.jfree.data.general that return Range
static Range DatasetUtilities.findCumulativeRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Calculates the range of values for a dataset where each item is the running total of the items for the current series.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values in the domain (x-values) of a dataset.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of values in the domain (x-values) of a dataset.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset, java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the bounds of the x-values in the specified dataset taking into account only the visible series and including any x-interval if requested.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values in the range for the dataset.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of values in the range for the dataset.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset, java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, boolean includeInterval)
          Finds the bounds of the y-values in the specified dataset, including only those series that are listed in visibleSeriesKeys.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Returns the range of values in the range for the dataset.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of values in the range for the dataset.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset, java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, Range xRange, boolean includeInterval)
          Finds the bounds of the y-values in the specified dataset, including only those series that are listed in visibleSeriesKeys, and those items whose x-values fall within the specified range.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findStackedRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Returns the minimum and maximum values for the dataset's range (y-values), assuming that the series in one category are stacked.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findStackedRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset, double base)
          Returns the minimum and maximum values for the dataset's range (y-values), assuming that the series in one category are stacked.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findStackedRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset, KeyToGroupMap map)
          Returns the minimum and maximum values for the dataset's range (y-values), assuming that the series in one category are stacked.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findStackedRangeBounds(TableXYDataset dataset)
          Returns the minimum and maximum values for the dataset's range, assuming that the series are stacked.
static Range DatasetUtilities.findStackedRangeBounds(TableXYDataset dataset, double base)
          Returns the minimum and maximum values for the dataset's range, assuming that the series are stacked, using the specified base value.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateCategoryRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Deprecated. As of 1.0.10, use DatasetUtilities.iterateRangeBounds(CategoryDataset, boolean).
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Iterates over the items in an XYDataset to find the range of x-values.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Iterates over the items in an XYDataset to find the range of x-values.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset)
          Iterates over the data item of the category dataset to find the range bounds.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Iterates over the data item of the category dataset to find the range bounds.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Iterates over the data item of the xy dataset to find the range bounds.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset, boolean includeInterval)
          Iterates over the data items of the xy dataset to find the range bounds.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateToFindDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset, java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of x-values in the specified dataset for the data items belonging to the visible series.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateToFindRangeBounds(CategoryDataset dataset, java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, boolean includeInterval)
          Iterates over the data item of the category dataset to find the range bounds.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateToFindRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset, java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, Range xRange, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of y-values in the specified dataset for the data items belonging to the visible series and with x-values in the given range.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateXYRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
          Deprecated. As of 1.0.10, use DatasetUtilities.iterateRangeBounds(XYDataset).

Methods in org.jfree.data.general with parameters of type Range
static Range DatasetUtilities.findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset, java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, Range xRange, boolean includeInterval)
          Finds the bounds of the y-values in the specified dataset, including only those series that are listed in visibleSeriesKeys, and those items whose x-values fall within the specified range.
static Range DatasetUtilities.iterateToFindRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset, java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, Range xRange, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of y-values in the specified dataset for the data items belonging to the visible series and with x-values in the given range.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.data.jdbc

Methods in org.jfree.data.jdbc that return Range
 Range JDBCXYDataset.getRangeBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.data.statistics

Methods in org.jfree.data.statistics that return Range
 Range DefaultMultiValueCategoryDataset.getRangeBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.
 Range DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset.getRangeBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.
 Range DefaultStatisticalCategoryDataset.getRangeBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.
 Range DefaultBoxAndWhiskerXYDataset.getRangeBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.data.time

Subclasses of Range in org.jfree.data.time
 class DateRange
          A range specified in terms of two java.util.Date objects.

Methods in org.jfree.data.time that return Range
 Range TimeSeriesCollection.getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's domain.
 Range DynamicTimeSeriesCollection.getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's domain.
 Range TimePeriodValuesCollection.getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's domain.
 Range TimeTableXYDataset.getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's domain.
 Range DynamicTimeSeriesCollection.getRangeBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the value range.

Constructors in org.jfree.data.time with parameters of type Range
DateRange(Range other)
          Constructs a new range that is based on another Range.

Uses of Range in org.jfree.data.xy

Methods in org.jfree.data.xy that return Range
 Range XYSeriesCollection.getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's domain.
 Range DefaultTableXYDataset.getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's domain.
 Range CategoryTableXYDataset.getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's domain.
 Range IntervalXYDelegate.getDomainBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in the dataset's domain, including or excluding the interval around each x-value as specified.
 Range XYDomainInfo.getDomainBounds(java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's domain.
 Range XYSeriesCollection.getRangeBounds(boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.
 Range XYRangeInfo.getRangeBounds(java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, Range xRange, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.

Methods in org.jfree.data.xy with parameters of type Range
 Range XYRangeInfo.getRangeBounds(java.util.List visibleSeriesKeys, Range xRange, boolean includeInterval)
          Returns the range of the values in this dataset's range.

And More

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