Packages | |
org.jfree.chart | Core classes, including JFreeChart and
ChartPanel . |
org.jfree.chart.annotations | A framework for addings annotations to charts. |
org.jfree.chart.axis | Axis classes and interfaces. |
org.jfree.chart.block | Blocks and layout classes used extensively by the LegendTitle class. |
org.jfree.chart.demo | Some basic demos to get you started. |
org.jfree.chart.editor | Provides a simple (but so far incomplete) framework for editing chart properties. |
org.jfree.chart.encoders | Classes related to the encoding of charts to different image formats. |
org.jfree.chart.entity | Classes representing components of (or entities in) a chart. |
org.jfree.chart.event | Event classes and listener interfaces, used to provide a change notification mechanism so that charts are automatically redrawn whenever changes are made to any chart component. |
org.jfree.chart.imagemap | Classes, including ImageMapUtilities , for creating HTML image maps. |
org.jfree.chart.labels | Generators and other classes used for the display of item labels and tooltips. |
org.jfree.chart.needle | A range of objects that can be used to represent the needle on a
CompassPlot . |
org.jfree.chart.panel | Classes related to the ChartPanel class. |
org.jfree.chart.plot | Plot classes and related interfaces. |
org.jfree.chart.plot.dial | Classes for creating dial plots. |
org.jfree.chart.renderer | Core support for the plug-in renderers used by the CategoryPlot and XYPlot classes. |
org.jfree.chart.renderer.category | Plug-in renderers for the CategoryPlot class. |
org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy | Plug-in renderers for the XYPlot class. |
org.jfree.chart.resources | Localised resources for the JFreeChart class library. |
org.jfree.chart.servlet | Classes for providing useful servlet and JSP functionality. |
org.jfree.chart.title | Classes used to display chart titles and subtitles. |
org.jfree.chart.urls | Classes for adding URLS to charts for HTML image map generation. |
org.jfree.chart.util | Utility classes used by JFreeChart. |
org.jfree.data | The base package for classes that represent various types of data. |
org.jfree.data.category | A package containing the CategoryDataset interface and related classes. |
org.jfree.data.contour | Datasets used by the ContourPlot class. |
org.jfree.data.function | Representation for simple functions. |
org.jfree.data.gantt | Data interfaces and classes for Gantt charts. |
org.jfree.data.general | Data interfaces and classes. |
org.jfree.data.io | Miscellaneous support for input/output of data. |
org.jfree.data.jdbc | Dataset classes that fetch data from a database via JDBC. |
org.jfree.data.resources | Resource bundles for items that require localisation. |
org.jfree.data.statistics | Classes for representing statistical data. |
org.jfree.data.time | Interfaces and classes for time-related data. |
org.jfree.data.time.ohlc | Classes for representing financial data in open-high-low-close form. |
org.jfree.data.xml | Support for reading datasets from XML files. |
org.jfree.data.xy | A package containing the XYDataset interface and related classes. |
JFreeChart is a free chart library for Java that can generate a wide variety of charts for use in applications, applets and servlets.
Please visit http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/index.html for the latest information about JFreeChart.