Jim Scotti's (Mostly Space) Art page

Some of my Artwork

While growing up in the 1960's, I started drawing rockets and astronauts. Later, I started painting, usually the same rockets and astronauts. With a little help from a neighbor to get me started with oil painting, I dabbled at it for quite a few years, mostly doing oil paintings of Earthborne landscapes (it is amazing how well Bob Ross's techniques actually work if you try them!). More recently I have gotten back to my roots, doing almost exclusively Space Art since 1995. If there are millions of artists out there painting landscapes & still life - confined to subjects on our one planet, there are only hundreds of Space Artists, and we have a whole Universe of subjects to draw from!

You can find my work on Fine Art America.


Click on the images below to see them at higher resolution.

All images Copyright by James V. Scotti, 2020 - You may use thumbnails to link to my page and may download the images for one time personal viewing, but please don't copy or distribute these images without the express permission of the artist. Questions? Contact jim_scotti@hotmail.com or write to:

James V. Scotti
3092 W. Placita del Pasillo
Tucson, AZ 85746 USA

Digital paintings

Pen and ink drawings

This ink pen drawing was my tribute to the Challenger and its crew of 7 shortly after the accident which destroyed the spacecraft and took the lives of its crew.

These 2 ink pen drawings are of Apollo 11 events. The footprint on the moon, and Buzz Aldrin standing next to the flag.

This is an ink pen drawing of probably the most famous picture of Buzz Aldrin on the Moon.

This is a pencil drawing of Alan Shepard at Fra Mauro during the hike out to Cone Crater during Apollo 14.

This is an ink pen drawing of Astronaut Jim Irwin and the Lunar Rover next to the Apollo 15 landing site at Hadley-Appenine.

I have also done other types of artwork, such as portrait sketches. Here are a few examples of them.

This is a pencil drawing of the Bandon Lighthouse across the Coquille River from the town of Bandon Oregon, where I was born. See also my painting called "Bullard's Comet" above.

This is a pencil portrait of Obi-Wan Kenobi, from Star Wars.

This is an ink pen drawing of John Lennon which I made shortly after his murder on December 8, 1980.

Past art exhibitions.

Here are some links to other Space Art web sites. Enjoy!

Dan Durda's Paintings - Dan and I have been egging each other on since 1995, helping to make both our artwork that much better.

Bill Hartmann's paintings - Bill is the prototype for Dan and I, being first a Planetary Scientist, and not necessarily second, an artist. He has shown us the way. My two favorite artists are Bill Hartmann and Bob McCall.

Novagraphics Space art gallery

International Association for the Astronomical Arts

Alan Bean Online Gallery

Chesley Bonestell Gallery

Michelle Rouch, Aviation and Space Artist

Bob Ross - The Joy of Painting

Slawek's SF Universe!

Luc Pilmeyer's Art Page

Salvatore Ventura: This site provides public access to the most comprehensive resources available on the artist Salvatore Ventura and his architectural paintings.

Nan Rae, watercolorist, Chinese Brush painting.

Art Gallery Worldwide

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Last update: August 7, 2020