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Class SegmentedTimeline

  extended by org.jfree.chart.axis.SegmentedTimeline
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Cloneable, Timeline

public class SegmentedTimeline
extends java.lang.Object
implements Timeline, java.lang.Cloneable, java.io.Serializable

A Timeline that implements a "segmented" timeline with included, excluded and exception segments.

A Timeline will present a series of values to be used for an axis. Each Timeline must provide transformation methods between domain values and timeline values.

A timeline can be used as parameter to a DateAxis to define the values that this axis supports. This class implements a timeline formed by segments of equal length (ex. days, hours, minutes) where some segments can be included in the timeline and others excluded. Therefore timelines like "working days" or "working hours" can be created where non-working days or non-working hours respectively can be removed from the timeline, and therefore from the axis. This creates a smooth plot with equal separation between all included segments.

Because Timelines were created mainly for Date related axis, values are represented as longs instead of doubles. In this case, the domain value is just the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT as defined by the getTime() method of Date.

In this class, a segment is defined as a unit of time of fixed length. Examples of segments are: days, hours, minutes, etc. The size of a segment is defined as the number of milliseconds in the segment. Some useful segment sizes are defined as constants in this class: DAY_SEGMENT_SIZE, HOUR_SEGMENT_SIZE, FIFTEEN_MINUTE_SEGMENT_SIZE and MINUTE_SEGMENT_SIZE.

Segments are group together to form a Segment Group. Each Segment Group will contain a number of Segments included and a number of Segments excluded. This Segment Group structure will repeat for the whole timeline.

For example, a working days SegmentedTimeline would be formed by a group of 7 daily segments, where there are 5 included (Monday through Friday) and 2 excluded (Saturday and Sunday) segments.

Following is a diagram that explains the major attributes that define a segment. Each box is one segment and must be of fixed length (ms, second, hour, day, etc).

 start time
   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...
 |  |  |  |  |  |EE|EE|  |  |  |  |  |EE|EE|  |  |  |  |  |EE|EE|
  \____________/ \___/            \_/
        \/         |               |
     included   excluded        segment
     segments   segments         size
  \_________  _______/
       segment group
<space> = Included segment
EE = Excluded segments in the base timeline

In the example, the following segment attributes are presented:

Exception Segments are allowed. These exception segments are defined as segments that would have been in the included segments of the Segment Group, but should be excluded for special reasons. In the previous working days SegmentedTimeline example, holidays would be considered exceptions.

Additionally the startTime, or start of the first Segment of the smallest segment group needs to be defined. This startTime could be relative to January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT or any other date. This creates a point of reference to start counting Segment Groups. For example, for the working days SegmentedTimeline, the startTime could be 00:00:00 GMT of the first Monday after January 1, 1970. In this class, the constant FIRST_MONDAY_AFTER_1900 refers to a reference point of the first Monday of the last century.

A SegmentedTimeline can include a baseTimeline. This combination of timelines allows the creation of more complex timelines. For example, in order to implement a SegmentedTimeline for an intraday stock trading application, where the trading period is defined as 9:00 AM through 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, two SegmentedTimelines are used. The first one (the baseTimeline) would be a working day SegmentedTimeline (daily timeline Monday through Friday). On top of this baseTimeline, a second one is defined that maps the 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM period. Because the baseTimeline defines a timeline of Monday through Friday, the resulting (combined) timeline will expose the period 9:00 AM through 4:00 PM only on Monday through Friday, and will remove all other intermediate intervals.

Two factory methods newMondayThroughFridayTimeline() and newFifteenMinuteTimeline() are provided as examples to create special SegmentedTimelines.

See Also:
DateAxis, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
protected  class SegmentedTimeline.BaseTimelineSegmentRange
          Special SegmentRange that came from the BaseTimeline.
 class SegmentedTimeline.Segment
          Internal class to represent a valid segment for this timeline.
protected  class SegmentedTimeline.SegmentRange
          Private internal class to represent a range of segments.
Field Summary
static long DAY_SEGMENT_SIZE
          Defines a day segment size in ms.
static java.util.TimeZone DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE
          Deprecated. As of 1.0.7. When the default time zone is required, just call TimeZone.getDefault().
          Defines a 15-minute segment size in ms.
static long FIRST_MONDAY_AFTER_1900
          Deprecated. As of 1.0.7. This field doesn't take into account changes to the default time zone.
          Defines a one hour segment size in ms.
          Defines a one-minute segment size in ms.
static java.util.TimeZone NO_DST_TIME_ZONE
          Deprecated. As of 1.0.7. This field is initialised based on the default time zone, and doesn't take into account subsequent changes to the default.
Constructor Summary
SegmentedTimeline(long segmentSize, int segmentsIncluded, int segmentsExcluded)
          Constructs a new segmented timeline, optionaly using another segmented timeline as its base.
Method Summary
 void addBaseTimelineException(java.util.Date date)
          Adds a segment relative to the baseTimeline as an exception.
 void addBaseTimelineException(long domainValue)
          Adds a segment relative to the baseTimeline as an exception.
 void addBaseTimelineExclusions(long fromBaseDomainValue, long toBaseDomainValue)
          Adds all excluded segments from the BaseTimeline as exceptions to our timeline.
 void addException(java.util.Date exceptionDate)
          Adds a segment as an exception.
 void addException(long millisecond)
          Adds a segment as an exception.
 void addException(long fromDomainValue, long toDomainValue)
          Adds a segment range as an exception.
 void addExceptions(java.util.List exceptionList)
          Adds a list of dates as segment exceptions.
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Returns a clone of the timeline.
 boolean containsDomainRange(java.util.Date dateDomainValueStart, java.util.Date dateDomainValueEnd)
          Returns true if a range of values are contained in the timeline.
 boolean containsDomainRange(long domainValueStart, long domainValueEnd)
          Returns true if a range of values are contained in the timeline.
 boolean containsDomainValue(java.util.Date date)
          Returns true if a value is contained in the timeline.
 boolean containsDomainValue(long millisecond)
          Returns true if a value is contained in the timeline.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
          Returns true if we are equal to the parameter
static long firstMondayAfter1900()
          Returns the milliseconds for midnight of the first Monday after 1-Jan-1900, ignoring daylight savings.
 boolean getAdjustForDaylightSaving()
          Returns the flag that controls whether or not the daylight saving adjustment is applied.
 SegmentedTimeline getBaseTimeline()
          Returns our baseTimeline, or null if none.
 java.util.Date getDate(long value)
          Converts a millisecond value into a Date object.
 long getExceptionSegmentCount(long fromMillisecond, long toMillisecond)
          Returns the number of exception segments wholly contained in the (fromDomainValue, toDomainValue) interval.
 java.util.List getExceptionSegments()
          Returns a list of all the exception segments.
 int getGroupSegmentCount()
          Returns the number of segments in a segment group.
 SegmentedTimeline.Segment getSegment(java.util.Date date)
          Returns a segment that contains a date.
 SegmentedTimeline.Segment getSegment(long millisecond)
          Returns a segment that contains a domainValue.
 int getSegmentsExcluded()
          Returns the number of segments excluded per segment group.
 long getSegmentsExcludedSize()
          Returns the size in milliseconds of the segments excluded per segment group.
 long getSegmentsGroupSize()
          Returns the size in milliseconds of a segment group.
 int getSegmentsIncluded()
          Returns the number of segments included per segment group.
 long getSegmentsIncludedSize()
          Returns the size in ms of the segments included per segment group.
 long getSegmentSize()
          Returns the size of one segment in ms.
 long getStartTime()
          Returns the start time for the timeline.
 long getTime(java.util.Date date)
          Special method that handles conversion between the Default Time Zone and a UTC time zone with no DST.
 long getTimeFromLong(long date)
          Converts a date/time value to take account of daylight savings time.
 int hashCode()
          Returns a hash code for this object.
static SegmentedTimeline newFifteenMinuteTimeline()
          Factory method to create a 15-min, 9:00 AM thought 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday SegmentedTimeline.
static SegmentedTimeline newMondayThroughFridayTimeline()
          Factory method to create a Monday through Friday SegmentedTimeline.
 void setAdjustForDaylightSaving(boolean adjust)
          Sets the flag that controls whether or not the daylight saving adjustment is applied.
 void setBaseTimeline(SegmentedTimeline baseTimeline)
          Sets the base timeline.
 void setExceptionSegments(java.util.List exceptionSegments)
          Sets the exception segments list.
 void setStartTime(long millisecond)
          Sets the start time for the timeline.
 long toMillisecond(long timelineValue)
          Translates a value relative to the timeline into a millisecond.
 long toTimelineValue(java.util.Date date)
          Translates a date into a value relative to the segmented timeline.
 long toTimelineValue(long millisecond)
          Translates a value relative to the domain value (all Dates) into a value relative to the segmented timeline.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final long DAY_SEGMENT_SIZE
Defines a day segment size in ms.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long HOUR_SEGMENT_SIZE
Defines a one hour segment size in ms.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long FIFTEEN_MINUTE_SEGMENT_SIZE
Defines a 15-minute segment size in ms.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final long MINUTE_SEGMENT_SIZE
Defines a one-minute segment size in ms.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static long FIRST_MONDAY_AFTER_1900
Deprecated. As of 1.0.7. This field doesn't take into account changes to the default time zone.
Utility constant that defines the startTime as the first monday after 1/1/1970. This should be used when creating a SegmentedTimeline for Monday through Friday. See static block below for calculation of this constant.


public static java.util.TimeZone NO_DST_TIME_ZONE
Deprecated. As of 1.0.7. This field is initialised based on the default time zone, and doesn't take into account subsequent changes to the default.
Utility TimeZone object that has no DST and an offset equal to the default TimeZone. This allows easy arithmetic between days as each one will have equal size.


public static java.util.TimeZone DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE
Deprecated. As of 1.0.7. When the default time zone is required, just call TimeZone.getDefault().
This is the default time zone where the application is running. See getTime() below where we make use of certain transformations between times in the default time zone and the no-dst time zone used for our calculations.

Constructor Detail


public SegmentedTimeline(long segmentSize,
                         int segmentsIncluded,
                         int segmentsExcluded)
Constructs a new segmented timeline, optionaly using another segmented timeline as its base. This chaining of SegmentedTimelines allows further segmentation into smaller timelines. If a base

segmentSize - the size of a segment in ms. This time unit will be used to compute the included and excluded segments of the timeline.
segmentsIncluded - Number of consecutive segments to include.
segmentsExcluded - Number of consecutive segments to exclude.
Method Detail


public static long firstMondayAfter1900()
Returns the milliseconds for midnight of the first Monday after 1-Jan-1900, ignoring daylight savings.

The milliseconds.


public static SegmentedTimeline newMondayThroughFridayTimeline()
Factory method to create a Monday through Friday SegmentedTimeline.

The startTime of the resulting timeline will be midnight of the first Monday after 1/1/1900.

A fully initialized SegmentedTimeline.


public static SegmentedTimeline newFifteenMinuteTimeline()
Factory method to create a 15-min, 9:00 AM thought 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday SegmentedTimeline.

This timeline uses a segmentSize of FIFTEEN_MIN_SEGMENT_SIZE. The segment group is defined as 28 included segments (9:00 AM through 4:00 PM) and 68 excluded segments (4:00 PM through 9:00 AM the next day).

In order to exclude Saturdays and Sundays it uses a baseTimeline that only includes Monday through Friday days.

The startTime of the resulting timeline will be 9:00 AM after the startTime of the baseTimeline. This will correspond to 9:00 AM of the first Monday after 1/1/1900.

A fully initialized SegmentedTimeline.


public boolean getAdjustForDaylightSaving()
Returns the flag that controls whether or not the daylight saving adjustment is applied.

A boolean.


public void setAdjustForDaylightSaving(boolean adjust)
Sets the flag that controls whether or not the daylight saving adjustment is applied.

adjust - the flag.


public void setStartTime(long millisecond)
Sets the start time for the timeline. This is the beginning of segment zero.

millisecond - the start time (encoded as in java.util.Date).


public long getStartTime()
Returns the start time for the timeline. This is the beginning of segment zero.

The start time.


public int getSegmentsExcluded()
Returns the number of segments excluded per segment group.

The number of segments excluded.


public long getSegmentsExcludedSize()
Returns the size in milliseconds of the segments excluded per segment group.

The size in milliseconds.


public int getGroupSegmentCount()
Returns the number of segments in a segment group. This will be equal to segments included plus segments excluded.

The number of segments.


public long getSegmentsGroupSize()
Returns the size in milliseconds of a segment group. This will be equal to size of the segments included plus the size of the segments excluded.

The segment group size in milliseconds.


public int getSegmentsIncluded()
Returns the number of segments included per segment group.

The number of segments.


public long getSegmentsIncludedSize()
Returns the size in ms of the segments included per segment group.

The segment size in milliseconds.


public long getSegmentSize()
Returns the size of one segment in ms.

The segment size in milliseconds.


public java.util.List getExceptionSegments()
Returns a list of all the exception segments. This list is not modifiable.

The exception segments.


public void setExceptionSegments(java.util.List exceptionSegments)
Sets the exception segments list.

exceptionSegments - the exception segments.


public SegmentedTimeline getBaseTimeline()
Returns our baseTimeline, or null if none.

The base timeline.


public void setBaseTimeline(SegmentedTimeline baseTimeline)
Sets the base timeline.

baseTimeline - the timeline.


public long toTimelineValue(long millisecond)
Translates a value relative to the domain value (all Dates) into a value relative to the segmented timeline. The values relative to the segmented timeline are all consecutives starting at zero at the startTime.

Specified by:
toTimelineValue in interface Timeline
millisecond - the millisecond (as encoded by java.util.Date).
The timeline value.


public long toTimelineValue(java.util.Date date)
Translates a date into a value relative to the segmented timeline. The values relative to the segmented timeline are all consecutives starting at zero at the startTime.

Specified by:
toTimelineValue in interface Timeline
date - date relative to the domain.
The timeline value (in milliseconds).


public long toMillisecond(long timelineValue)
Translates a value relative to the timeline into a millisecond.

Specified by:
toMillisecond in interface Timeline
timelineValue - the timeline value (in milliseconds).
The domain value (in milliseconds).
See Also:


public long getTimeFromLong(long date)
Converts a date/time value to take account of daylight savings time.

date - the milliseconds.
The milliseconds.


public boolean containsDomainValue(long millisecond)
Returns true if a value is contained in the timeline.

Specified by:
containsDomainValue in interface Timeline
millisecond - the value to verify.
true if value is contained in the timeline.


public boolean containsDomainValue(java.util.Date date)
Returns true if a value is contained in the timeline.

Specified by:
containsDomainValue in interface Timeline
date - date to verify
true if value is contained in the timeline


public boolean containsDomainRange(long domainValueStart,
                                   long domainValueEnd)
Returns true if a range of values are contained in the timeline. This is implemented verifying that all segments are in the range.

Specified by:
containsDomainRange in interface Timeline
domainValueStart - start of the range to verify
domainValueEnd - end of the range to verify
true if the range is contained in the timeline


public boolean containsDomainRange(java.util.Date dateDomainValueStart,
                                   java.util.Date dateDomainValueEnd)
Returns true if a range of values are contained in the timeline. This is implemented verifying that all segments are in the range.

Specified by:
containsDomainRange in interface Timeline
dateDomainValueStart - start of the range to verify
dateDomainValueEnd - end of the range to verify
true if the range is contained in the timeline


public void addException(long millisecond)
Adds a segment as an exception. An exception segment is defined as a segment to exclude from what would otherwise be considered a valid segment of the timeline. An exception segment can not be contained inside an already excluded segment. If so, no action will occur (the proposed exception segment will be discarded).

The segment is identified by a domainValue into any part of the segment. Therefore the segmentStart <= domainValue <= segmentEnd.

millisecond - domain value to treat as an exception


public void addException(long fromDomainValue,
                         long toDomainValue)
Adds a segment range as an exception. An exception segment is defined as a segment to exclude from what would otherwise be considered a valid segment of the timeline. An exception segment can not be contained inside an already excluded segment. If so, no action will occur (the proposed exception segment will be discarded).

The segment range is identified by a domainValue that begins a valid segment and ends with a domainValue that ends a valid segment. Therefore the range will contain all segments whose segmentStart <= domainValue and segmentEnd <= toDomainValue.

fromDomainValue - start of domain range to treat as an exception
toDomainValue - end of domain range to treat as an exception


public void addException(java.util.Date exceptionDate)
Adds a segment as an exception. An exception segment is defined as a segment to exclude from what would otherwise be considered a valid segment of the timeline. An exception segment can not be contained inside an already excluded segment. If so, no action will occur (the proposed exception segment will be discarded).

The segment is identified by a Date into any part of the segment.

exceptionDate - Date into the segment to exclude.


public void addExceptions(java.util.List exceptionList)
Adds a list of dates as segment exceptions. Each exception segment is defined as a segment to exclude from what would otherwise be considered a valid segment of the timeline. An exception segment can not be contained inside an already excluded segment. If so, no action will occur (the proposed exception segment will be discarded).

The segment is identified by a Date into any part of the segment.

exceptionList - List of Date objects that identify the segments to exclude.


public void addBaseTimelineException(long domainValue)
Adds a segment relative to the baseTimeline as an exception. Because a base segment is normally larger than our segments, this may add one or more segment ranges to the exception list.

An exception segment is defined as a segment to exclude from what would otherwise be considered a valid segment of the timeline. An exception segment can not be contained inside an already excluded segment. If so, no action will occur (the proposed exception segment will be discarded).

The segment is identified by a domainValue into any part of the baseTimeline segment.

domainValue - domain value to teat as a baseTimeline exception.


public void addBaseTimelineException(java.util.Date date)
Adds a segment relative to the baseTimeline as an exception. An exception segment is defined as a segment to exclude from what would otherwise be considered a valid segment of the timeline. An exception segment can not be contained inside an already excluded segment. If so, no action will occure (the proposed exception segment will be discarded).

The segment is identified by a domainValue into any part of the segment. Therefore the segmentStart <= domainValue <= segmentEnd.

date - date domain value to treat as a baseTimeline exception


public void addBaseTimelineExclusions(long fromBaseDomainValue,
                                      long toBaseDomainValue)
Adds all excluded segments from the BaseTimeline as exceptions to our timeline. This allows us to combine two timelines for more complex calculations.

fromBaseDomainValue - Start of the range where exclusions will be extracted.
toBaseDomainValue - End of the range to process.


public long getExceptionSegmentCount(long fromMillisecond,
                                     long toMillisecond)
Returns the number of exception segments wholly contained in the (fromDomainValue, toDomainValue) interval.

fromMillisecond - the beginning of the interval.
toMillisecond - the end of the interval.
Number of exception segments contained in the interval.


public SegmentedTimeline.Segment getSegment(long millisecond)
Returns a segment that contains a domainValue. If the domainValue is not contained in the timeline (because it is not contained in the baseTimeline), a Segment that contains index + segmentSize*m will be returned for the smallest m possible.

millisecond - index into the segment
A Segment that contains index, or the next possible Segment.


public SegmentedTimeline.Segment getSegment(java.util.Date date)
Returns a segment that contains a date. For accurate calculations, the calendar should use TIME_ZONE for its calculation (or any other similar time zone). If the date is not contained in the timeline (because it is not contained in the baseTimeline), a Segment that contains date + segmentSize*m will be returned for the smallest m possible.

date - date into the segment
A Segment that contains date, or the next possible Segment.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
Returns true if we are equal to the parameter

equals in class java.lang.Object
o - Object to verify with us
true or false


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this object.

hashCode in class java.lang.Object
A hash code.


public long getTime(java.util.Date date)
Special method that handles conversion between the Default Time Zone and a UTC time zone with no DST. This is needed so all days have the same size. This method is the prefered way of converting a Data into milliseconds for usage in this class.

date - Date to convert to long.
The milliseconds.


public java.util.Date getDate(long value)
Converts a millisecond value into a Date object.

value - the millisecond value.
The date.


public java.lang.Object clone()
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Returns a clone of the timeline.

clone in class java.lang.Object
A clone.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - ??.

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