Uses of Interface

Packages that use IconValue
org.jdesktop.swingx.renderer Contains implementation of renderers used by JXTable, JXTreeTable and related classes. 

Uses of IconValue in org.jdesktop.swingx.renderer

Classes in org.jdesktop.swingx.renderer that implement IconValue
 class MappedValue
          Compound implementation of XXValue.

Fields in org.jdesktop.swingx.renderer declared as IconValue
static IconValue IconValues.FILE_ICON
          An IconValue that presents the current L&F icon for a given file.
static IconValue IconValues.ICON
          Returns the value as Icon if possible or null.
static IconValue IconValues.NONE
          Always NULL_ICON.

Constructors in org.jdesktop.swingx.renderer with parameters of type IconValue
DefaultListRenderer(StringValue stringValue, IconValue iconValue)
          Instantiates a default list renderer with default component provider using both converters.
DefaultListRenderer(StringValue stringValue, IconValue iconValue, int alignment)
          Instantiates a default list renderer with default component provider using both converters and the given alignment.
DefaultTableRenderer(StringValue stringValue, IconValue iconValue)
          Intantiates a default table renderer with default component provider using both converters.
DefaultTableRenderer(StringValue stringValue, IconValue iconValue, int alignment)
          Intantiates a default table renderer with default component provider using both converters and the given alignment.
DefaultTreeRenderer(IconValue iv)
          Instantiates a default tree renderer with the default wrapping provider, using the given IconValue for customizing the icons.
DefaultTreeRenderer(IconValue iv, StringValue sv)
          Instantiates a default tree renderer with the default wrapping provider, using the given IconValue for customizing the icons and the given StringValue for node content.
DefaultTreeRenderer(IconValue iv, StringValue sv, boolean unwrapUserObject)
          Instantiates a default tree renderer with the default wrapping provider, using the given IconValue for customizing the icons and the given StringValue for node content.
MappedValue(StringValue stringDelegate, IconValue iconDelegate)
MappedValue(StringValue stringDelegate, IconValue iconDelegate, BooleanValue booleanDelegate)
WrappingProvider(IconValue iconValue)
          Instantiates a WrappingProvider with default wrappee.
WrappingProvider(IconValue iv, ComponentProvider delegate, boolean unwrapUserObject)
          Instantiates a WrappingProvider with the given delegate provider for the node content and unwrapUserObject property.
WrappingProvider(IconValue iconValue, StringValue wrappeeStringValue)
          Instantiates a WrappingProvider with default wrappee, configured to use the wrappeeStringValue.
WrappingProvider(IconValue iv, StringValue delegateStringValue, boolean unwrapUserObject)
          Instantiates a WrappingProvider with the given delegate provider for the node content and unwrapUserObject property.