Package org.jdesktop.swingx.renderer

Contains implementation of renderers used by JXTable, JXTreeTable and related classes.


Interface Summary
BooleanValue A simple converter to return a Boolean value from an Object.
IconValue A simple converter to return a Icon representation of an Object.
PainterAware Temporary hook to allow painters in rendering.
StringValue A simple converter to return a String representation of an object.

Class Summary
AbstractRenderer Convience common ancestor for SwingX renderers.
CellContext Encapsulates a snapshop of cell content and default display context for usage by a ComponentProvider.
CheckBoxProvider A component provider which uses a JCheckBox.
ComponentProvider<T extends JComponent> Abstract base class of a provider for a cell rendering component.
DefaultListRenderer Adapter to glue SwingX renderer support to core API.
DefaultTableRenderer Adapter to glue SwingX renderer support to core api.
DefaultTreeRenderer Adapter to glue SwingX renderer support to core api.
DefaultVisuals<T extends JComponent> Encapsulates the default visual configuration of renderering components, respecting the state of the passed-in CellContext.
FormatStringValue Base type for Format-backed StringValue.
HyperlinkProvider Renderer for hyperlinks".
IconValues A collection of common IconValue implementations.
JRendererCheckBox A JCheckBox optimized for usage in renderers and with a minimal background painter support.
JRendererLabel A JLabel optimized for usage in renderers and with a minimal background painter support.
JXRendererHyperlink A JXHyperlink optimized for usage in renderers and with a minimal background painter support.
LabelProvider A component provider which uses a JLabel as rendering component.
ListCellContext List specific CellContext.
MappedValue Compound implementation of XXValue.
StringValues A collection of common StringValue implementations.
TableCellContext Table specific CellContext.
TreeCellContext Tree specific CellContext.
WrappingIconPanel Compound component for usage in tree renderer.
WrappingProvider Wrapping ComponentProvider for usage in tree rendering.

Enum Summary
IconValue.IconType The cell type the icon is used for.

Package org.jdesktop.swingx.renderer Description

Contains implementation of renderers used by JXTable, JXTreeTable and related classes.