Uses of Interface

Packages that use Highlighter
org.jdesktop.swingx Contains extensions to the Swing GUI toolkit, including new and enhanced components that provide functionality commonly required by rich, data-centric client applications. 
org.jdesktop.swingx.decorator Contains API used to implement coordinated sorting, filtering and highlighting of the extended Swing cell-rendering component classes JXTable, JXTreeTable, JXTree, and JXList.   
org.jdesktop.swingx.table Contains API required by the extended JTable component, JXTable. 

Uses of Highlighter in org.jdesktop.swingx

Fields in org.jdesktop.swingx declared as Highlighter
protected  Highlighter JXTable.resetDefaultTableCellRendererHighlighter
          The Highlighter used to hack around DefaultTableCellRenderer's color memory.

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx that return Highlighter
 Highlighter[] JXList.getHighlighters()
          Returns the Highlighters used by this table.
 Highlighter[] JXTree.getHighlighters()
          Returns the Highlighters used by this table.
 Highlighter[] JXTable.getHighlighters()
          Returns the Highlighters used by this table.

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx with parameters of type Highlighter
 void JXList.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Appends a Highlighter to the end of the list of used Highlighters.
 void JXTree.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Appends a Highlighter to the end of the list of used Highlighters.
 void JXTable.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Appends a Highlighter to the end of the list of used Highlighters.
 void JXList.removeHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Removes the given Highlighter.
 void JXTree.removeHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Removes the given Highlighter.
 void JXTable.removeHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Removes the given Highlighter.
 void JXList.setHighlighters(Highlighter... highlighters)
          Sets the Highlighters to the table, replacing any old settings.
 void JXTree.setHighlighters(Highlighter... highlighters)
          Sets the Highlighters to the table, replacing any old settings.
 void JXTable.setHighlighters(Highlighter... highlighters)
          Sets the Highlighters to the table, replacing any old settings.

Uses of Highlighter in org.jdesktop.swingx.decorator

Classes in org.jdesktop.swingx.decorator that implement Highlighter
 class AbstractHighlighter
          Abstract Highlighter implementation which manages change notification and supports conditional highlighting.
 class BorderHighlighter
          A Highlighter that applies a border the the renderer component.
 class ColorHighlighter
          A Highlighter to modify component colors.
 class CompoundHighlighter
          A class which manages the lists of Highlighters.
static class HighlighterFactory.UIColorHighlighter
          A ColorHighlighter with UI-dependent background.
 class IconHighlighter
          Highlighter which decorates by setting the icon property of a label.
 class PainterHighlighter
          Highlighter implementation which uses a Painter to decorate the component.
 class ResetDTCRColorHighlighter
          This is a hack around DefaultTableCellRenderer color "memory", see Issue #258-swingx.
 class ShadingColorHighlighter
          Experimental replacement of HierarchicalColumnHighligher.

Fields in org.jdesktop.swingx.decorator declared as Highlighter
static Highlighter[] CompoundHighlighter.EMPTY_HIGHLIGHTERS

Fields in org.jdesktop.swingx.decorator with type parameters of type Highlighter
protected  List<Highlighter> CompoundHighlighter.highlighters

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx.decorator that return Highlighter
static Highlighter HighlighterFactory.createAlternateStriping()
          Creates and returns a Highlighter which highlights with alternate background.
static Highlighter HighlighterFactory.createAlternateStriping(Color baseBackground, Color alternateBackground)
          Creates and returns a Highlighter which highlights with alternating background, starting with the base.
static Highlighter HighlighterFactory.createAlternateStriping(Color baseBackground, Color alternateBackground, int linesPerStripe)
          Creates and returns a Highlighter which highlights with alternating background, starting with the base.
static Highlighter HighlighterFactory.createAlternateStriping(int rowsPerGroup)
          Creates and returns a Highlighter which highlights with alternate background.
static Highlighter HighlighterFactory.createSimpleStriping()
          Creates and returns a Highlighter which highlights every second row background with a color depending on the LookAndFeel.
static Highlighter HighlighterFactory.createSimpleStriping(Color stripeBackground)
          Creates and returns a Highlighter which highlights every second row background with the given color.
static Highlighter HighlighterFactory.createSimpleStriping(Color stripeBackground, int rowsPerGroup)
          Creates and returns a Highlighter which highlights every second row group background with the given color.
static Highlighter HighlighterFactory.createSimpleStriping(int rowsPerGroup)
          Creates and returns a Highlighter which highlights every second row group background with a color depending on LF.
 Highlighter[] CompoundHighlighter.getHighlighters()
          Returns an array of contained Highlighters.

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx.decorator with parameters of type Highlighter
 void CompoundHighlighter.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Appends a highlighter to the pipeline.
 void CompoundHighlighter.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter, boolean prepend)
          Adds a highlighter to the pipeline.
 void CompoundHighlighter.removeHighlighter(Highlighter hl)
          Removes a highlighter from the pipeline.
 void CompoundHighlighter.setHighlighters(Highlighter... inList)
          Sets the given Highlighters.

Constructors in org.jdesktop.swingx.decorator with parameters of type Highlighter
CompoundHighlighter(Highlighter... inList)
          Instantiates a CompoundHighlighter containing the given Highlighters.
CompoundHighlighter(HighlightPredicate predicate, Highlighter... inList)
          Instantiates a CompoundHighlighter with the given predicate containing the given Highlighters.

Uses of Highlighter in

Methods in that return Highlighter
protected  Highlighter[] TreeSearchable.getHighlighters()
protected  Highlighter[] TableSearchable.getHighlighters()
          Returns the highlighters registered on the search target.
protected  Highlighter[] ListSearchable.getHighlighters()
protected abstract  Highlighter[] AbstractSearchable.getHighlighters()
          Returns the highlighters registered on the search target.

Methods in with parameters of type Highlighter
protected  void TreeSearchable.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
protected  void TableSearchable.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Adds the highlighter to the target.
protected  void ListSearchable.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
protected abstract  void AbstractSearchable.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Adds the highlighter to the target.
protected  void AbstractSearchable.ensureInsertedSearchHighlighters(Highlighter highlighter)
          Ensure that the given Highlighter is the last in the list of the highlighters registered on the target.
protected  void TreeSearchable.removeHighlighter(Highlighter searchHighlighter)
protected  void TableSearchable.removeHighlighter(Highlighter searchHighlighter)
          Removes the highlighter.
protected  void ListSearchable.removeHighlighter(Highlighter searchHighlighter)
protected abstract  void AbstractSearchable.removeHighlighter(Highlighter searchHighlighter)
          Removes the highlighter.

Uses of Highlighter in org.jdesktop.swingx.table

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx.table that return Highlighter
 Highlighter[] TableColumnExt.getHighlighters()
          Returns the Highlighters used by this table.

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx.table with parameters of type Highlighter
 void TableColumnExt.addHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Appends a Highlighter to the end of the list of used Highlighters.
 void TableColumnExt.removeHighlighter(Highlighter highlighter)
          Removes the given Highlighter.
 void TableColumnExt.setHighlighters(Highlighter... highlighters)
          Sets the Highlighters to the table, replacing any old settings.