Package org.jdesktop.swingx.table

Contains API required by the extended JTable component, JXTable.


Interface Summary
ColumnControlPopup Encapsulates the popup component which is the delegate for all popup visuals, used by a ColumnControlButton.
TableColumnModelExt An extension of TableColumnModel suitable for use with JXTable.

Class Summary
ColumnControlButton A component to allow interactive customization of JXTable's columns.
ColumnFactory Creates and configures TableColumnExts.
ColumnHeaderRenderer Header renderer class which renders column sort feedback (arrows).
DatePickerCellEditor A CellEditor using a JXDatePicker as editor component.
DefaultTableColumnModelExt A default implementation of TableColumnModelExt.
LabelProperties Class used to store label properties in a single object so that they may be applied as a set on renderers.
NumberEditorExt Issue #393-swingx: localized NumberEditor.
TableColumnExt TableColumn extension for enhanced view column configuration.

Package org.jdesktop.swingx.table Description

Contains API required by the extended JTable component, JXTable.

Package Specification

Related Documentation