Uses of Class

Packages that use JXTable
org.jdesktop.swingx Contains extensions to the Swing GUI toolkit, including new and enhanced components that provide functionality commonly required by rich, data-centric client applications.   
org.jdesktop.swingx.table Contains API required by the extended JTable component, JXTable. 

Uses of JXTable in org.jdesktop.swingx

Subclasses of JXTable in org.jdesktop.swingx
 class JXTreeTable
          JXTreeTable is a specialized table consisting of a single column in which to display hierarchical data, and any number of other columns in which to display regular data.

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx that return JXTable
 JXTable JXTable.TableAdapter.getTable()
          Typesafe accessor for the target component.
 JXTable JXTableHeader.getXTable()
          Returns the associated table if it is of type JXTable, or null if not.

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx that return types with arguments of type JXTable
protected  TableRolloverController<JXTable> JXTable.createLinkController()
          Creates and returns a RolloverController appropriate for this component.
protected  TableRolloverController<JXTable> JXTable.getLinkController()
          Returns the RolloverController for this component.

Constructors in org.jdesktop.swingx with parameters of type JXTable
JXTable.TableAdapter(JXTable component)
          Constructs a TableDataAdapter for the specified target component.

Uses of JXTable in

Fields in declared as JXTable
protected  JXTable TableSearchable.table
          The target JXTable.

Methods in that return JXTable
 JXTable TableSearchable.getTarget()
          It's the responsibility of subclasses to covariant override.

Constructors in with parameters of type JXTable
TableSearchable(JXTable table)
          Instantiates a TableSearchable with the given table as target.

Uses of JXTable in org.jdesktop.swingx.table

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx.table with parameters of type JXTable
protected  int ColumnFactory.calcHeaderWidth(JXTable table, TableColumnExt columnExt)
          Measures and returns the preferred width of the header.
protected  int ColumnFactory.calcPrototypeWidth(JXTable table, TableColumnExt columnExt)
          Measures and returns the preferred width of the rendering component configured with the prototype value, if any.
 void ColumnFactory.configureColumnWidths(JXTable table, TableColumnExt columnExt)
          Configures column initial widths properties from JXTable.
protected  TableCellRenderer ColumnFactory.getCellRenderer(JXTable table, TableColumnExt columnExt)
          Returns the cell renderer to use for measuring.
protected  TableCellRenderer ColumnFactory.getHeaderRenderer(JXTable table, TableColumnExt columnExt)
          Looks up and returns the renderer used for the column's header.
 int ColumnFactory.getPreferredScrollableViewportWidth(JXTable table)
          Calculates and returns the preferred scrollable viewport width of the given table.
protected  int ColumnFactory.getRowCount(JXTable table)
          Returns the number of table view rows accessible during row-related config.
 void ColumnFactory.packColumn(JXTable table, TableColumnExt columnExt, int margin, int max)
          Configures the column's preferredWidth to fit the content.

Constructors in org.jdesktop.swingx.table with parameters of type JXTable
ColumnControlButton(JXTable table)
          Creates a column control button for the table.
ColumnControlButton(JXTable table, Icon icon)
          Creates a column control button for the table.