Work is progressing (although slowly) on the pixel representation front.
Dyer and I were talking about needing an
interrogator object but not wanting the user to have to instantiate
one. I think the solution is on page 253 of
Stroustrop where he talks about a first-time switch for local static
objects to make sure that they are initialized.
// Warning -- this code is really pseudocode!! It is untried!!
The driverList is not fully
The actual initialization trick will work, however.
class ICL_Interrogator {
static bool initialized;
static bool initialize(dList driverList) {
/* initialize */ initialized
= true;
// Do other initialization
work for this class, like finding all of the mini-drivers
// locations from a specified
file and loading them into an array or some structure
// no constructor
void interrogate(string &Buffer) {
if (initialized == false)
// Now do the real work
of interrogating each driver
// Loop through the driver
array asking each one if this file is theirs
// This driverList is some
kind of list-like object, now PSEUDOCODE
for (i=driverList.begin();
i<driverList.end(); i++) {
if ( *Buffer.length() < *driverList[i].neededBufferSize() ) {
// Allocate needed buffer size here
// This brings up a question -- can we assume that the drivers are smart
// enough to work with C++ strings? Will this need to be turned into
a c_str()?
if ( *driverList[i].belongsToMe(Buffer) ) {
// Implementation question (raised by Dyer):
// Should the last chosen file type be propagated to the top of the list
// queried drivers? This would mean if the user wanted to open 100
images in a
// row, and get a pixel out of each one, and each file was the same type
// (like VICAR), then each file after the first one would be read in as
quickly as
// possible because the VICAR driver would be the first one checked.
return (&driverList[i].driver());
// No driver matched --
return unknown
return (NULL);
So the user does something like:
ICL_Image iclm = new ICL_Image("this_file");
The constructor for ICL_Image does something like this:
ICL_Image::ICL_Image(string fileName) {
// blah blah, make buffer of default size, blah
string Buffer[256];
// Note that we don't have to instantiate the ICL_Interrogator
class, it initializes itself
// This means that the driver file only needs to
be read once.
driver theDriver = ICL_Interrogator.interrogate(Buffer);
// We don't know what size the Buffer will be when
it returns...
header theHeader = theDriver.readHeader(Buffer);
This will then allow interrogation of the header and further reading
of the file contents. More to come... and this
will probably change into a better object model when you guys review
this... :)
-- When I use a word it means just what | John Ivens I choose it to mean - neither more | Principal Programmer nor less. | Cassini VIMS -- Humpty Dumpty | (520) 621-7301