Mail Index

November 30, 01
20:08 [Fwd: SD's Agile Modeling: Setting the Record Straight--Modeling and XP] Bradford Castalia
December 14, 01
15:50 Re: Byte manipulation Bradford Castalia
December 15, 01
12:24 ICL CVS repository Bradford Castalia
December 18, 01
10:36 Endian-ness John Ivens
14:57 Re: Endian-ness Bradford Castalia
December 20, 01
09:45 Reading data and attributes John Ivens
11:19 Pixel data John Ivens
11:35 Re: Reading data and attributes Bradford Castalia
11:39 [Fwd: Pixel data] John Ivens
16:44 Meeting results John Ivens

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