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JP2_Encoder Class Reference

A JP2_Encoder encodes image pixel data into a JPEG2000 JP2 file. More...

#include <JP2_Encoder.hh>

Collaboration diagram for JP2_Encoder:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 JP2_Encoder ()
 ~JP2_Encoder ()
std::string source () const
 Get the PDS image data source pathname.
JP2_Encodersource (const std::string &pathname)
 Set the pathname to the PDS image data source.
std::string destination () const
 Get the destination JP2 file pathname.
JP2_Encoderdestination (const std::string &pathname)
 Set the destination JP2 file pathname.
std::string PDS_label_pathname () const
 Get the PDS/JP2 label file pathname.
JP2_EncoderPDS_label_pathname (const std::string &pathname)
 Set the PDS/JP2 label file pathname.
std::streamoff image_data_location () const
 Get the location of the image data in the source file.
JP2_Encoderimage_data_location (std::streamoff file_offset)
 Set the location of the image data in the source file.
unsigned int image_bands () const
 Get the number of bands (components) in the PDS image.
JP2_Encoderimage_bands (unsigned int bands)
 Set the number of bands (components) in the PDS image.
const Size_2D image_size () const
 Get the size of the source PDS image data.
JP2_Encoderimage_size (const Size_2D &size)
 Set the size of the source PDS image data.
unsigned int pixel_bytes () const
 Get the number of bytes per pixel.
JP2_Encoderpixel_bytes (unsigned int bytes_per_pixel)
 Set the number of bytes per pixel.
unsigned int pixel_bits () const
 Get the pixel precision.
JP2_Encoderpixel_bits (unsigned int bits_per_pixel)
 Set the number of bits per pixel.
bool signed_data () const
 Get the signedness of the pixel data.
JP2_Encodersigned_data (bool data_is_signed)
 Set the signedness of the data.
bool MSB_data () const
 Test if the source data will be treated as MSB ordered.
JP2_EncoderMSB_data (bool data_is_MSB)
 Set the source data byte ordering.
bool swap_pixel_bytes () const
 Test if multi-byte pixels will be reordered before being sent to the JPEG2000 codestream generation machinery.
JP2_Encoderswap_pixel_bytes (bool swap_data)
 Set if multi-byte pixels will be reordered before being sent to the JPEG2000 codestream generation machinery.
unsigned int line_prefix_bytes () const
 Get the number of bytes preceeding each line of image pixel data.
JP2_Encoderline_prefix_bytes (unsigned int prefix_bytes)
 Set the number of bytes preceeding each line of image pixel data.
unsigned int line_suffix_bytes () const
 Get the number of bytes following each line of image pixel data.
JP2_Encoderline_suffix_bytes (unsigned int suffix_bytes)
 Set the number of bytes following each line of image pixel data.
const Size_2D tile_size () const
 Get the size of the JP2 image tiles.
JP2_Encodertile_size (const Size_2D &size)
 Set the size of the JP2 image tiles.
unsigned int resolution_levels () const
 Get the total number of codestream resolution levels.
JP2_Encoderresolution_levels (unsigned int resolution_levels)
 Set the total number of codestream resolution levels.
unsigned int quality_layers () const
 Get the number of codestream quality layers.
JP2_Encoderquality_layers (unsigned int quality_layers)
 Set the number of codestream quality layers.
double bit_rate () const
 Get the codestream compression bit-rate.
JP2_Encoderbit_rate (double rate)
 Set the codestream compression bit-rate.
std::string progression_order () const
 Get the codestream progression order descriptor.
JP2_Encoderprogression_order (const std::string &progression)
 Set the codestream progression order.
const std::vector< Size_2Dprecinct_sizes () const
 Get the precinct sizes for each resolution level.
const Size_2D precinct_size (unsigned int resolution_level=0) const
 Get the precinct size for a given resolution level.
JP2_Encoderprecinct_sizes (const std::vector< Size_2D > &sizes)
 Set the precinct sizes for each resolution level.
JP2_Encoderprecinct_size (const Size_2D &size, unsigned int resolution_level=0)
 Set the precinct size for a given resolution level.
const Size_2D code_block_size () const
 Get the code block size.
JP2_Encodercode_block_size (const Size_2D &size)
 Set the code block size.
JP2_Box::JP2_Box_Listadded_boxes ()
 Get the list of user specified data boxes added to the JP2 file.
JP2_Encoderadd_box (JP2_Box *box)
 Add a data box to the JP2 file.
bool remove_box (JP2_Box *box)
 Remove a data box from the list of user specified boxes.
const unsigned char * producer_UUID () const
 Get the product producer signature UUID value.
JP2_Encoderproducer_UUID (const unsigned char *id)
 Set the product producer signature UUID value.
std::string comment () const
 Get the codestream comment.
JP2_Encodercomment (const std::string &text)
 Set comment text to be added to the codestream.
bool ready () const
 Test if the encoder is ready to compress the image data.
std::string reasons () const
 Get a description of the reasons that the encoder is not ready.
int needs () const
 Indicates what the encoder needs to do its job.
JP2_Encoder_Error * encoder_error () const
 Get the JP2_Encoder_Error describing the last encoder error that occurred.
long long encode ()
 Encode the image source to a JPEG2000 JP2 destination.
void open ()
 Open the source JP2 file.
long long write_header ()
 Write the required metadata boxes to the JP2 file.
long long write_user_boxes ()
 Write user specified boxes to the JP2 file.
long long write_codestream ()
 Generate the compressed image data JPEG2000 codestream and write it to the JP2 file.
JP2_Encoderincremental_flush_bytes (long long bytes)
 Set the rate at which compressed image data will be written to the output JP2 file.
long long incremental_flush_bytes () const
 Get the rate at which compressed image data will be written to the output JP2 file.
JP2_Encoderincremental_flush_lines (unsigned int lines)
 Set the rate at which compressed image data will be written to the output JP2 file.
int incremental_flush_lines () const
 Get the rate at which compressed image data will be written to the output JP2 file.
long long close ()
int invalid_precinct_size (const std::vector< Size_2D > &sizes)
 Check for valid precinct sizes.

Public Attributes

static const int MAX_STRIPE_HEIGHT = 8192
static const int NEEDS_DESTINATION = 1 << 1
static const int NEEDS_IMAGE = 1 << 2

Static Public Attributes

static const char *const ID = "UA::HiRISE::JP2_Encoder (1.30 2019/03/26 20:51:11)"
 Class identification name with source code version and date.
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_LEVELS = 6
 Default number of resolution levels.
static const unsigned int MAX_RESOLUTION_LEVELS = 32
 Maximum number of resolution levels.
static const unsigned int MAX_QUALITY_LAYERS = 16384
 Maximum number of quality layers.
static const char *const UUID_INFO_BOX_NAME = "uinf"
 PDS label reference information UUID Info JP2 container box name.
static const char *const UUID_BOX_NAME = "ulst"
 Data provider UUID JP2 box name.
static const int UUID_SIZE = 16
 Size of the UUID data content.
static const char *const URL_BOX_NAME = "url "
 PDS label relative filename URL JP2 box name.
static const int MIN_STRIPE_HEIGHT = 256
 Image data stripe minimum and maximum number of lines.
static const int NEEDS_SOURCE = 1 << 0
 What the encoder needs to do its job.
static const int ENCODER_EXCEPTION = 66
 JP2_Encoder_Error exception signal value.

Protected Member Functions

void read_stripe (std::istream &source, int band, int line, int lines, kdu_int16 *buffer)
 Fill an image data buffer with pixel data from a source stream.
void read_stripe (std::istream &source, int band, int line, int lines, kdu_int32 *buffer)
 Fill an image data buffer with pixel data from a source stream.

Protected Attributes

std::string Image_Source
 Image source pathname.
std::string JP2_Pathname
 Image destination pathname.
std::streamoff Image_Offset
 Image data location as a byte offset within the source file.
unsigned int Image_Bands
 Total image bands (components).
Size_2D Image_Size
unsigned int Line_Prefix_Bytes
 The number of bytes preceeding and following each line of pixel bytes.
unsigned int Line_Suffix_Bytes
unsigned int Pixel_Bytes
 Pixel datum size in bytes.
unsigned int Pixel_Bits
 Pixel precision bits.
bool Signed_Data
 Whether pixel data is to be treated as signed.
JP2_Box::JP2_Box_List Added_Boxes
std::string PDS_Label_Pathname
 PDS label file pathname to be placed in a UUID Info URL box.
unsigned char * Producer_UUID
 The UUID to be placed in a UUID List box inside a UUID Info box.
std::string Comment
 Comment segment to be added to the codestream.
bool Swap_Pixel_Bytes
 Whether pixel bytes should be reordered before be encoded.
unsigned int Resolution_Levels
 The number of resolution levels to encode.
unsigned int Quality_Layers
double Bit_Rate
std::string Progression_Order
 The codestream progression order to be used.
Size_2D Tile_Size
 Tile size for codestream structure organization.
std::vector< Size_2DPrecinct_Sizes
 Precinct sizes for codestream structure organization within tiles.
Size_2D Code_Block_Size
 Code block size for codestream packet encoding within precincts.
long long Incremental_Flush_Bytes

Detailed Description

A JP2_Encoder encodes image pixel data into a JPEG2000 JP2 file.

After a JP2_Encoder is constructed it must be configured. The encoder must be configured with at least an input image data source file, an output JP2 destination file and the image data characterization with at least the image size and number of pixel bytes or pixel bits. By default the image data is assumed to be located at the beginning the source file, has one band (i.e. component), is unsigned, is MSB ordered (if multi-byte) and has no line prefix or suffix bytes.

The JP2_Encoder can also be configured with various JPEG2000 codestream organization information. By default the codestream will be untiled, have DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_LEVELS resolution levels, use Precint-Component-Resolution-Level progression order, have a 64x64 code block size and use precinct sizes determined by the underlying codestream generation machinery.

Once the JP2_Encoder is ready encoding can be started to generate the JP2 file from the image data source. Lossless image data compression will be used to generate the JPEG2000 codestream. A JP2_Encoder may be reused with or without reconfiguration between uses.

This implementation employs the Kakadu Software libraries.

Bradford Castalia, Drew Davidson and Ben Pearson, UA/HiROC

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

JP2_Encoder (  )
~JP2_Encoder (  )

Member Function Documentation

std::string source (  ) const [inline]

Get the PDS image data source pathname.

The pathname string for the PDS source. This will be the empty string if no source has been bound to this JP2_Encoder.

Referenced by main().

JP2_Encoder & source ( const std::string &  pathname )

Set the pathname to the PDS image data source.

N.B.: If the source has already been opened and the pathname is different than the previous pathname, the source is closed.

pathnameThe image data source pathname.
This JP2_Encoder.
std::string destination (  ) const [inline]

Get the destination JP2 file pathname.

The destination file pathname string. This will be empty if no destination has been bound to this JP2_Encoder.
See also:
destination(const std::string&)
JP2_Encoder& destination ( const std::string &  pathname ) [inline]

Set the destination JP2 file pathname.

pathnameThe destination file pathname string.
This JP2_Encoder.
std::string PDS_label_pathname (  ) const [inline]

Get the PDS/JP2 label file pathname.

The PDS/JP2 label file pathname string. This will be empty if no PDS/JP2 label file has been bound to this JP2_Encoder.
See also:
PDS_label_pathname(const std::string&)
JP2_Encoder& PDS_label_pathname ( const std::string &  pathname ) [inline]

Set the PDS/JP2 label file pathname.

Only the filename portion of the pathname is used for the relative filename URL reference when the user boxes are written to the JP2 file.

pathnameThe PDS/JP2 label file pathname string. If NULL no label filename reference URL box or producer signature UUUID box will be included in the JP2 file.
This JP2_Encoder.
See also:
producer_UUID(const unsigned char*)
std::streamoff image_data_location (  ) const [inline]

Get the location of the image data in the source file.

The byte offset where the image data starts in the source file.
See also:
JP2_Encoder& image_data_location ( std::streamoff  file_offset ) [inline]

Set the location of the image data in the source file.

file_offsetThe byte offset where the image data starts in the source file.
This JP2_Encoder.
unsigned int image_bands (  ) const [inline]

Get the number of bands (components) in the PDS image.

The number of bands in the PDS image.
See also:
image_bands(unsigned int)
JP2_Encoder& image_bands ( unsigned int  bands ) [inline]

Set the number of bands (components) in the PDS image.

bandsThe number of bands in the PDS image.
This JP2_Encoder.
const Size_2D image_size (  ) const [inline]

Get the size of the source PDS image data.

A Size_2D object containing the image width and height.
See also:
image_size(const Size_2D&)
JP2_Encoder & image_size ( const Size_2D size )

Set the size of the source PDS image data.

sizeA Size_2D object containing the image width and height.
This JP2_Encoder.
invalid_argumentIf either the image width or height is zero.

References Size_2D::Height, ID, and Size_2D::Width.

unsigned int pixel_bytes (  ) const [inline]

Get the number of bytes per pixel.

The number of storage bytes used by each pixel.
See also:
pixel_bytes(unsigned int)
JP2_Encoder & pixel_bytes ( unsigned int  bytes_per_pixel )

Set the number of bytes per pixel.

N.B.: If the number of pixel bytes is 1 the data will be set to unsigned.

bytes_per_pixelThe number of bytes per pixel. Only the values 1, 2 and 4 are allowed.
This JP2_Encoder.
invalid_argumentIf the argument is not 1, 2 or 4.
length_errorIf the number of pixel bytes is less than are needed to hold the pixel bits.

References ID.

unsigned int pixel_bits (  ) const [inline]

Get the pixel precision.

The number of valid bits used by each pixel.
See also:
pixel_bits(unsigned int)
JP2_Encoder & pixel_bits ( unsigned int  bits_per_pixel )

Set the number of bits per pixel.

The number of pixel bytes is enlarged, if necessary, to accommodate all the pixel bits.

N.B.: If the number of pixel bits is less than the number of bits in the pixel bytes the data will be set to unsigned.

bits_per_pixelThe number of bits per pixel. The maximum value is 32.
This JP2_Encoder.
invalid_argumentIf the argument is greater than 32.

References ID.

bool signed_data (  ) const [inline]

Get the signedness of the pixel data.

true if the pixel data is treated as signed; false otherwise.
See also:
JP2_Encoder & signed_data ( bool  data_is_signed )

Set the signedness of the data.

N.B.: If the number of pixel bytes is 1, or the number of pixel bits is less than the number of bits in the pixel bytes, then the data is unsigned by definition. In such cases the argument will be forced to false.

data_is_signedtrue if the data is to be treated as signed; false otherwise.
This JP2_Encoder.
bool MSB_data (  ) const

Test if the source data will be treated as MSB ordered.

true if the host system is not high endian and pixel byte swapping has been enabled, or the host system is high endian and pixel byte swapping has not been enabled; false otherwise.

References high_endian_host(), and JP2_Encoder::Swap_Pixel_Bytes.

JP2_Encoder & MSB_data ( bool  data_is_MSB )

Set the source data byte ordering.

N.B.: The pixel byte swapping state is set by this method: If the host system is not high endian and the source data is MSB ordered, or the host system is high endian and the source data is LSB ordered, pixel byte swapping will be enabled; otherwise pixel byte swapping will be disabled.

data_is_MSBtrue if the source data is MSB ordered; false if the source data is LSB ordered.
This JP2_Encoder.

References high_endian_host().

bool swap_pixel_bytes (  ) const [inline]

Test if multi-byte pixels will be reordered before being sent to the JPEG2000 codestream generation machinery.

true if multi-byte pixels are to be reordered; false otherwise.
See also:
JP2_Encoder& swap_pixel_bytes ( bool  swap_data ) [inline]

Set if multi-byte pixels will be reordered before being sent to the JPEG2000 codestream generation machinery.

swap_datatrue if multi-byte pixels are to be reordered; false otherwise.
This JP2_Encoder.
See also:
unsigned int line_prefix_bytes (  ) const [inline]

Get the number of bytes preceeding each line of image pixel data.

The number of line prefix bytes.
See also:
line_prefix_bytes(unsigned int)
JP2_Encoder& line_prefix_bytes ( unsigned int  prefix_bytes ) [inline]

Set the number of bytes preceeding each line of image pixel data.

prefix_bytesThe number of line prefix bytes.
This JP2_Encoder.
unsigned int line_suffix_bytes (  ) const [inline]

Get the number of bytes following each line of image pixel data.

The number of line suffix bytes.
See also:
line_suffix_bytes(unsigned int)
JP2_Encoder& line_suffix_bytes ( unsigned int  suffix_bytes ) [inline]

Set the number of bytes following each line of image pixel data.

suffix_bytesThe number of line suffix bytes.
This JP2_Encoder.
const Size_2D tile_size (  ) const [inline]

Get the size of the JP2 image tiles.

A Size_2D object containing the JP2 image tiles width and height.
See also:
tile_size(const Size_2D&)
JP2_Encoder& tile_size ( const Size_2D size ) [inline]

Set the size of the JP2 image tiles.

If the tile width is zero the width of the image will be use. If the tile height is zero height of the image will be used.

sizeA Size_2D object containing the JP2 tiles width and height.
This JP2_Encoder.
unsigned int resolution_levels (  ) const [inline]

Get the total number of codestream resolution levels.

N.B.: The number of resolution levels is one more than the number of JPEG2000 decomposition levels.

The total number of codestream resolution levels.
See also:
resolution_levels(unsigned int)
JP2_Encoder & resolution_levels ( unsigned int  resolution_levels )

Set the total number of codestream resolution levels.

N.B.: The number of resolution levels is one more than the number of JPEG2000 decomposition levels.

resolution_levelsThe total number of codestream resolution levels.
This JP2_Encoder.
invalid_argumentIf the specified number of resolution levels is greater than the MAX_RESOLUTION_LEVELS allowed.
See also:


unsigned int quality_layers (  ) const [inline]

Get the number of codestream quality layers.

The number of codestream quality layers.
See also:
quality_layers(unsigned int)
JP2_Encoder & quality_layers ( unsigned int  quality_layers )

Set the number of codestream quality layers.

The default number of quality layers is 1. The maximum number of layers is MAX_QUALITY_LAYERS (16384).

quality_layersThe number of codestream quality layers. A value of zero will be set to 1.
This JP2_Encoder.
invalid_argumentIf the specified number of quality layers is greater than the maximum of the MAX_QUALITY_LAYERS allowed.

References ID, and MAX_QUALITY_LAYERS.

double bit_rate (  ) const [inline]

Get the codestream compression bit-rate.

The codestream compression bit-rate. This will be zero if loss-less, reversible compression is to be used.
See also:
JP2_Encoder & bit_rate ( double  rate )

Set the codestream compression bit-rate.

The compression bit-rate is expressed in terms of the ratio between the total number of compressed bits (including headers) and the product of the largest horizontal and vertical image component dimensions. This may also be thought of as the number of bits per pixel used in the compressed codestream.

rateThe codestream compression bit-rate. A value of zero means that loss-less, reversible compression is to be used. A value less than zero is set to zero.
This JP2_Encoder.
See also:
std::string progression_order (  ) const [inline]

Get the codestream progression order descriptor.

The progression order descriptor string.
See also:
progression_order(const std::string&)
JP2_Encoder & progression_order ( const std::string &  progression )

Set the codestream progression order.

The progression order is described by a string which specifies the order in which the JPEG2000 codestream is written. A JPEG2000 codestream has Position (image area), Component (image band), Resolution and Layer (quality) dimensions. The codestream progression order is specified as the first letters of each dimension in the order in which they are to be written; the first dimension specified varies the most slowly while the last dimension specified varies the most quickly.

The default progression order is set at compile time by the value of the DEFAULT_PROGRESSION_ORDER symbol.

progressionA string specifying the progression order.
This JP2_Encoder.
invalid_argumentIf the progression order string is not four characters containing 'P', 'C', 'R' and 'L' in some order.

References ID.

const std::vector<Size_2D> precinct_sizes (  ) const [inline]

Get the precinct sizes for each resolution level.

The list of precinct sizes as a const std::vector<Size_2D>) with one entry for each resolution level.
See also:
precinct_sizes(const std::vector<Size_2D>& sizes)
resolution_levels(unsigned int)
const Size_2D precinct_size ( unsigned int  resolution_level = 0 ) const

Get the precinct size for a given resolution level.

resolution_levelThe resoultion level index (0-based) for which the precinct size is to be obtained.
The precinct size (Size_2D) for the resolution level.
invalid_argumentIf the resolution level is greater than or equal to the number of resolution levels.
See also:
resolution_levels(unsigned int)

References ID.

JP2_Encoder & precinct_sizes ( const std::vector< Size_2D > &  sizes )

Set the precinct sizes for each resolution level.

Each precinct size dimension must be a non-zero power of two.

If the number of precinct sizes is greater than the number of resolution levels the excess size values will be ignored. If the number of precinct sizes is less than the number of resolution levels the last size will be used for the sizes of all remaining resolution levels.

sizesA list (vector<Size_2D>) of precinct sizes in resolution number order.
This JP2_Encoder.
invalid_argumentIf any precinct size dimension is not a non-zero power of two.
See also:
invalid_precinct_size(const std::vector<Size_2D>& sizes)

References ID.

JP2_Encoder & precinct_size ( const Size_2D size,
unsigned int  resolution_level = 0 

Set the precinct size for a given resolution level.

sizeA precinct size (Size_2D) for the resolution level.
resolution_levelThe resoultion level index (0-based) for which the precinct size is to be obtained.
invalid_argumentIf the resolution level is greater than or equal to the number of resolution levels.
See also:
resolution_levels(unsigned int)

References Size_2D::Height, ID, UA::HiRISE::power_of_2(), and Size_2D::Width.

const Size_2D code_block_size (  ) const [inline]

Get the code block size.

The size (Size_2D) of the code block.
See also:
code_block_size(const Size_2D&)
JP2_Encoder & code_block_size ( const Size_2D size )

Set the code block size.

sizeThe size (Size_2D) of the code block.
This JP2_Encoder.
invalid_argumentIf either dimension is 0 or greater than 64.

References Size_2D::Height, ID, and Size_2D::Width.

JP2_Box::JP2_Box_List& added_boxes (  ) [inline]

Get the list of user specified data boxes added to the JP2 file.

A reference to a JP2_Box::JP2_Box_List, a vector of JP2_Box objects that will be added to the JP2 file, or that were added if the file has already been written.
JP2_Encoder & add_box ( JP2_Box box )

Add a data box to the JP2 file.

The box is placed on the list of user specified boxes that will be added to included in the JP2 file when it is written.

boxA JP2_Box pointer.
This JP2_Encoder.
bool remove_box ( JP2_Box box )

Remove a data box from the list of user specified boxes.

boxA JP2_Box pointer.
true if the specified box was found in the list of user specifed boxes; false otherwise.
See also:
const unsigned char* producer_UUID (  ) const [inline]

Get the product producer signature UUID value.

An array of UUID_SIZE (16) characters (N.B.: This is not a null-terminated character string) containing the product producer UUID value. This will be NULL if a product producer signature of all zeros is to be used.
See also:
producer_UUID(const unsigned char*)
JP2_Encoder & producer_UUID ( const unsigned char *  id )

Set the product producer signature UUID value.

The producer signature UUID value is intended to provide a unique identifier for the product. The UUID will be placed in a UUID List box inside a UUID Info box.

N.B.: A producer signature will only be included in the JP2 file if a PDS label pathname has been specified.

idAn array of UUID_SIZE (16) characters (N.B.: This is not a null-terminated character string) containing the product producer UUID value. If NULL no product producer signature is to be used.
This JP2_Encoder.

References UUID_SIZE.

std::string comment (  ) const [inline]

Get the codestream comment.

The string that will be added as a comment to the codestream. This will be an empty string if no comment is specified.
See also:
comment(const std::string& text)
JP2_Encoder& comment ( const std::string &  text ) [inline]

Set comment text to be added to the codestream.

textA string to be added to the codestream as a comment. If the string is empty no comment will be added to the codestream.
This JP2_Encoder.
See also:
bool ready (  ) const

Test if the encoder is ready to compress the image data.

true if the encoder is ready; false otherwise.
See also:
needs() const
reasons() const

References Size_2D::Height, JP2_Encoder::Image_Bands, JP2_Encoder::Image_Size, JP2_Encoder::Image_Source, JP2_Encoder::JP2_Pathname, JP2_Encoder::Pixel_Bytes, and Size_2D::Width.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::open().

string reasons (  ) const

Get a description of the reasons that the encoder is not ready.

A string describing what the encoder needs. This will be the empty string if the encoder is ready to compress image data.

References Size_2D::Height, JP2_Encoder::Image_Bands, JP2_Encoder::Image_Size, JP2_Encoder::Image_Source, JP2_Encoder::JP2_Pathname, JP2_Encoder::Pixel_Bytes, and Size_2D::Width.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::open().

int needs (  ) const

Indicates what the encoder needs to do its job.

The returned bit flag value will be zero if the encoder has all the required user-supplied information. Otherwise it will have one or more of the following bits set:

A source PDS file pathname has not been specified.
A destination PDS/JP2 file pathname has not been specified.
The source image structure - image size, number of bands and bytes per pixel - has not been completely defined.
A bit flag value.

References Size_2D::Height, JP2_Encoder::Image_Bands, JP2_Encoder::Image_Size, JP2_Encoder::Image_Source, JP2_Encoder::JP2_Pathname, JP2_Encoder::NEEDS_DESTINATION, JP2_Encoder::NEEDS_IMAGE, JP2_Encoder::NEEDS_SOURCE, JP2_Encoder::Pixel_Bytes, and Size_2D::Width.

JP2_Encoder_Error * encoder_error (  ) const

Get the JP2_Encoder_Error describing the last encoder error that occurred.

The JP2_Encoder_Error contains a Message string data member describing the last error. This will be the empty string if no error has occurred.

A pointer to a JP2_Encoder_Error object.

Referenced by main().

long long encode (  )

Encode the image source to a JPEG2000 JP2 destination.

This function is the main workhorse of the class. It is responsible for doing the actual work of generating a JP2 file.

The destination JP2 file is opened. The JP2 metadata boxes are written to the file, including the required header boxes and any user boxes that have been added and the box to contain a producer signature UUID and PDS label filename URL if this has been specified. The source pixel data is written to a codestream box. The completed JP2 file is then closed.

The number of bytes written to the JP2 file.

References JP2_Encoder::close(), JP2_Encoder::open(), JP2_Encoder::write_codestream(), JP2_Encoder::write_header(), and JP2_Encoder::write_user_boxes().

Referenced by main().

void open (  )
long long write_header (  )
long long write_user_boxes (  )

Write user specified boxes to the JP2 file.

If a PDS label filename has been specified a UUID Info box containing a UUID box with producer signature and a URL box with a relative file reference to the PDS label filename is written to the JP2 file.

The number of bytes written to the JP2 file.

References JP2_Encoder::Added_Boxes, file_name(), JP2_Encoder::PDS_Label_Pathname, JP2_Encoder::Producer_UUID, JP2_Box::type_code(), JP2_Encoder::URL_BOX_NAME, JP2_Encoder::UUID_BOX_NAME, JP2_Encoder::UUID_INFO_BOX_NAME, JP2_Encoder::UUID_SIZE, and JP2_Encoder::write_header().

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::encode().

long long write_codestream (  )
JP2_Encoder& incremental_flush_bytes ( long long  bytes ) [inline]

Set the rate at which compressed image data will be written to the output JP2 file.

Incremental codestream flushing is when the compressed image data that has accumulated in memory is periodically written to the output JP2 file during the process of codestream generation. Incremental codestream flushing is desirable to avoid retaining the entire codestream in memory when a large image is being processed; the memory requirements to hold the entire codestream may be more than the system can provide. The rate of codestream flushing is controlled by the number of image lines that have been compressed since the last flush or the start of compression. Since the issue of incremental codestream flushing is the amount of system memory that is used this method allows the rate to be expressed in terms of bytes. This should be as large as possible, or zero to disable incremental flushing, to allow for the most efficient compression operations as possible.

However, incremental flushing may not actually occur at the requested rate, or may not occur at all, depending on the progression order and other codestream organization issues. In addition, incremental flushing may generate additional JPEG2000 tile-part segments beyond the initial tile-part segment for each tile, and each of these additional tile-parts will require that additional space be reserved in the tile-part length segments of the main header. Since the actual number of tile-parts generated by incremental flushing depends on the data and thus will not be known until the codestream generation has been completed - at which time the reserved space for the tile-part length segments are overwritten with the actual location information

  • an estimate of the number of tile-parts is necessary. If the actual number of tile-parts is less than what has been reserved empty tile parts will be provided as place holders. N.B.: If the actual number is larger than what has been reserved the generation of the codestream will fail.

The default flush rate is set at compile time by the value of the INCREMENTAL_FLUSH_BYTES symbol.

bytesThe requested maximum amount of memory to use in generating the compressed image data codestream before the codestream will be flushed to the output JP2 file. If zero incremental flushing is disabled.
This JP2_Encoder.
See also:
long long incremental_flush_bytes (  ) const [inline]

Get the rate at which compressed image data will be written to the output JP2 file.

The requested maximum amount of memory to use in generating the compressed image data codestream before the codestream will be flushed to the output JP2 file. If zero incremental flushing is disabled.
JP2_Encoder & incremental_flush_lines ( unsigned int  lines )

Set the rate at which compressed image data will be written to the output JP2 file.

The incremental flush rate is set in terms of the number of image lines to compress before flushing the codestream from memory to the JP2 file. This will set the maximum flush bytes.

Warning: Since the determining the maximum flush bytes from a number of image lines depends on the image width and number of pixel bytes if these have not yet been set the maximum flush bytes will be set to zero thus disabling incremental flushing.

linesThe number of image lines to compress before flushing the codestream. If zero incremental flushing is disabled.
int incremental_flush_lines (  ) const

Get the rate at which compressed image data will be written to the output JP2 file.

The incremental flush rate, in terms of the number of image lines, is determined by the requested maximum flush bytes. If the maximum flush bytes is zero or the size of an image band is greater than or equal to the maximum flush bytes the flush lines will be zero (no incremental flusing will occur). Otherwise the number of flush lines is set to the height of an image tile. If number of bytes in these image lines for a single band is greater than the maximum flush bytes the number of flush lines is reduced by 1024 until the number of bytes in the lines is less than or equal to the maximum flush bytes.

The rate, in terms of image lines, at which the compressed image data codestream will be requested to be flushed to the output JP2 file. If zero incremental flushing is disabled.

References Size_2D::Height, JP2_Encoder::Image_Size, JP2_Encoder::Incremental_Flush_Bytes, JP2_Encoder::Pixel_Bytes, JP2_Encoder::Tile_Size, and Size_2D::Width.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_codestream(), and JP2_Encoder::write_header().

long long close (  )

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::encode().

int invalid_precinct_size ( const std::vector< Size_2D > &  sizes )

Check for valid precinct sizes.

Valid precinct sizes are non-zero powers of 2.

sizesA vector of precinct Size_2D values.
If all sizes are valid, 0. Otherwise the vector entry number (i.e. index + 1) of the first invalid entry encountered.

References UA::HiRISE::power_of_2().

void read_stripe ( std::istream &  source,
int  band,
int  line,
int  lines,
kdu_int16 *  buffer 
) [protected]

Fill an image data buffer with pixel data from a source stream.

The lines of source image data starting with the specified line of the specified band are read into the buffer as a contiguous sequence of bytes.

sourceAn istream that has been opened on the source file.
bandThe index of the image band from which pixel data is to be read.
lineThe starting index of the image line from which pixel data it to be read.
linesThe number of image lines to read.
bufferBuffer storage to hold at least lines * image_width pixels where each pixel is stored as a 16-bit signed integer.

References ID.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_codestream().

void read_stripe ( std::istream &  source,
int  band,
int  line,
int  lines,
kdu_int32 *  buffer 
) [protected]

Fill an image data buffer with pixel data from a source stream.

The lines of source image data starting with the specified line of the specified band are read into the buffer as a contiguous sequence of bytes.

sourceAn istream that has been opened on the source file.
bandThe index of the image band from which pixel data is to be read.
lineThe starting index of the image line from which pixel data it to be read.
linesThe number of image lines to read.
bufferBuffer storage to hold at least lines * image_width pixels where each pixel is stored as a 32-bit signed integer.

References ID, and swap_bytes().

Member Data Documentation

const char *const ID = "UA::HiRISE::JP2_Encoder (1.30 2019/03/26 20:51:11)" [static]

Class identification name with source code version and date.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::open(), JP2_Encoder::write_codestream(), and JP2_Encoder::write_header().

const unsigned int DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_LEVELS = 6 [static]

Default number of resolution levels.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_header().

const unsigned int MAX_RESOLUTION_LEVELS = 32 [static]

Maximum number of resolution levels.

const unsigned int MAX_QUALITY_LAYERS = 16384 [static]

Maximum number of quality layers.

const char *const UUID_INFO_BOX_NAME = "uinf" [static]

PDS label reference information UUID Info JP2 container box name.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_user_boxes().

const char *const UUID_BOX_NAME = "ulst" [static]

Data provider UUID JP2 box name.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_user_boxes().

const int UUID_SIZE = 16 [static]

Size of the UUID data content.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_user_boxes().

const char *const URL_BOX_NAME = "url " [static]

PDS label relative filename URL JP2 box name.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_user_boxes().

const int MIN_STRIPE_HEIGHT = 256 [static]

Image data stripe minimum and maximum number of lines.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_codestream().

const int MAX_STRIPE_HEIGHT = 8192
const int NEEDS_SOURCE = 1 << 0 [static]

What the encoder needs to do its job.

See also:
needs() const

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::needs().

const int NEEDS_DESTINATION = 1 << 1

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::needs().

const int NEEDS_IMAGE = 1 << 2

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::needs().

const int ENCODER_EXCEPTION = 66 [static]

JP2_Encoder_Error exception signal value.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_codestream().

std::string Image_Source [protected]
std::string JP2_Pathname [protected]

Image destination pathname.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::needs(), JP2_Encoder::open(), JP2_Encoder::ready(), and JP2_Encoder::reasons().

std::streamoff Image_Offset [protected]

Image data location as a byte offset within the source file.

unsigned int Image_Bands [protected]
Size_2D Image_Size [protected]
unsigned int Line_Prefix_Bytes [protected]

The number of bytes preceeding and following each line of pixel bytes.

The line prefix and suffix bytes are to be skipped when the image data is being read.

unsigned int Line_Suffix_Bytes [protected]
unsigned int Pixel_Bytes [protected]
unsigned int Pixel_Bits [protected]

Pixel precision bits.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_codestream(), and JP2_Encoder::write_header().

bool Signed_Data [protected]

Whether pixel data is to be treated as signed.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_header().

std::string PDS_Label_Pathname [protected]

PDS label file pathname to be placed in a UUID Info URL box.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_user_boxes().

unsigned char* Producer_UUID [protected]

The UUID to be placed in a UUID List box inside a UUID Info box.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_user_boxes(), and JP2_Encoder::~JP2_Encoder().

std::string Comment [protected]

Comment segment to be added to the codestream.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_header().

bool Swap_Pixel_Bytes [protected]

Whether pixel bytes should be reordered before be encoded.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::MSB_data().

unsigned int Resolution_Levels [protected]

The number of resolution levels to encode.

N.B.: The number of resolution levels is one more than the number of JPEG2000 decomposition levels.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_header().

unsigned int Quality_Layers [protected]
double Bit_Rate [protected]
std::string Progression_Order [protected]

The codestream progression order to be used.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_header().

Size_2D Tile_Size [protected]

Tile size for codestream structure organization.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::incremental_flush_lines(), and JP2_Encoder::write_header().

std::vector<Size_2D> Precinct_Sizes [protected]

Precinct sizes for codestream structure organization within tiles.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_header().

Size_2D Code_Block_Size [protected]

Code block size for codestream packet encoding within precincts.

Referenced by JP2_Encoder::write_header().

long long Incremental_Flush_Bytes [protected]

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