Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
PDS_Projection_Data::Projection_Definition::Default_Projection_ParameterProjection parameters with default values
Generic_PDS_ConverterA Generic_PDS_Converter is used to convert a generic image data product PDS label between its attached PDS form and its detached PDS/JP2 form
HiPrecision_PDS_ConverterA HiRISE_PDS_Converter is used to convert a HiRISE image data product PDS label between its attached PDS form and its detached PDS/JP2 form
HiRISE_PDS_ConverterA HiRISE_PDS_Converter is used to convert a HiRISE image data product PDS label between its attached PDS form and its detached PDS/JP2 form
Image_Data_BlockAn Image_Data_Block describes PDS image data
JP2_BoxA JP2_Box contains JP2 file format box data
JP2_DecoderA JP2_Decoder decodes image pixel data from a JPEG2000 JP2 image file
JP2_EncoderA JP2_Encoder encodes image pixel data into a JPEG2000 JP2 file
PDS_ConverterA PDS_Converter is used to convert an attached PDS image label to or from a detached PDS/JP2 label
PDS_DataPDS_Data contains PDS label PVL parameters
PDS_Data_BlockA PDS_Data_Block describes a binary data block in a PDS label
PDS_Projection_DataThe PDS_Projection_Data provides geographic projection capabilities between image and real world coordinates
Point_2DA Point_2D holds 2-dimensional position information
PDS_Projection_Data::Projection_DefinitionA Projection_Definition maps GDAL OGRSpatialReference parameter names to their required PDS parameter names and default values
RectangleA Rectangle is a position with a size
PDS_Projection_Data::Projection_Definition::Required_Projection_ParameterParameters that are required to define the projection
Size_2DA Size_2D holds 2-dimensional size information