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Uses of Class

Packages that use TimePeriodAnchor
org.jfree.data.time Interfaces and classes for time-related data. 
org.jfree.data.time.ohlc Classes for representing financial data in open-high-low-close form. 

Uses of TimePeriodAnchor in org.jfree.data.time

Fields in org.jfree.data.time declared as TimePeriodAnchor
static TimePeriodAnchor TimePeriodAnchor.END
          End of period.
static TimePeriodAnchor TimePeriodAnchor.MIDDLE
          Middle of period.
static TimePeriodAnchor TimePeriodAnchor.START
          Start of period.

Methods in org.jfree.data.time that return TimePeriodAnchor
 TimePeriodAnchor TimeSeriesCollection.getXPosition()
          Returns the position within each time period that is used for the X value when the collection is used as an XYDataset.
 TimePeriodAnchor TimePeriodValuesCollection.getXPosition()
          Returns the position of the X value within each time period.
 TimePeriodAnchor TimeTableXYDataset.getXPosition()
          Returns the position within each time period that is used for the X value.

Methods in org.jfree.data.time with parameters of type TimePeriodAnchor
 void TimeSeriesCollection.setXPosition(TimePeriodAnchor anchor)
          Sets the position within each time period that is used for the X values when the collection is used as an XYDataset, then sends a DatasetChangeEvent is sent to all registered listeners.
 void TimePeriodValuesCollection.setXPosition(TimePeriodAnchor position)
          Sets the position of the x axis within each time period.
 void TimeTableXYDataset.setXPosition(TimePeriodAnchor anchor)
          Sets the position within each time period that is used for the X values, then sends a DatasetChangeEvent to all registered listeners.

Uses of TimePeriodAnchor in org.jfree.data.time.ohlc

Methods in org.jfree.data.time.ohlc that return TimePeriodAnchor
 TimePeriodAnchor OHLCSeriesCollection.getXPosition()
          Returns the position within each time period that is used for the X value when the collection is used as an XYDataset.

Methods in org.jfree.data.time.ohlc with parameters of type TimePeriodAnchor
 void OHLCSeriesCollection.setXPosition(TimePeriodAnchor anchor)
          Sets the position within each time period that is used for the X values when the collection is used as an XYDataset, then sends a DatasetChangeEvent is sent to all registered listeners.

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