And More

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContourDataset
org.jfree.chart.labels Generators and other classes used for the display of item labels and tooltips. 
org.jfree.chart.plot Plot classes and related interfaces. 
org.jfree.data.contour Datasets used by the ContourPlot class. 

Uses of ContourDataset in org.jfree.chart.labels

Methods in org.jfree.chart.labels with parameters of type ContourDataset
 java.lang.String StandardContourToolTipGenerator.generateToolTip(ContourDataset data, int item)
          Deprecated. Generates a tooltip text item for a particular item within a series.
 java.lang.String ContourToolTipGenerator.generateToolTip(ContourDataset dataset, int item)
          Deprecated. Generates a tooltip text item for a particular item within a series.

Uses of ContourDataset in org.jfree.chart.plot

Methods in org.jfree.chart.plot that return ContourDataset
 ContourDataset ContourPlot.getDataset()
          Deprecated. Returns the primary dataset for the plot.

Methods in org.jfree.chart.plot with parameters of type ContourDataset
 void ContourPlot.contourRenderer(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, ContourPlot plot, ValueAxis horizontalAxis, ValueAxis verticalAxis, ColorBar colorBar, ContourDataset data, CrosshairState crosshairState)
          Deprecated. Fills the plot.
 void ContourPlot.pointRenderer(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, ContourPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, ColorBar colorBar, ContourDataset data, CrosshairState crosshairState)
          Deprecated. Draws the visual representation of a single data item.
 void ContourPlot.setDataset(ContourDataset dataset)
          Deprecated. Sets the dataset for the plot, replacing the existing dataset if there is one.
static Range ContourPlotUtilities.visibleRange(ContourDataset data, Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the visible z-range.
 Range ContourPlot.visibleRange(ContourDataset data, Range x, Range y)
          Deprecated. Returns the visible z-range.

Constructors in org.jfree.chart.plot with parameters of type ContourDataset
ContourPlot(ContourDataset dataset, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, ColorBar colorBar)
          Deprecated. Constructs a contour plot with the specified axes (other attributes take default values).

Uses of ContourDataset in org.jfree.data.contour

Classes in org.jfree.data.contour that implement ContourDataset
 class DefaultContourDataset
          Deprecated. This class is no longer supported (as of version 1.0.4). If you are creating contour plots, please try to use XYPlot and XYBlockRenderer.
 class NonGridContourDataset
          Deprecated. This class is no longer supported (as of version 1.0.4). If you are creating contour plots, please try to use XYPlot and XYBlockRenderer.

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