Package PIRL.Utilities

The PIRL Utilities package contains various utility classes that provide general support - a.k.a.


Interface Summary
Styled_Writer A Styled_Writer is used to write styled text.

Class Summary
Authentication The Authentication class contains a set of functions used for public-private key pair authentication.
ByteBuffer_InputStream A ByteBuffer_InputStream presents a ByteBuffer as an InputStream.
ByteBuffer_OutputStream A ByteBuffer_OutputStream presents a ByteBuffer as an OutputStream.
Checker A Checker is used to compare expected against obtained results for unit testing.
File This File extends the capabilities of the JFC File to enable mapping the File's canonical path to a logical path.
Host The Host class provides information about the host on which the process is running.
Integer_Range An Integer_Range specifies a range of integer values.
Real_Range A Real_Range specifies a range of integer values.
Streams The Streams class provides a collection of methods for handling I/O streams.
Styled_Multiwriter A Styled_Multiwriter is a one-to-many Writer, any of which may be a Styled_Writer.
Suspendable_Styled_Writer A Suspendable_Styled_Writer is a Writer that can have its output operations suspended.
UNIX_Process A UNIX_Process is an adapter for the UNIXProcess implementation of the abstract Process class that provides access to hidden information.

Exception Summary
Multiwriter_IOException A Multiwriter_IOException is an IOException that may carry multiple IOExceptions from multiple exception sources.

Package PIRL.Utilities Description

The PIRL Utilities package contains various utility classes that provide general support - a.k.a. "helper" - functionality that has been found to be useful in different application contexts.


Copyright (C) \ 2003-2009 Bradford Castalia, University of Arizona