Package PIRL.Conductor.Maestro

The Maestro package provides applications for remote management of Conductor networks.


Class Summary
Conductor_Definition A Conductor_Definition contains the information that defines a Conductor instance.
Conductor_Matrix A Conductor_Matrix is a table view of a Conductor_Matrix_Model..
Conductor_Matrix_Model A Conductor_Matrix_Model contains the data for a matrix of the number of Conductors at each Theater location.
Conductor_Table A Conductor_Table is a table view of a Conductor_Table_Model.
Conductor_Table_Model A Conductor_Table_Model contains a table of Conductor identities each with its associated Remote_Theater Management and Manager.
Conductor_Table_Model_Event A Conductor_Table_Model_Event extends a TableModelEvent with Conductor processing status information.
Error_Report An Error_Report is a window for reporting error messages.
Kapellmeister A Kapellmeister is a management tool for Theaters where Conductors are located.
Local_Theater A Local_Theater is the local Conductor management side of a Theater.
New_Conductor_Dialog New_Conductor_Dialog provides a dialog used to interactively obtain the information needed to form a command line that will start a Conductor.
Profile A Profile contains Theater and Conductor definitions.
Remote_Theater A Remote_Theater implements the remote Conductor management side of a Theater.
Stage_Manager A Stage_Manager is a Messenger manager for communication between Conductor processes and client processes.
Theater A Theater provides basic Messenger connection and Message sending services with a Stage_Manager plus the Theater protocol facilities.
Theater_List A Theater_List is a list view of a Theater_List_Model.
Theater_List_Model A Theater_List_Model extends the AbstractListModel to provide management of a list of Theater objects.

Exception Summary
Remote_Management_Exception A Remote_Management_Exception is thrown when a Remote_Theater Management interface method call is unable to fullfill the interface requirements.
Theater_Protocol_Exception A Theater_Protocol_Exception is thrown when a Theater method call encounters a problem with the Stage_Manager protocol.

Package PIRL.Conductor.Maestro Description

The Maestro package provides applications for remote management of Conductor networks.

Stage_Manager is a Dispatcher application. It extends the Dispatcher with Conductor excecution capabilities. The Stage_Manager acts as a Message communications proxy server between Conductor clients in its Theater and Kapellmeister clients used to manage Conductors in one or more Theaters.

A Local_Theater is used by a Conductor for remote Management interface access via a Messenger connected to a Stage_Manager using the Theater Message protocol.

A Remote_Theater is a Stage_Manager Dispatcher client that implements the Management interface using the Theater Message protocol.

The Kapellmeister (Master of the Chapel) is an application that provides a GUI tool for management of Theaters. Each Theater corresponds to a connection to a Stage_Manager. Each Stage_Manager notifies each connected Kapellmeister of all its Conductor clients. The Kapellmeister establishes direct linked Messenger communciation with each Conductor for monitoring and managment of the Conductors.

See Also:


Copyright (C) \ 2003-2009 Bradford Castalia, University of Arizona