Class WindowUtils

  extended by org.jdesktop.swingx.util.WindowUtils

public final class WindowUtils
extends Object

Encapsulates various utilities for windows (ie: Frame and Dialog objects and descendants, in particular).

Nested Class Summary
static class WindowUtils.MinSizeComponentListener
          Resets window size to minSize if needed.
Method Summary
static Window findWindow(Component c)
static List<Component> getAllComponents(Container c)
static Point getPointForCentering(JInternalFrame window)

Returns the Point at which a window should be placed to center that window on the given desktop.

static Point getPointForCentering(Window window)
           Returns the Point at which a window should be placed to center that window on the screen.
static Point getPointForStaggering(Window originWindow)

Returns the Point at which a window should be placed in order to be staggered slightly from another "origin" window to ensure that the title areas of both windows remain visible to the user.

static void setMinimumSizeManager(Window window, int minWidth, int minHeight)
          Installs/resets a ComponentListener to resize the given window to minWidth/Height if needed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Point getPointForCentering(Window window)

Returns the Point at which a window should be placed to center that window on the screen.

Some thought was taken as to whether to implement a method such as this, or to simply make a method that, given a window, will center it. It was decided that it is better to not alter an object within a method.

window - The window to calculate the center point for. This object can not be null.
the Point at which the window should be placed to center that window on the screen.


public static Point getPointForCentering(JInternalFrame window)

Returns the Point at which a window should be placed to center that window on the given desktop.

Some thought was taken as to whether to implement a method such as this, or to simply make a method that, given a window, will center it. It was decided that it is better to not alter an object within a method.

window - The window (JInternalFrame) to calculate the center point for. This object can not be null.
the Point at which the window should be placed to center that window on the given desktop


public static Point getPointForStaggering(Window originWindow)

Returns the Point at which a window should be placed in order to be staggered slightly from another "origin" window to ensure that the title areas of both windows remain visible to the user.

originWindow - Window from which the staggered location will be calculated
location staggered from the upper left location of the origin window


public static Window findWindow(Component c)


public static List<Component> getAllComponents(Container c)


public static void setMinimumSizeManager(Window window,
                                         int minWidth,
                                         int minHeight)
Installs/resets a ComponentListener to resize the given window to minWidth/Height if needed.

window -
minWidth -
minHeight -