Class RiemannSumRects

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RiemannSumRects
extends Drawable
implements Computable

A RiemannSumRects calculates a Riemann sum for a function. It implements Computable and InputObject. You can specify and change the number of intervals in the sum, as well as the method used to calculate the sum. Functions exist to return Value objects for the sum using different computations. This class was written by Gabriel Weinstock, with some modifications by David Eck

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          Summation method type.
          For use in getValueObject(), to indicate whatever summation method is currently set for drawing.
static int INSCRIBED
          Summation method type.
          Summation method type.
static int MIDPOINT
          Summation method type.
          Summation method type.
static int TRAPEZOID
          Summation method type.
Fields inherited from class edu.hws.jcm.draw.Drawable
canvas, coords
Constructor Summary
          Construct a RiemannSumRects object that initially has nothing to draw and that is set up to use the default number of intervals, 5.
RiemannSumRects(Function f, Value i)
          Construct a new RiemannSumRects object.
Method Summary
 void compute()
          This is generally called by a Controller.
 void draw(java.awt.Graphics g, boolean coordsChanged)
          Draw the Rieman sum rects.
 java.awt.Color getColor()
          Get the current color used to draw the rectangles
 Function getFuction()
          Returns the function whose Riemann sums are computed.
 Value getIntervalCount()
          Get the number of intervals used.
 int getMethod()
          Return the current method used to find the rectangle sums
 java.awt.Color getOutlineColor()
          Get the color that is used to draw outlines around the rects.
 Value getValueObject(int which)
          Gets a Value object that gives the value of the Riemann sum for the specified method.
 void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
          Set the color used to draw the rectangles.
 void setFunction(Function func)
          Set the function whose Riemann sums are to be computed.
 void setIntervalCount(Value c)
          Set the interval count (the RiemannSumRects will be redrawn after this function is called).
 void setMethod(int m)
          Set the method used to calculate the rectangles.
 void setOutlineColor(java.awt.Color c)
          Set the color that will be used to draw outlines around the rects.
Methods inherited from class edu.hws.jcm.draw.Drawable
getVisible, needsRedraw, setOwnerData, setVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int LEFTENDPOINT
Summation method type.


public static final int RIGHTENDPOINT
Summation method type.


public static final int MIDPOINT
Summation method type.


public static final int CIRCUMSCRIBED
Summation method type.


public static final int INSCRIBED
Summation method type.


public static final int TRAPEZOID
Summation method type.


public static final int CURRENT_METHOD
For use in getValueObject(), to indicate whatever summation method is currently set for drawing.
Constructor Detail


public RiemannSumRects()
Construct a RiemannSumRects object that initially has nothing to draw and that is set up to use the default number of intervals, 5.


public RiemannSumRects(Function f,
                       Value i)
Construct a new RiemannSumRects object.
i - a Value object representing the number of intervals. If null, five intervals are used.
f - a Function object used to derive the Riemann sum. If null, nothing is drawn.
Method Detail


public java.awt.Color getColor()
Get the current color used to draw the rectangles


public void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
Set the color used to draw the rectangles. The default color is a light yellow.


public void setOutlineColor(java.awt.Color c)
Set the color that will be used to draw outlines around the rects. If this is null, then no outlines are drawn. The default is a medium-dark red that looks brownish next to the default yellow fill color.


public java.awt.Color getOutlineColor()
Get the color that is used to draw outlines around the rects. If this is null, then no outlines are drawn.


public void setFunction(Function func)
Set the function whose Riemann sums are to be computed. If null, nothing is drawn. The function, if non-null, must have arity 1, or an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.


public Function getFuction()
Returns the function whose Riemann sums are computed. Can be null.


public void setMethod(int m)
Set the method used to calculate the rectangles.
m - can be: LEFTENDPOINT, RIGHTENDPOINT, MIDPOINT, CIRCUMSCRIBED, INSCRIBED or TRAPEZOID (these are integers ranging from 0 to 5, respectively)


public int getMethod()
Return the current method used to find the rectangle sums


public void compute()
This is generally called by a Controller. Indicates that all data should be recomputed because input values that the data depends on might have changed.
Specified by:
compute in interface Computable


public Value getIntervalCount()
Get the number of intervals used.
a Value object representing the number of intervals


public void setIntervalCount(Value c)
Set the interval count (the RiemannSumRects will be redrawn after this function is called). The value will be clamped to be a value between 1 and 5000. If the value is null, the default number of intervals, five, is used.
c - a Value object representing the interval count


public void draw(java.awt.Graphics g,
                 boolean coordsChanged)
Draw the Rieman sum rects. This is generally called by an object of class CoordinateRect
draw in class Drawable
Following copied from class: edu.hws.jcm.draw.Drawable
g - The graphics context in which the Drawble is to be drawn. (The drawing can change the color in g, but should not permanently change font, painting mode, etc. Thus, every drawable is responsible for setting the color it wants to use.)
coordsChanged - Indicates whether the CoordinateRect has changed.


public Value getValueObject(int which)
Gets a Value object that gives the value of the Riemann sum for the specified method.
which - integer stating the method used to derive the sum; one of the constants LEFTENDPOINT, RIGHTENDPOINT, MIDPOINT, CIRCUMSCRIBED, INSCRIBED, TRAPEZOID, or CURRENT_METHOD.
a Value object representing the sum for the given method