Class DrawString

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DrawString
extends Drawable
implements Computable

A DrawString object displays a string, possibly multi-line, in a DisplayCanvas, inside the rectangular region of a CoordinateRect. The location of the string can be specified in two ways. First, by giving the coordinates of a reference point together with a constant that says how the string is positioned with respect to that reference point. The coordintes are given as Value objects and the values are interepreted in the coordinate system of the CoordinateRect. The positioning object is one of the constants TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, ..., BOTTOM_RIGHT defined in this class. This says where the REFERENCE POINT is -- at the top left of the string, at the top center, etc.

The second way to specify the position of the string is to set the reference point coordinates to null. In that case, the postioning constant gives the location of the STRING in the CorrdinateRect. A value of TOP_LEFT says that the string is in the top left corner of the rect, etc.

An array of Value objects can be specified to be displayed in the string. Their values are substituted for #'s in the string. (A double # in the string, however, is displayed as a literal single #.)

It is possible to set the color, font and justification of the string.

A DisplayString implements the Computable interface, so it can be added to a Controller. The values of the Value objects used by the string are recomputed only when its compute() method is called.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.awt.Color backgroundColor
          If backgroundColor is non-null, then a rectangle of this color is filled as a background for the string;
protected  java.lang.String baseString
          String, possibly with \n and #'s.
static int BOTTOM_CENTER
          Specify string location in rect
static int BOTTOM_LEFT
          Specify string location in rect
static int BOTTOM_RIGHT
          Specify string location in rect
static int CENTER
          For specifying justification of lines in multiline strings.
static int CENTER_CENTER
          Specify string location in rect
static int CENTER_LEFT
          Specify string location in rect
static int CENTER_RIGHT
          Specify string location in rect
protected  boolean clamp
          If true, the string is clamped to lie within the CoordinateRect.
protected  java.awt.Color color
          Color of string.
protected  java.awt.Font font
          Font for drawing string.
protected  java.awt.Color frameColor
          If frameWidth is greate than zero, then a frame is drawn around the string in this color.
protected  int frameWidth
          If frameWidth is greater than zero, then a frame of this width is drawn around the string in the color given by frameColor.
protected  int justification
          Left, right, or center justification of lines in the text.
static int LEFT
          For specifying justification of lines in multiline strings.
protected  int numSize
          Maximum number of characters desired in numbers; actual number might actually be larger.
protected  int offset
          If absolute positioning is used, then this gives a gap between the string and edge of rect.
protected  int position
          one of the constants defined in this class for specifying position
static int RIGHT
          For specifying justification of lines in multiline strings.
protected  java.lang.String[] strings
          The actual lines to draw, derived from baseString.
static int TOP_CENTER
          Specify string location in rect
static int TOP_LEFT
          Specify string location in rect
static int TOP_RIGHT
          Specify string location in rect
protected  Value[] values
          Values to be substituted for #'s in the baseString.
protected  Value xPos
          xy-coords for drawing the string.
protected  Value yPos
          xy-coords for drawing the string.
Fields inherited from class edu.hws.jcm.draw.Drawable
canvas, coords
Constructor Summary
          Create a DrawString object that initially has no string to draw.
DrawString(java.lang.String str)
          Create a DrawString for drawing a black string in the top left corner of the coordinate rect.
DrawString(java.lang.String str, int pos)
          Create a DrawString for drawing a black string in the position specified.
DrawString(java.lang.String str, int pos, Value[] values)
          Create a DrawString for drawing a black string in the specified position.
DrawString(java.lang.String str, int pos, Value xPos, Value yPos, Value[] values)
          Create a string that is displayed at the reference point (xPos,yPos); The positioning constant, pos, gives the positioning relative to this point, if xPos or yPos is non-null.
Method Summary
 void compute()
          The compute method sets up the array of strings that is actually displayed.
 void draw(java.awt.Graphics g, boolean coordsChanged)
          Draws the string.
 java.awt.Color getBackgroundColor()
          Get the color that is used to fill a rectangle on which the string is drawn.
 boolean getClamp()
          Returns true if the string is set to be clamped to lie within the CoordinateRect.
 java.awt.Color getColor()
          Get the non-null color that is used for drawing the string.
 java.awt.Font getFont()
          Return the font that is used for drawing the string.
 java.awt.Color getFrameColor()
          Get the color that is used to draw a frame around the string.
 int getFrameWidth()
          Get the width, in pixels, of the frame that is drawn around the string.
 int getJustification()
          Get the justification that is used for a multiple-line string.
 int getNumSize()
          Return the desired maximum number of characters in displayed numbers.
 int getOffset()
          Get the distance of the bounding box of the string from the reference point where it is drawn.
 int getPositioning()
          Return the positioning, as set by setPositioning().
 java.lang.String getString()
          Get a copy of the display string (with \n's #'s, not with substitued values.)
 Value[] getValues()
          Return the array of values that are substituted for #'s in the string.
 Value getXPos()
          Return the Value object that gives the x-coordinate of the reference point of this string.
 Value getYPos()
          Return the Value object that gives the y-coordinate of the reference point of this string.point of this string.
 void setBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color color)
          Set the color that is used to fill a rectangle on which the string is drawn.
 void setClamp(boolean clamp)
          Set the "clamp" property of the DrawString.
 void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
          Set the color for the string.
 void setFont(java.awt.Font f)
          Set the font that is used for drawing this string.
 void setFrameColor(java.awt.Color color)
          Set the color that is used to draw a frame around the string.
 void setFrameWidth(int width)
          Set the width, in pixels, of a frame to draw around the string.
 void setJustification(int j)
          Set the justification to be used if there are multiple lins in the string.
 void setNumSize(int size)
          Set the desired maximum number of characters in displayed numbers.
 void setOffset(int b)
          Set the distance of the bounding box of the string from the reference point where it is drawn.
 void setPositioning(int pos)
          Set the positioning of the string.
 void setReferencePoint(Value x, Value y)
          Set the values of the (x,y) coordinates of the reference point for the stirng.
 void setString(java.lang.String str)
          Set the string that is displayed.
 void setValues(Value[] v)
          Set the Values that are substituted for (single) #'s in the string.
Methods inherited from class edu.hws.jcm.draw.Drawable
getVisible, needsRedraw, setOwnerData, setVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int TOP_LEFT
Specify string location in rect


public static final int TOP_CENTER
Specify string location in rect


public static final int TOP_RIGHT
Specify string location in rect


public static final int CENTER_LEFT
Specify string location in rect


public static final int CENTER_CENTER
Specify string location in rect


public static final int CENTER_RIGHT
Specify string location in rect


public static final int BOTTOM_LEFT
Specify string location in rect


public static final int BOTTOM_CENTER
Specify string location in rect


public static final int BOTTOM_RIGHT
Specify string location in rect


public static final int CENTER
For specifying justification of lines in multiline strings. (But can also be used as a synonym for CENTER_CENTER to specify the position of the string).


public static final int LEFT
For specifying justification of lines in multiline strings. (But can also be used as a synonym for TOP_LEFT to specify the position of the string).


public static final int RIGHT
For specifying justification of lines in multiline strings. (But can also be used as a synonym for TOP_RIGHT to specify the position of the string).


protected int position
one of the constants defined in this class for specifying position


protected java.lang.String baseString
String, possibly with \n and #'s. This is used as a base to get the actual string that is drawn.


protected java.lang.String[] strings
The actual lines to draw, derived from baseString.


protected Value[] values
Values to be substituted for #'s in the baseString.


protected Value xPos
xy-coords for drawing the string. If non-null then relative positioning is used. If null, then positioning is absolute.


protected Value yPos
xy-coords for drawing the string. If non-null then relative positioning is used. If null, then positioning is absolute.


protected java.awt.Color color
Color of string. If null, black is used as the default.


protected java.awt.Font font
Font for drawing string. If null, get font from graphics context.


protected int offset
If absolute positioning is used, then this gives a gap between the string and edge of rect. For relative positioning, this gives an offset from the value of xPos yPos.


protected boolean clamp
If true, the string is clamped to lie within the CoordinateRect.


protected int justification
Left, right, or center justification of lines in the text.


protected int numSize
Maximum number of characters desired in numbers; actual number might actually be larger.


protected java.awt.Color backgroundColor
If backgroundColor is non-null, then a rectangle of this color is filled as a background for the string;


protected int frameWidth
If frameWidth is greater than zero, then a frame of this width is drawn around the string in the color given by frameColor.


protected java.awt.Color frameColor
If frameWidth is greate than zero, then a frame is drawn around the string in this color. If the value is null, then the color will be the same as the color of the string.
Constructor Detail


public DrawString()
Create a DrawString object that initially has no string to draw.


public DrawString(java.lang.String str)
Create a DrawString for drawing a black string in the top left corner of the coordinate rect.
str - The string to draw, which can contain \n's to indicate line breaks.


public DrawString(java.lang.String str,
                  int pos)
Create a DrawString for drawing a black string in the position specified.
str - The string to draw, which can contain \n's to indicate line breaks.
pos - The positioning of the string in the coordinate rect. One of the positioning constants such as TOP_LEFT or BOTTOM_RIGHT.


public DrawString(java.lang.String str,
                  int pos,
                  Value[] values)
Create a DrawString for drawing a black string in the specified position. The number of #'s in the string should match values.length. The values are computed and substituted for the #'s.
str - The string to draw, which can contain \n's to indicate line breaks and #'s to be replaced by numeric values.
pos - The positioning of the string in the coordinate rect. One of the positioning constants such as TOP_LEFT or BOTTOM_RIGHT.
values - Value objects associated with #'s in the string.


public DrawString(java.lang.String str,
                  int pos,
                  Value xPos,
                  Value yPos,
                  Value[] values)
Create a string that is displayed at the reference point (xPos,yPos); The positioning constant, pos, gives the positioning relative to this point, if xPos or yPos is non-null.
str - The string to draw, which can contain \n's to indicate line breaks and #'s to be replaced by numeric values.
pos - The positioning of the string. One of the positioning constants such as TOP_LEFT or BOTTOM_RIGHT. If xPos or yPos is non-nul, this is interpreted relative to their values.
xPos - x-coordinate relative to which the string is drawn (or null for absolute hoizontal positioning).
yPos - y-coordinate relative to which the string is drawn (or null for absolute vertical positioning).
values - Value objects associated with #'s in the string.
Method Detail


public void setColor(java.awt.Color c)
Set the color for the string. If c is null, is used.


public java.awt.Color getColor()
Get the non-null color that is used for drawing the string.


public void setFont(java.awt.Font f)
Set the font that is used for drawing this string. If f is null, then the font is obtained from the Graphics context in which the string is drawn.


public java.awt.Font getFont()
Return the font that is used for drawing the string. If the return value is null, then the font is taken from the Graphics context.


public void setValues(Value[] v)
Set the Values that are substituted for (single) #'s in the string. If the array of Values is null, then no substitution is done. The length of the array should match the number of #'s, but it is not an error if they do not match. Extra values will be ignored; extra #'s will be shown as "undefined".


public Value[] getValues()
Return the array of values that are substituted for #'s in the string.


public void setPositioning(int pos)
Set the positioning of the string. The parameter should be one of the positioning contstants defined in this class, such as TOP_LEFT. (If it is not, TOP_LEFT is used by default.)


public int getPositioning()
Return the positioning, as set by setPositioning().


public void setReferencePoint(Value x,
                              Value y)
Set the values of the (x,y) coordinates of the reference point for the stirng. If a value is null, absolute positioning is used. If a value is undefined, the string is not drawn.


public Value getXPos()
Return the Value object that gives the x-coordinate of the reference point of this string.


public Value getYPos()
Return the Value object that gives the y-coordinate of the reference point of this string.point of this string.


public void setString(java.lang.String str)
Set the string that is displayed. Note that it can include '\n' to represent a line break, and it can contain #'s which will be replaced by computed values.


public java.lang.String getString()
Get a copy of the display string (with \n's #'s, not with substitued values.)


public void setOffset(int b)
Set the distance of the bounding box of the string from the reference point where it is drawn. The default value is 3.


public int getOffset()
Get the distance of the bounding box of the string from the reference point where it is drawn.


public void setClamp(boolean clamp)
Set the "clamp" property of the DrawString. If set to true, the string will be clamped to lie entirely within the CoordinateRect (unless it doens't fit -- then it can stick out on the right and bottom). The default value is true.


public boolean getClamp()
Returns true if the string is set to be clamped to lie within the CoordinateRect.


public void setJustification(int j)
Set the justification to be used if there are multiple lins in the string. Possible value are DrawString.LEFT, DrawString.RIGHT, and DrawString.CENTER.


public int getJustification()
Get the justification that is used for a multiple-line string. The value is one of the constants DrawString.LEFT, DrawString.RIGHT, or DrawString.CENTER


public void setNumSize(int size)
Set the desired maximum number of characters in displayed numbers. Actual size might be larger. Value is clamped to the range 6 to 25.


public int getNumSize()
Return the desired maximum number of characters in displayed numbers.


public java.awt.Color getBackgroundColor()
Get the color that is used to fill a rectangle on which the string is drawn. Null indicates that no rectangle is filled so the stuff in back of the string shows though. The default value is null.


public void setBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color color)
Set the color that is used to fill a rectangle on which the string is drawn. If the value is null, no rectangle is filled and the string just overlays whatever is in back of it on the canvas.


public java.awt.Color getFrameColor()
Get the color that is used to draw a frame around the string. This is only done if the frameWidth property is greater than zero. If the value is null, the frame is the same color as the string.


public void setFrameColor(java.awt.Color color)
Set the color that is used to draw a frame around the string. This is only done if the frameWidth property is greater than zero. If the value is null, the frame is the same color as the string.


public int getFrameWidth()
Get the width, in pixels, of the frame that is drawn around the string. The default width is zero. The largest possible value is 25.


public void setFrameWidth(int width)
Set the width, in pixels, of a frame to draw around the string. If the value is zero, no frame is drawn. The default value is zero. The the value is clamped to the range 0 to 25.


public void compute()
The compute method sets up the array of strings that is actually displayed. This is required by the Computable interface and is usually called by a Controller rather than directly.
Specified by:
compute in interface Computable


public void draw(java.awt.Graphics g,
                 boolean coordsChanged)
Draws the string.
draw in class Drawable
Following copied from class: edu.hws.jcm.draw.Drawable
g - The graphics context in which the Drawble is to be drawn. (The drawing can change the color in g, but should not permanently change font, painting mode, etc. Thus, every drawable is responsible for setting the color it wants to use.)
coordsChanged - Indicates whether the CoordinateRect has changed.