Class DataTableInput

All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.accessibility.Accessible, java.awt.image.ImageObserver, MathObject, java.awt.MenuContainer, ParserExtension,

public class DataTableInput
extends java.awt.Panel
implements ParserExtension

A DataTableInput lets the user input a grid of real numbers arranged in rows and columns. Each column has a name, and rows are numberd starting from 1. The column names and row numbers can be displayed, optionally. By default, a new row is added automatically if the user moves down out of the last row by pressing return or down-arrow, provided the last row is non-empty. Rows can also be added programmatically. Columns are usually added in the constructor, but they can also be added later. If the user leaves a cell at a time when the content of that cell does not represent a legal number, then the message "bad input" will be displayed in the cell.

A DataTableInput can be given a name and can then be added to a parser. The parser will then recognize the name of the table. In an expression, the table name can be followed by a ".", then one of the column names from table, then an expression in parentheses. This represents a reference to the number in one of the cells in the table. The expression gives the number of the row, where rows are numbered starting from 1. For example: "data.A(3)" represents the third number in column "A" in a table named data. The table name and "." can also be followed by the word "sum" and an expression in parentheses. An expression used in this way can include references to the column names in the table and to the special value "rowNumber". The value of expression is computed for each row in the table and the sum of the values is computed. In the expression that is being summed, a column name represents the number in that column and rowNumber represents the number of the row. For example: "data.sum(A^2)". Finally, the "." can be followed by the word "count". "count" can, optionally be followed by an empty pair of parentheses. This represents the number of rows. For example: "data.count". Empty rows at the bottom of the table are ignored in both "sum" and "count".

Note that rows are numbered starting from 1 because row numbers can be visible to the user, who shouldn't be subjected to zero-based numbering. However, columns are always numbered from zero.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Inner classes inherited from class java.awt.Panel
Inner classes inherited from class java.awt.Container
Inner classes inherited from class java.awt.Component
Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
Constructor Summary
          Create a DataTableInput with no columns.
DataTableInput(java.lang.String name, int columns)
          Create a table with the specified number of columns, named "A", "B", etc.
DataTableInput(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] columnNames)
          Create a table with the specified column names.
Method Summary
 int addColumn()
          Add a column at the right side of the table, with all cells initially empty.
 int addColumn(java.lang.String name)
          Add a column with the specified name at the right side of the table, with all cells initially empty.
 void addRows(int rowCt)
          Add the specified number of empty rows at the bottom of the table.
 void addVariablesToParser(Parser p)
          Add a row number variable (from the getRowNumberVariable() method) and a column variable for each column (from the getColumnVariable() method) to the parser.
 void clear()
          Remove all rows from the table, leaving just one empty row.
 void deleteCurrentRow()
          Delete the row that contains the cell that the user is editing.
 void doParse(Parser parser, ParserContext context)
          Required by the ParserExtension interface and not meant to be called directly.
 boolean getAutoAddRows()
          Get the value of the autoAddRows property, which determines whether empty rows are automatically added to the bottom of the table when needed.
 java.awt.Color getBlankBackground()
          Returns the color that is used for blank areas in the table, below the rows of cells.
 java.awt.Color getCellBackground()
          Returns the color that is used as a background for cells in the table.
 double getCellContents(int row, int col)
          Get the number in the specified row and column.
 int getColumnCount()
          Get the number of columns in the table.
 java.lang.String getColumnName(int i)
          Get the name of column number i, where columns are numbered starting from zero.
protected  Variable getColumnVariable(int columnNum)
          Return a column variable for the specified column, where columns are numbered starting from 1.
 int getCurrentRowNumber()
          Return the current row number.
 double getEmptyCellValue()
          Get the value that is represented by an empty cell.
 java.awt.Color getGridColor()
          Returns the color that is used for the lines between cells in the table.
 java.awt.Color getLabelBackground()
          Returns the color that is used as a background for row numbers and column titles.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Get the name of the DataInputTable (which might be null).
 int getNonEmptyRowCount()
          Return the number of rows in the table, ignoring empty rows at the bottom of the table.
protected  Variable getRowNumberVariable()
          Get a variable that represents the current row number in the table, as set by the setCurrentRowNumber() method.
 long getSerialNumber()
          Get the serial number of the table.
 boolean getShowColumnTitles()
          Test whether the column name is shown at the top of each column.
 boolean getShowRowNumbers()
          Test whether row numbers are shown.
 boolean getThrowErrors()
          Get the value of the throwErrors property, which determines whether an error is thrown when an attempt is made to refer to the value of a cell that contains an invalid string.
 void insertRow()
          Insert a row before the row that contains the cell that the user is editing.
 boolean readFromStream( in)
          Read data for table from the specified Reader.
 void setAutoAddRows(boolean auto)
          If the value of autoAddRows is true, then an empty row is added to the table automatically when the user attempts to move down from the last row of the table, provided that the last row is non-empty (so there can only be one auto-added row at a time).
 void setBlankBackground(java.awt.Color color)
          Get the color to be used as a background blank areas in the table, below the rows of cells.
 void setCellBackground(java.awt.Color color)
          Set the color to be used as a background for cells in the table.
 void setCellContents(int row, int col, double val)
          Put the given real number, val, in the cell in the specified row and column, where rows are numbered starting from 1 and columns are numbered starting from zero.
 void setColumnName(int i, java.lang.String name)
          Set the name of column number i, where columns are numbered starting from zero.
 void setCurrentRowNumber(int i)
          Set the current row in the table.
 void setEmptyCellValue(double val)
          Set the value that should be returned when the value of an empty cell is requested.
 void setGridColor(java.awt.Color color)
          Get the color to be used for the lines between cells in the table.
 void setLabelBackground(java.awt.Color color)
          Set the color to be used as a background for row numbers and column titles.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the name of this DataTableInput.
 void setShowColumnTitles(boolean show)
          If set to true, then the column name is shown at the top of each column.
 void setShowRowNumbers(boolean show)
          If set to true, then the row number is shown at the left of each row.
 void setThrowErrors(boolean throwErr)
          Set the throwErrors property.
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Panel
addNotify, getAccessibleContext
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container
add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, addImpl, countComponents, deliverEvent, doLayout, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getInsets, getLayout, getListeners, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paint, paintComponents, paramString, preferredSize, print, printComponents, processContainerEvent, processEvent, remove, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, removeNotify, setFont, setLayout, update, validate, validateTree
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, contains, createImage, createImage, disable, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, getBackground, getBounds, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFont, getFontMetrics, getForeground, getGraphics, getGraphicsConfiguration, getHeight, getInputContext, getInputMethodRequests, getLocale, getLocation, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getParent, getPeer, getSize, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, getWidth, getX, getY, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, hide, imageUpdate, inside, isDisplayable, isDoubleBuffered, isEnabled, isFocusTraversable, isLightweight, isOpaque, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, prepareImage, prepareImage, printAll, processComponentEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, reshape, resize, resize, setBackground, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setEnabled, setForeground, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setSize, setSize, setVisible, show, show, size, toString, transferFocus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DataTableInput()
Create a DataTableInput with no columns. Columns can be added later using the addColumn() methods. The table initially has no name.


public DataTableInput(java.lang.String name,
                      java.lang.String[] columnNames)
Create a table with the specified column names. If columnNames is null, the number of columns is zero. The name can be null, if you don't need a name for the table. The length of the array determines the number of columns in the table.


public DataTableInput(java.lang.String name,
                      int columns)
Create a table with the specified number of columns, named "A", "B", etc. The name can be null, if you don't need a name for the table. The number of columns can be zero.
Method Detail


public void doParse(Parser parser,
                    ParserContext context)
Required by the ParserExtension interface and not meant to be called directly. This is called by a parser if it encounters the name of the table in an expression. It parses the complete table reference, such as "data.A(3)" or "data.sum(A^2)".
Specified by:
doParse in interface ParserExtension


public int getNonEmptyRowCount()
Return the number of rows in the table, ignoring empty rows at the bottom of the table. Note that an empty row that precedes some non-empty row is included in the count.


public double getCellContents(int row,
                              int col)
Get the number in the specified row and column. Rows are numberd starting from 1, but columns are numbered starting from zero. If the specified cell does not exist in the table, Double.NaN is returned. If the cell is empty, emptyCellValue is returned. If the content of the cell does not define a legal real number, then the action depends on the value of the missingValueIsError property: If this property is true, then a JCMError is thrown; if it is false, then Double.NaN is returned.


public void setCellContents(int row,
                            int col,
                            double val)
Put the given real number, val, in the cell in the specified row and column, where rows are numbered starting from 1 and columns are numbered starting from zero. This is ignored if the specified row and column do not exist in the table.


public void setCurrentRowNumber(int i)
Set the current row in the table. If the parameter is less than 1, the current row is set to 1. (The table keeps track of a "current row number", which is always greater than or equal to 1. This row number is used when a column variable or row number variable is evaluated. These variables can be added to a parser using the addVariablesToParser method, and can then be used in expressions parsed by that parser. When the row number variable, which is named rowNumber, is evaluated, its value is the current row number in the table. When a column variable is evaluated, its value is the number in the cell in the associated column and in the current row. The setCurrentRowNumber() method, in combination with the getNonEmptyRowCount() method allow you to iterate through the rows of the table and evaluate the expression for each row.)


public int getCurrentRowNumber()
Return the current row number.


protected Variable getColumnVariable(int columnNum)
Return a column variable for the specified column, where columns are numbered starting from 1. The value of this variable is the number in the specified column and in the current row of the table (as set by the setCurrentRowNumber() method.) The name of the variable is the name of the column. This method is protected since variables are not meant to be used as regular variables. But they can be added to a Parser by calling the addVariablesToParser() method.)


protected Variable getRowNumberVariable()
Get a variable that represents the current row number in the table, as set by the setCurrentRowNumber() method. The name of the variable is rowNumber.


public void addVariablesToParser(Parser p)
Add a row number variable (from the getRowNumberVariable() method) and a column variable for each column (from the getColumnVariable() method) to the parser. The parser will then be able to parse expressions that refer to these variables. The value of such an expression depends on the current row number, as set by setCurrentRowNumber().


public long getSerialNumber()
Get the serial number of the table. This is incremented each time the table changes in any way.


public void setThrowErrors(boolean throwErr)
Set the throwErrors property. If this is true, then a JCMError is thrown when an attempt is made to use the value of a cell that contains an invalid String. Note that referring to an empty cell is not an error. The default value is true.


public boolean getThrowErrors()
Get the value of the throwErrors property, which determines whether an error is thrown when an attempt is made to refer to the value of a cell that contains an invalid string.


public void setEmptyCellValue(double val)
Set the value that should be returned when the value of an empty cell is requested. The default value is Double.NaN. Another plausible value, in some circumstances, would be zero.


public double getEmptyCellValue()
Get the value that is represented by an empty cell.


public void setAutoAddRows(boolean auto)
If the value of autoAddRows is true, then an empty row is added to the table automatically when the user attempts to move down from the last row of the table, provided that the last row is non-empty (so there can only be one auto-added row at a time). If the user leaves this row while it is still empty, it will automatically be deleted. The default value is true.


public boolean getAutoAddRows()
Get the value of the autoAddRows property, which determines whether empty rows are automatically added to the bottom of the table when needed.


public void setName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name of this DataTableInput. This is only needed if the table is to be added to a parser. The name should be a legal identifier.
Specified by:
setName in interface MathObject
setName in class java.awt.Component


public java.lang.String getName()
Get the name of the DataInputTable (which might be null).
Specified by:
getName in interface MathObject
getName in class java.awt.Component


public void setColumnName(int i,
                          java.lang.String name)
Set the name of column number i, where columns are numbered starting from zero. If column variables are to be used or if the DataTableInput itself is to be added to a parser, then the name should be a legal identifier. If the showColumnTitles property is set to true, then column names are shown at the top of the table.


public java.lang.String getColumnName(int i)
Get the name of column number i, where columns are numbered starting from zero.


public void addRows(int rowCt)
Add the specified number of empty rows at the bottom of the table. If you want a table with a fixed number of rows, add them with this method and set the autoAddRows property to false.


public void insertRow()
Insert a row before the row that contains the cell that the user is editing.


public void deleteCurrentRow()
Delete the row that contains the cell that the user is editing. However, if that is the only row in the table, just make the row empty.


public void clear()
Remove all rows from the table, leaving just one empty row.


public int getColumnCount()
Get the number of columns in the table.


public int addColumn()
Add a column at the right side of the table, with all cells initially empty. The name of the columns will be single letter such as 'A', 'B', ...


public int addColumn(java.lang.String name)
Add a column with the specified name at the right side of the table, with all cells initially empty. This is inefficient if the table already contains a bunch of non-empty rows.


public boolean getShowColumnTitles()
Test whether the column name is shown at the top of each column.


public void setShowColumnTitles(boolean show)
If set to true, then the column name is shown at the top of each column. The default value is false. This is meant to be called before the table has been shown on the screen, such as in the init() method of an applet. If you call it after the table has already been shown, you will have to validate the panel yourself.


public boolean getShowRowNumbers()
Test whether row numbers are shown.


public void setShowRowNumbers(boolean show)
If set to true, then the row number is shown at the left of each row. The default value is false. This is meant to be called before the table has been shown on the screen, such as in the init() method of an applet. If you call it after the table has already been shown, you will have to validate the panel yourself.


public java.awt.Color getLabelBackground()
Returns the color that is used as a background for row numbers and column titles.


public void setLabelBackground(java.awt.Color color)
Set the color to be used as a background for row numbers and column titles. The default is a very light gray.


public java.awt.Color getCellBackground()
Returns the color that is used as a background for cells in the table.


public void setCellBackground(java.awt.Color color)
Set the color to be used as a background for cells in the table. The default is a light yellow.


public java.awt.Color getBlankBackground()
Returns the color that is used for blank areas in the table, below the rows of cells.


public void setBlankBackground(java.awt.Color color)
Get the color to be used as a background blank areas in the table, below the rows of cells. The default is a gray.


public java.awt.Color getGridColor()
Returns the color that is used for the lines between cells in the table.


public void setGridColor(java.awt.Color color)
Get the color to be used for the lines between cells in the table. The default is a blue.


public boolean readFromStream( in)
Read data for table from the specified Reader. One row is filled from each non-empty line of input. The line should contain numbers separated by spaces/tabs/commas. The word "undefined" can be used to represent an empty cell. Otherwise, if a non-number is encountered, an error occurs. If not enough numbers are found on a line, the extra columns are filled with empties. After filling all columns, extra data on the line is ignored. Data currently in the table is removed and replaced (if no error occurs during reading). In the case of an error, if throwErrors is true, then a JCMError is thrown; if throwErrors is false, no error is thrown, but the return value is false. If no error occurs, the return value is true. If an error occurs, the previous data in the table is left unchanged.