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3.2.1 Nearest neighbor gridding

Figure 3.1: Search geometry for nearneighbor

The GMT program nearneighbor implements a simple ``nearest neighbor'' averaging operation. It is the preferred way to grid data when the data density is high. nearneighbor is a local procedure which means it will only consider the control data that is close to the desired output grid node. Only data points inside a search radius will be used, and we may also impose the condition that each of the n sectors must have at least one data point in order to assign the nodal value. The nodal value is computed as a weighted average of the nearest data point per sector inside the search radius, with each point weighted according to its distance from the node as follows:

\bar{z} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} z_{i} w_{i}}{\sum_{i=1}^{n} w...
w_{i} =
\left( 1 + \frac{9 r_{i}^{2}}{R^{2}} \right) ^{-1} \end{displaymath}

The most important switches are listed in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Switches used with the nearneighbor program
Option Purpose
-–Sradius[k] Sets search radius. Append k to indicate radius in kilometers [Default is x-units]
-Eempty Assign this value to unconstrained nodes [Default is NaN]
-–Nsectors Sector search, indicate number of sectors [Default is 4]
-–W Read relative weights from the 4th column of input data

We will grid the data in the file which contains ship observations of bathymetry off Baja California. We desire to make a 5' by 5' grid. Running minmax on the file yields N = 82970	<245/254.705>	<20/29.99131>	<-7708/-9>

so we choose the region accordingly:

nearneighbor –-R245/255/20/30 –-I5m -–S40k –-Gship.grd –-V

We may get a view of the contour map using

grdcontour ship.grd –-JM6i –-P –-B2 -–C250 –-A1000 | ghostview -

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Paul Wessel 2001-04-18