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1.6.6 The -P option

Figure 1.11: (left) Users can specify Landscape [Default] or Portrait (-P) orientation. (right) Plot origin can be translated freely with -X -Y
\epsfig{figure=eps/GMT_-P.eps}& \epsfig{figure=eps/GMT_-XY.eps}\\

-–P selects Portrait plotting mode1.2. The default Landscape orientation is obtained by translating the origin in the x-direction (by the width of the chosen paper PAPER_MEDIA) and then rotating the coordinate system counterclockwise by 90$^{o}$. By default the PAPER_MEDIA is set to Letter (or A4 if SI is chosen); this value must be changed when using different media, such as 11" x 17" or large format plotters (Figure 1.11).

Paul Wessel 2001-04-18