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Next: Options for exponential Up: 1.6.1 The -B option Previous: 1.6.1 The -B option   Contents   Index Options for log$_{10}$ axes

  1. tick must be 1, 2, or 3. Annotations/ticks will then occur at 1, 1-–2–-5, or 1,–2,–3,–4–,...–,9, respectively.

  2. Append l to tick. Then, log$_{10}$ of the annotation is plotted at every integer log$_{10}$ value.

  3. Append p to tick. Then, annotations appear as 10 raised to log$_{10}$ of the value (e.g., $10^{-5}$).

Figure 1.7: Logarithmic projection axis using separate values for anotation, frame, and grid intervals. (top) Here, we have chosen to anotate the actual values. Interval = 1 means every whole power of 10, 2 means 1, 2, 5 times powers of 10, and 3 means every 0.1 times powers of 10. We used -R1/1000/0/1 -JX3l/0.4 -Ba1f2g3. (middle) Here, we have chosen to anotate log$_{10}$ of the actual values, with -Ba1f2g3l. (bottom) We anotate every power of 10 using log$_{10}$ of the actual values as exponents, with -Ba1f2g3p.

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Paul Wessel 2001-04-18