grdgradient - Compute directional derivative or gradient
from 2-D grd file representing z(x,y)
grdgradient in_grdfile -Gout_grdfile [ -Aazim[/azim2] ] [
-D[c][o][n] ] [ -Lflag ] [ -M ] [
-N[e][t][amp][/sigma[/offset]] ] [ -Sslopefile ] [ -V ]
grdgradient may be used to compute the directional deriva
tive in a given direction (-A), or the direction (-S) [and
the magnitude (-D)] of the vector gradient of the data.
Estimated values in the first/last row/column of output
depend on boundary conditions (see -L).
2-D grd file from which to compute directional
-G Name of the output grdfile for the directional
No space between the option flag and the associ
ated arguments. Use upper case for the option flags and
lower case for modifiers.
-A Azimuthal direction for a directional derivative;
azim is the angle in the x,y plane measured in
degrees positive clockwise from north (the +y
direction) toward east (the +x direction). The
negative of the directional derivative,
-[dz/dx*sin(azim) + dz/dy*cos(azim)], is found;
negation yields positive values when the slope of
z(x,y) is downhill in the azim direction, the cor
rect sense for shading the illumination of an image
(see grdimage and grdview) by a light source above
the x,y plane shining from the azim direction.
Optionally, supply two azimuths, -Aazim/azim2, in
which case the gradients in each of these direc
tions are calculated and the one larger in magni
tude is retained; this is useful for illuminating
data with two directions of lineated structures,
e.g. -A0/270 illuminates from the north (top) and
west (left).
-D Find the direction of the gradient of the data. By
default, the directions are measured clockwise from
north, as azim in -A above. Append c to use conven
tional cartesian angles measured counterclockwise
from the positive x (east) direction. Append o to
(e.g., to give orientation of lineated features).
-L Boundary condition flag may be x or y or xy indi
cating data is periodic in range of x or y or both,
or flag may be g indicating geographical conditions
(x and y are lon and lat). [Default uses "natural"
conditions (second partial derivative normal to
edge is zero).]
-M By default the units of grdgradient are in
units_of_z/units_of_dx_and_dy. However, the user
may choose this option to convert dx,dy in degrees
of longitude,latitude into meters, so that the
units of grdgradient are in z_units/meter.
-N Normalization. [Default: no normalization.] The
actual gradients g are offset and scaled to produce
normalized gradients gn with a maximum output mag
nitude of amp. If amp is not given, default amp =
1. If offset is not given, it is set to the aver
age of g. -N yields gn = amp * (g - off
set)/max(abs(g - offset)). -Ne normalizes using a
cumulative Laplace distribution yielding gn = amp *
(1.0 - exp(sqrt(2) * (g - offset)/sigma)) where
sigma is estimated using the L1 norm of (g - off
set) if it is not given. -Nt normalizes using a
cumulative Cauchy distribution yielding gn = (2 *
amp / PI) * atan( (g - offset)/sigma) where sigma
is estimated using the L2 norm of (g - offset) if
it is not given.
-S Name of output grdfile with scalar magnitudes of
gradient vectors. Requires -D.
-V Selects verbose mode, which will send progress
reports to stderr [Default runs "silently"].
If you don't know what -N options to use to make an inten
sity file for ' grdimage or grdview, a good first try is
If you want to make several illuminated maps of subregions
of a large data set, and you need the illumination effects
to be consistent across all the maps, use the -N option
and supply the same value of sigma and offset to grdgradi
ent for each map. A good guess is offset = 0 and sigma
found by grdinfo -L2 or -L1 applied to an unnormalized
gradient grd.
If you simply need the x- or y-derivatives of the grid,
use grdmath.
To make a file for illuminating the data in geoid.grd
using exp-normalized gradients imitating light sources in
the north and west directions, do
grdgradient geoid.grd -A0/270 -Ggradients.grd -Ne0.6 -V
To find the azimuth orientations of seafloor fabric in the
file topo.grd, try
grdgradient topo.grd -Snao -Gazimuths.grd -V
gmt(l), gmtdefaults(l), grdhisteq(l), grdimage(l), grd
view(l), grdvector(l)
Man(1) output converted with