
       grdvector - Plot vector fields from grdfiles


       grdvector  compx.grd  compy.grd  -Jparameters  [  -A  ]  [
       -Btickinfo  ]  [  -Ccptfile  ]  [  -E  ]   [   -Gfill]   [
       -Ix_inc[m|c][/y_inc[m|c]]  ] [ -K ] [ -N ] [ -O ] [ -P ] [
       -Qparameters ] [ -Rwest/east/south/north[r] ] [ -S[l]scale
       ]  [ -T ] [ -U[/dx/dy/][label] ] [ -V ] [ -Wcontourpen ] [
       -Xx-shift ] [ -Yy-shift ] [ -Z ] [ -ccopies ]


       grdvector reads two 2-D gridded files which represents the
       x-  and y-components of a vector field and produces a vec­
       tor field plot by drawing  vectors  with  orientation  and
       length according to the information in the files. Alterna­
       tively,  polar  coordinate  components  may  be  used  (r,
       theta).   grdvector  is basically a short-hand for using 2
       calls to grd2xyz and pasting the output through psxy  -SV.

              Contains the x-component of the vector field.

              Contains the y-component of the vector field.

       -J     Selects  the  map projection. Scale is UNIT/degree,
              1:xxxxx, or width in UNIT  (upper  case  modifier).
              UNIT  is  cm,  inch,  or  m,  depending on the MEA­
              SURE_UNIT setting in .gmtdefaults, but this can  be
              overridden  on the command line by appending the c,
              i, or m to the scale/width value.


              -Jclon0/lat0/scale (Cassini)
              -Jjlon0/scale (Miller)
              -Jmscale (Mercator - Greenwich and Equator as  ori­
              -Jmlon0/lat0/scale  (Mercator  -  Give meridian and
              standard parallel)
              -Joalon0/lat0/azimuth/scale  (Oblique  Mercator   -
              point and azimuth)
              -Joblon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale  (Oblique  Mercator -
              two points)
              -Joclon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale (Oblique  Mercator  -
              point and pole)
              -Jqlon0/scale  (Equidistant  Cylindrical Projection
              (Plate Carree))
              -Jtlon0/scale (TM - Transverse Mercator, with Equa­
              tor as y = 0)
              -Jtlon0/lat0/scale  (TM  - Transverse Mercator, set


              -Jalon0/lat0/scale (Lambert).
              -Jelon0/lat0/scale (Equidistant).
              -Jflon0/lat0/horizon/scale (Gnomonic).
              -Jglon0/lat0/scale (Orthographic).
              -Jslon0/lat0/[slat/]scale (General Stereographic)

              CONIC PROJECTIONS:

              -Jblon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Albers)
              -Jdlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Equidistant)
              -Jllon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Lambert)


              -Jhlon0/scale (Hammer)
              -Jilon0/scale (Sinusoidal)
              -Jk[f|s]lon0/scale (Eckert IV (f) and VI (s))
              -Jnlon0/scale (Robinson)
              -Jrlon0/scale (Winkel Tripel)
              -Jvlon0/scale (Van der Grinten)
              -Jwlon0/scale (Mollweide)


              -Jp[a]scale[/origin]  (polar (theta,r) coordinates,
              optional a for azimuths and offset theta [0])
              -Jxx-scale[l|ppow][/y-scale[l|ppow]] (Linear,  log,
              and power scaling)
              More  details  can  be  found in the psbasemap man­


       No space between the option flag and the associated  argu­

       -A     Means  grdfiles  have  polar  (r, theta) components
              instead of Cartesian (x, y).

       -B     Sets map boundary tickmark intervals. See psbasemap
              for details.

       -C     Use  cptfile  to  assign  colors  based  on  vector

       -E     Center vectors on grid nodes  [Default  draws  from
              grid node].

       -G     Sets  color  or shade for vector interiors [Default
              is no fill].  Specify the shade  (0-255)  or  color
              of  a  Sun 1-, 8-, or 24-bit raster file.  dpi sets
              the resolution of the image. For 1-bit rasters: use
              -GP  for inverse video, or append :Fr/g/b[B[r/g/b]]
              to specify fore- and background colors (use r/g/b =
              -  for transparency).  See GMT Cookbook & Technical
              Reference Appendix E for information on  individual

       -I     Only plot vectors at nodes every x_inc, y_inc apart
              (must  be  multiples  of  original  grid  spacing).
              Append  m  for  minutes  or c for seconds. [Default
              plots every node].

       -K     More  PostScript  code  will  be   appended   later
              [Default terminates the plot system].

       -N     Do NOT clip vectors at map boundaries [Default will

       -O     Selects Overlay plot mode  [Default  initializes  a
              new plot system].

       -P     Selects  Portrait  plotting  mode  [GMT  Default is
              Landscape, see gmtdefaults to change this].

       -Q     Select vector plot [Default is stick-plot]. Option­
              ally,      specify     parameters     which     are
              arrowwidth/headlength/headwidth     [Default     is
              0.075c/0.3c/0.25c  (or  0.03i/0.12i/0.1i)].  Append
              nsize which will cause vectors shorter than size to
              have their appearence scaled by length/size.

       -R     west,  east, south, and north specify the Region of
              interest. To specify boundaries in degrees and min­
              utes  [and  seconds],  use  the  dd:mm[:ss] format.
              Append r if lower left and upper right map  coordi­
              nates  are given instead of wesn.  Specify a subset
              of the grid.

       -S     Sets scale for vector length in data units per dis­
              tance  measurement  unit  [1]. Append c, i, m, p to
              indicate the measurement unit (cm, inch, m, point).
              Prepend  l  to indicate a fixed length for all vec­

       -T     Means azimuth should be converted to  angles  based
              on the selected map projection.

       -U     Draw Unix System time stamp on plot. User may spec­
              ify where the lower left corner of the stamp should
              fall  on  the page relative to lower left corner of
              plot. Optionally, append a label, or c (which  will
              ance; see the gmtdefaults man page for details.

       -V     Selects  verbose  mode,  which  will  send progress
              reports to stderr [Default runs "silently"].

       -W     Set  pen  attributes  used  for   vector   outlines
              [Default:  width  =  1,  color  =  0/0/0, texture =

       -X -Y  Shift origin of plot by (x-shift,y-shift).  Prepend
              a  for  absolute  coordinates; the default (r) will
              reset plot origin.

       -Z     Means the angles provided are azimuths rather  than
              direction (requires -A).

       -c     Specifies the number of plot copies. [Default is 1]


       To draw the vector field given  by  the  files  r.grd  and
       theta.grd  on a linear plot with scale 5 cm per data unit,
       using vector rather than stick plot, and scale vector mag­
       nitudes so that 10 units equal 1 inch, try

       grdvector r.grd theta.grd -Jx5c -Q -S10i >


       gmt(l), grdcontour(l), psxy(l)

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