In many applications the data is better described in polar or
cylindrical (, r) coordinates rather than
the usual Cartesian coordinates (x, y). The
relationship between the Cartesian and polar coordinates are
described by
The polar transformation is simply defined by providing
As an example of this projection we will create a gridded data set in polar coordinates using grdmath, a RPN calculator that operates on or creates grdfiles.
#!/bin/sh # $Id:,v 1.1 2001/03/21 04:10:21 pwessel Exp $ # grdmath -R0/360/2/4 -I6/0.1 X 4 MUL PI MUL 180 DIV COS Y 2 POW MUL = test.grd grdcontour test.grd -JP3i -B30Ns -P -C2 -S4 >
We used grdcontour to make a contour map of this data. Because the data file only contains values with , a donut shaped plot appears in Figure 5.5.