We are pleased to announce a second workshop on "Titan Through Time" in 2012, following the success of the 2010 workshop. The second meeting will have a similar format, with a 2 1/2 day science program comprised of themed sessions, and featuring a mixture of invited reviews, and contributed talks and posters.
As in 2010, we welcome scientific reports and attendance from the widest possible cross-section of the scientific community, including both those studying Titan directly, but also those whose research interests have intersections with Titan science in areas such as laboratory chemistry and spectroscopy; modeling of planetary atmospheres, surfaces and interiors; terrestrial analogs and comparative planetology; and the formation and evolution of the solar system.
Abstracts and registration are required by February 15th to allow time for badging.
Additional information on speakers, the conference venue, and accommodations are available on this web site and will be updated regularly.
Hope to see you in April,
Conor A. Nixon, University of Maryland
We hope that everybody had a safe walk/drive/flight back home. You can download the group picture using the link below.
Titan’s Formation | Surface Activity and Erosion | Meteorology and Weather |
Interior Evolution | Impact History | Mission to Titan |
Astrobiology | Atmospheric Loss and Evolution | Titan and Exoplanets |
For additional questions, please email Conor Nixon :
Questions regarding the organization of the workshop? Contact Conor Nixon email : conor{dot}a{dot}nixon{at}nasa{dot}gov Office : +1.301.286.6757 |
Having trouble while using the website? Contact Nicolas Gorius email : nicolas{dot}gorius{at}nasa{dot}gov Office : +1.301.286.0021 |
Need to send something to us? Nicolas Gorius NASA/GSFC Code 693 8800 Greenbelt Road Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA |
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