Package PIRL.TreeTable

TreeTable is a packaged version of Sun's TreeTable example files.


Interface Summary
TreeTableModel TreeTableModel is the model used by a JTreeTable.

Class Summary
JTreeTable This example shows how to create a simple JTreeTable component, by using a JTree as a renderer (and editor) for the cells in a particular column in the JTable.
TreeTableModelAdapter This wrapper class takes a TreeTableModel and implements the table model interface.

Package PIRL.TreeTable Description

TreeTable is a packaged version of Sun's TreeTable example files. As example code, the documentation is scanty and not intended to provide a thorugh description of its uses. The tutorial article - "Creating TreeTables" - describes the use of the classes for a file hierarchy display application. The classes here have been stripped down for uses with other applications.


Copyright (C) \ 2003-2009 Bradford Castalia, University of Arizona