Uses of Interface

Packages that use TipOfTheDayModel
org.jdesktop.swingx Contains extensions to the Swing GUI toolkit, including new and enhanced components that provide functionality commonly required by rich, data-centric client applications. Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTipOfTheDay. 

Uses of TipOfTheDayModel in org.jdesktop.swingx

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx that return TipOfTheDayModel
 TipOfTheDayModel JXTipOfTheDay.getModel()

Methods in org.jdesktop.swingx with parameters of type TipOfTheDayModel
 void JXTipOfTheDay.setModel(TipOfTheDayModel model)

Constructors in org.jdesktop.swingx with parameters of type TipOfTheDayModel
JXTipOfTheDay(TipOfTheDayModel model)
          Constructs a new JXTipOfTheDay showing tips from the given TipOfTheDayModel.

Uses of TipOfTheDayModel in

Classes in that implement TipOfTheDayModel
 class DefaultTipOfTheDayModel
          Default TipOfTheDayModel implementation.

Methods in that return TipOfTheDayModel
static TipOfTheDayModel TipLoader.load(Properties props)
          Initializes a TipOfTheDayModel from properties.