Package org.jdesktop.swingx.auth

Contains classes and interfaces used by the JXLoginPane component.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
DefaultUserNameStore Saves the user names in Preferences.
JAASLoginService JAASLoginService implements a LoginService that uses JAAS for authentication.
JDBCLoginService A login service for connecting to SQL based databases via JDBC
KeyChain KeyChain is a class that implements the "KeyChain" concept.
LoginEvent This is an event object that is passed to login listener methods
LoginService LoginService is the abstract base class for all classes implementing a login mechanism.
PasswordStore PasswordStore specifies a mechanism to store passwords used to authenticate using the LoginService.
SimpleLoginService An implementation of LoginService that simply matches the username/password against a list of known users and their passwords.
UserNameStore UsernameStore is a class that implements persistence of usernames
UserPermissions This is a singleton that marks the set of permissions for a given logged in user.

Package org.jdesktop.swingx.auth Description

Contains classes and interfaces used by the JXLoginPane component.