Film Recorder Request

For PIRL users only

The process is the same but PIRL users have the option of putting their images on the PIRL scratch disk, and we can get them from there. You might find it easier to place all of your images (especially if you have a lot) into /scratch/username/some_directory/ , rather than to use the regular upload form. Although feel free to use the regular upload form if you like.

If your Web browser doesn't support forms, or if you don't think your message went through, please send e-mail to

(When sending e-mail, be sure to include your e-mail address, if you have one, your area code and phone number, or an address at which you can be reached!)

We suggest creating a new directory under /scratch/your_username/ and put your images in that diretory. For example, create a directory called /scratch/your_username/slides and then put only the images that you want made into slides there. Please make sure that you have done this before submitting the Film Recorder Form.

Please put your images in a separate directory that contains only the images that you want made into slides.

My images are in /scratch/

If you have entered the location on the PIRL scratch disk where you have placed the images that you would like made into slides, click the "Make Film Recorder Form" button to go on to the form. You will get the form if everything goes well, or an error message if you haven't entered a location on the scratch disk.

Back to the main Film Recorder Request page


Last Updated: 14 December 2000