These are taken right before the second mask is run. ESP_058386_1645_RED1_1 Mean: 4102.95, Mode: 4010.0, d: 92, 65% LIS better centered, no practical diff ESP_061572_1725_RED1_1 Mean: 1872.46, Mode: 1751.0, d: 121, 5% LIS no difference ESP_061573_1695_RED1_1 Mean: 1984.85, Mode: 1968.0, d: 16, 1% LIS no difference ESP_061575_1545_RED3_1 Mean: 1920.64, Mode: 1902.0, d: 18, 1% LIS no difference ESP_061580_2390_RED3_1 Mean: 2455.96, Mode: 2324.0, d: 131, 30% LIS better centered, no practical diff ESP_061633_2350_RED3_1 Mean: 2494.02, Mode: 2311.0, d: 183, 14% LIS better centered, no practical diff ESP_061686_1725_RED3_1 Mean: 2300.24, Mode: 1910.0, d: 390, 36% LIS better centered, no practical diff ESP_061827_1390_RED7_1 Mean: 3630.83, Mode: 6683.0, d: -3053, 60% LIS still garbage - This really moved the center of the window into bad territory, however, since the medstd is so large, the span of the window didn't change much.