Holds information about parameters of planned observations.The parameters in this table are organized in observation level. Parameters in CCD level are stored in Planned_CCD table. The values of these two tables will be manipulated(insert, update,delete) by HiPLAN, and HiCommand will retrieve the parameter values in these two tables to generate command files. HiCommand will also input some flag values back into this table, such as Command_File_Generation_Timestamp, Command_File_Uplink_Timestamp, Command_File_Filename. HiDOG will also input observation Success_Acquired_Time back into this table. This table is related to Suggested_Observations table by relational table:Suggestion_Planned_Observation_Relation, related to Sequence_Plan table by relational table: Sequence_Observation_Relation, and related to most of other tables by Observation_ID.