HiCat Data Dictionary

Catalog: HiRISE
The main HiRISE catalog contains all the information used in operating the HiRISE camera after it is attached to the MRO spacecraft. The information is divided into those related to suggesting, planning, commanding, retrieving, processing, validating, and distributing the observations. The tag that follows an observation through all these catalogs (and from Earth to Mars and back) is the unique Observation_ID. This ID is available in both a 32-bit binary code and a user-friendly text representation. This text representation also forms the core of the product names. The HiRISE catalog also contains ancillary information needed in various uplink and downlink activities, such as the people making image suggestions, MRO project uplink files, SPICE and engineering data, and public image releases.
Holds information about parameters of planned observations. The parameters in this table are organized at the observation level. Parameters at the CCD level are stored in the Planned_CCD table. The values of these two tables will be manipulated (insert, update, and delete) by HiPlan, and HiCommand will retrieve the parameter values in these two tables to generate command files. HiCommand will also input some flag values back into this table, such as the various COMMAND_FILE_* fields. HiDOG will also input observation SUCCESS_ACQUIRED_TIME back into this table. This table is related to the Suggested_Observations table by the mapping table Suggested_Observations_Planned_Observations_map, and is related to the Sequence_Plan table by the mapping table ?, and related to most of other tables by Observation_ID.

Field Description Type Null Limits Size Key Default Authority Source
ID This is the unique ID for each Planned Observation. The values here should not be assigned by external programs. Instead it can either be ignored, or NULL can be inserted, and the database will automatically assign the next ID. INT(10) unsigned auto_increment Not Null Primary Key
OBSERVATION_ID This is the very specific HiRISE Observation ID for this Planned Observation. VARCHAR(25) Not Null
OBSERVATION_TYPE This represents the kind of target observation being planned. It can be a value from zero to five. 0 = Nadir looking, normal - no high stability needed. 1 = Small Off-Nadir roll, normal stability. 2 = Small Off-Nadir roll, high stability. 3 = Large Off-Nadir roll, normal stability. 4 = Large Off_Nadir roll, high stability. 5 = Nadir looking, high stability. TINYINT(1) unsigned
STABILITY This is the stability required for this observation. ENUM("NORMAL", "HIGH")
COORDIANATION This indicates what other instruments this observation is coordinated with. SET("CTX", "CRISM", "OTHER")
NEED_STEREO This indicates whether this observation requires stereo. TINYINT
CENTER_PLANETOGRAPHIC_LATITUDE The center planetographic latitude of this observation. Applications or users that insert or update this table are responsible for doing the same for CENTER_PLANETOCENTRIC_LATITUDE. FLOAT
CENTER_PLANETOCENTRIC_LATITUDE The center planetocentric latitude of this observation. Applications or users that insert or update this table are responsible for doing the same for CENTER_PLANETOGRAPHIC_LATITUDE. FLOAT
CENTER_LONGITUDE The center east longitude of this observation. FLOAT
ALTITUDE The Areodetic altitude (at the target) of the center of the observation in kilometers. This field represents the center altitude for the observation on the MRO ellipsoid reference. FLOAT
START_PLANETOGRAPHIC_LATITUDE The beginning planetographic latitude of the observation. Applications or users that insert or update this table are responsible for doing the same for START_PLANETOCENTRIC_LATITUDE. FLOAT
START_PLANETOCENTRIC_LATITUDE The beginning planetocentric latitude of the observation. Applications or users that insert or update this table are responsible for doing the same for START_PLANETOGRAPHIC_LATITUDE. FLOAT
END_PLANETOGRAPHIC_LATITUDE The end planetographic latitude of the observation. Applications or users that insert or update this table are responsible for doing the same for END_PLANETOCENTRIC_LATITUDE. FLOAT
END_PLANETOCENTRIC_LATITUDE The end planetocentric latitude of the observation. Applications or users that insert or update this table are responsible for doing the same for END_PLANETOGRAPHIC_LATITUDE. FLOAT
COMMENT Miscellaneous comment about this observation. VARCHAR(255)
IMAGE_WIDTH Width of the observation in meters. FLOAT
ESTIMATED_ROLL_ANGLE Roll angle of the spacecraft for this observation in degrees. Negative values indicate a roll towards the right, which would be eastwards on the ascending pass of the orbit. FLOAT
PLAYBACK_MODE Mode that the data will be played back in for this observation. ENUM("X_BAND", "KA_BAND")
ESTIMATED_START_TIME_MRO What time format is this in (SCLK)? Laz: If we stick to the PTF format, its YYYY-DOYTHH:MM:SS.sss This is hard for HiCat to understand at datetime because of .sss I have no good suggestions on how to deal with this... VARCHAR(20)
ESTIMATED_STOP_TIME_MRO What time format is this in (SCLK)? Laz: NOTE: in the PTF, there is only "predict time" which is the time of overflight of the center of the image. There are also "observation duration" and "setup duration". I think we want these instead of start-stop. Chris: drop these, do that, check with Eric. VARCHAR(20)
ESTIMATED_PHASE_ANGLE The estimated value of the phase angle for this observation in degrees. FLOAT
ESTIMATED_EMISSION_ANGLE The estimated value of the emission angle for this observation in degrees. FLOAT
ESTIMATED_INCIDENCE_ANGLE The estimated value of the incidence angle for this observation in degrees. FLOAT
CPMM_00_ON This indicates whether the number 0 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_01_ON This indicates whether the number 1 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_02_ON This indicates whether the number 2 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_03_ON This indicates whether the number 3 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_04_ON This indicates whether the number 4 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_05_ON This indicates whether the number 5 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_06_ON This indicates whether the number 6 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_07_ON This indicates whether the number 7 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_08_ON This indicates whether the number 8 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_09_ON This indicates whether the number 9 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_10_ON This indicates whether the number 10 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_11_ON This indicates whether the number 11 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_12_ON This indicates whether the number 12 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
CPMM_13_ON This indicates whether the number 13 CPMM should be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
ESTIMATED_RECEIVE_TIME_UTC This is an estimate of when the data will get to HiROC. This time is in UTC. DATETIME
EXPOSURE_LINETIME The exposure time in microseconds for each line in the image. This must be the value that is supplied to the EXP_LINETIME command. (CT Handbook). Is this the same as LINE_EXPOSURE_DURATION? Check with Eric. FLOAT
EXPOSURE_START_TIME The UTC? time that the exposure begins. Laz: This seems redundant with the MRO times... could be that we have those as strings and this as datetime? I think its redundant... Chris also thinks redundant, check with Eric. DATETIME
ORBIT_NUMBER The orbit number that this observation will be acquired during. May need to go back to varchar to accomodate the a and d portion that the PTF defines: The integer portion represents the orbit number on which the observation will take place. The trailing character is either the letter "a" to denote the "ascending" portion of the orbit, or the letter "d" for the "descending" portion of the orbit. MEDIUMINT(4) unsigned
ORBIT_ALTERNATIVES Other orbits that this can be acquired on. This is a space separated list of orbit numbers. VARCHAR(255)
RAW_DATA_VOLUME The amount of expected raw data volume produced by this observation in units of megabits, post compression (if any). FLOAT
FELICS_COMPRESSION_FLAG Is this observation going to be compressed with FELICS. TINYINT
STATUS The status of this observation through the MRO project. Plan = not yet uplinked. Request = uplinked but not yet executed. Incomplete = executed, but observation data has only been partially received. Complete = executed, and all observation data received. ENUM("PLAN", "REQUEST", "INCOMPLETE", "COMPLETE")
TARGET_NAME The name of the target for this observation. ENUM("MARS", "STARS", "PHOBOS", "DEIMOS", "SKY", "CAL", "LUNA")
COMMAND_FILE_GENERATION_TIME The date and time at which the command file was generated from this Planned Observation. DATETIME
COMMAND_FILE_UPLINK_TIME The date and time at which the command file for this Planned Observation was (or will be?) uplinked to the spacecraft. Laz: I *think* this was intended to record when we uploaded files to JPL. When Chris put stuff on the DOM. Its a record that its in JPL's hands, not ours, when the finger pointing starts... Chris: when the file is radiated to the spaceship, check with Eric. DATETIME
COMMAND_FILE_PATHNAME The full, logical path (filename included) of the Command File within the HiRISE filesystem that was generated from this Planned Observation. VARCHAR(128)
SUCCESS_ACQUIRED_TIME The date and time when this Planned Observation was successfully acquired. DATETIME
STIMULATION_LAMP_RED_ON Is the red stim lamp supposed to be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
STIMULATION_LAMP_NIR_ON Is the near-infrared stim lamp supposed to be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
STIMULATION_LAMP_BLG_ON Is the blue-green stim lamp supposed to be on for this observation. ENUM("OFF", "ON")
PREDICT_TIME Time in SCET (ISOD format, "YYYY-DOYTHH:MM:SS.sss"), predicting when the center of the target will be observed. VARCHAR(25)
SETUP_DURATION The amount of time in seconds by which loading of the sequence precedes the start of actual data acquisition. This will be a number between 0.0 to 120.0. FLOAT
OBSERVATION_DURATION The duration in seconds for which the instrument should expose the target. This value ranges from 0.01 to 360.00. FLOAT
REQUEST_PRIORITY The priority for this observation. This is a value from zero to fifteen, with fifteen being the highest priority. TINYINT(2)
MTL_DATABASE_ID This is a unique label identifying this observation in the MRO project's Master Target List database that is maintained by the Project Scientist. VARCHAR(64)
LSUBS The LS value, or heliocentric longitude of Mars, for this observation, between 0 and 360. FLOAT(30)
LOW_RES_PIXEL_SCALE The scale (in meters?) of pixels on the target. Why is there a low and a high res for this? Laz: This is stuff fed into the PTF. This is done in the stupidest way possible in the PTF. I quote: For HIRISE this field is actually composed of TWO integer values separated by a slash, such as 1/2. The first value is the low-res pixel scale; the second value is the hi-res pixel scale. If the low- or hi-res mode is not used in the observation, its respective value in this field should still be present but zero. For example, "2/0" represents a low-res pixel scale of 2, with hi-res unused. The range of valid scales for both low and high res mode are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 16. I don't know if we want to store this as PTF_PIXEL_SCALE and have real m/pix (3-4 decimal places), in here. Ross: This looks like a binning mode to me. FLOAT
HIGH_RES_PIXEL_SCALE The scale (in meters?) of pixels on the target. Why is there a low and a high res for this? Laz: see above FLOAT
ANCILLARY_DATA This field in the PTF flags whether this observation is a participant in a stereo pair. This value ranges from zero to two. 0 = the observation is not part of a stereo pair. 1 = the observation is the first of a planned stereo pair. 2 = the observation is the second of a planned stereo pair. Does this make NEED_STEREO redundant? TINYINT(1)
LAST_UPDATE This column records the last time that a record was updated. TIMESTAMP

Table Options:

Copyright (C) 2004 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Planetary Image Research Laboratory, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.

This page was generated from the XML HiCat Data Dictionary. $Name: $


Please send comments to: HiCat@pirlmail.lpl.arizona.edu .