The Michael J. Drake
Electron Microprobe Laboratory
University of Arizona

Rm. 23 Space Sciences Building

Ken Domanik, Manager
621 - 2959

Microprobe Sign-up
Changes - CAMECA SX50

This page allows you to select days to be cleared. Please note that this page is provided to ease the trading of days between Microprobe users. You should only clear days with the permission of the person currently signed up for them.

July 1, Monday
9am - night

July 2, Tuesday
9am - night

July 3, Wednesday
9am - night

July 4, Thursday
9am - night

July 5, Friday
9am - night

July 6, Saturday
Call or email for time 9am - night

July 7, Sunday
Call or email for time 9am - night

July 8, Monday
9am - night

July 9, Tuesday
9am - night

July 10, Wednesday
9am - night

July 11, Thursday
9am - night

July 12, Friday
9am - night

July 13, Saturday
Call or email for time 9am - night

July 14, Sunday
Call or email for time 9am - night

If you have finished making your choices, please enter your password and submit your request. When you do this, the web page will give you a confirmation for the date(s) you have selected to clear.

Your Password:

Microprobe Home Page
PtyS/LPL Home Page

Web form processing provided by PIRL.

Last Updated: 14 May 2010
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