
Using the ISIS cam2map program, geometrically process a HiRISE image to a standard map projection. This script is intended to work in the Conductor environment but may be run directly by a user. The output cube is placed in the directory tree: $HiRISE_ROOT/Data/RedGeom


RedGeom -File <pathname> -Configuration <conf_file> -id <unique_id> -help

-File <pathname>

The full pathname of *.histitch.cub or *.balance.cub file to be processed.

-Configuration <conf_file>

Specify the name of the configuration file such as RedGeom.conf. If none specified then the default is $HiRISE_ROOT/Configuration/RedGeom/RedGeom.conf

-Configuration <conf_file>

Specify the name of the configuration file such as RedGeom.conf. If none specified then the default is $HiRISE_ROOT/Configuration/RedGeom/RedGeom.conf

-id <unique_id>

Specify a unique id for the /tmp files. In the Conductor environment this id is automatically provided to the script.


RedGeom is intended to be run as part of the HiRISE RDR pipeline processing within the Conductor environment but may be run by a user. The program runs the ISIS cam2map program to geometrically process an image to a standard map projection. The output goes to the $HiRISE_ROOT/Data/RedGeom directory tree. The input file labels must first be updated with SPICE kernel data created by the spiceinit program. The HiGeomInit pipeline, preceeding RedGeom, is responsible for running the spiceinit program and and creating the *.map.pvl file that defines the map product to be produced.

RedGeom expects to find a map projection file (*.map.pvl) in the $HiRISE_ROOT/Data/RedGeom directory tree.

Environment Variables

RedGeom uses the HiRISE_ROOT environment variable specifying the root directory of the HiRISE directory tree. RedGeom terminates if this environment variable does not exist.

Configuration file

RedGeom must have a configuration file. It can be optionally specified with the -Configruation parameter. If not specified in the command line, RedGeom looks for the file $HiRISE_ROOT/Configuration/RedGeom/RedGeom.conf. If the configuration file can not be found then RedGeom will terminate.

The RedGeom.conf file must have the following PVL keywords:

Specify resampling interpolation (BILINEAR, CUBICCONVOLUTION, or NEARESTNEIGHBOR)

RedGeom_interpolation = CUBICCONVOLUTION 

Action taken if image lies on a longitude seam (AUTO = Automatically correct longitude domain, ERROR = Abort program, CONTINUE = Continue if cube crosses longitude seam.)

RedGeom_lonseam = AUTO   

Do you want to put RedGeom output on the next pipeline?

RedGeom_update_pipeline   = FALSE

What is the name of the next pipeline?

RedGeom_next_pipeline     = RedMosaic    

Please note:

Because the RedGeom pipeline uses ISIS, its peferences file should be set for pipeline processing.

  HistoryPath        = $PWD
  HistoryRecording   = Off

Group = SessionLog
 TerminalOutput = On
 FileOutput     = Off

 FileLine = on
 Format = PVL

ISIS programs called cam2map

Return Codes

The following codes are returned by RedGeom:

0 - Success value
1 - Command line error parameter
2 - Can not create a directory file
3 - Can not create subdirectory specifation with Data_Location
4 - Something wrong with the *.redgeom.dat file
5 - ISIS cam2map failure
6 - HiRISE_ROOT environment variable not defined
7 - Error in calling Configuration
8 - Map file does not exist


Eric Eliason UA/LPL


Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =head1 Version

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