
This procedure, part of the HiStitch pipeline, is resonsible for creating the *.hiccdstitch.pvl file and placing it on the next pipeline source table (currently HiccdStitch). The *.hiccdstitch.pvl file contains the pathnames of the CCD files that will create the HiccdStitch product.


HiStitch_Next_Pipe -File <pathname> -CAtalog <catalog <gt -COnfiguration <conf_file>>

-File <pathname>

The full pathname of the *.histitch.pvl file containing the full pathnames of the two channel files used to construct the HiRISE CCD image.

-Catalog <catalog>

Specify the catalog for the sources table of the next pipeline. If not specified, the default is HiRISE.

-Configuration <conf_file>

Specify the name of the configuration file such as HiStitch.conf. If not specified then the default is $HiRISE_ROOT/Configuration/HiStitch/HiStitch.conf


HiStitch_Next_Pipe is part of the HiStitch pipeline for generating HiRISE CCD images in ISIS format. This procedure will test for the existence of all the CCD files that will be used to construct the HiccdStitch product.

Environment Variables

HiStitch_Next_Pipe requires the environment variable HiRISE_ROOT specfying the root directory of the HiRISE directory tree. HiStitch_Next_Pipe terminates if this environment variable does not exist.

Configuration file

HiStitch_Next_Pipe must have a configuration file. It can be optionaly specified with the -Configruation parameter. If unspecified in the command line, the default is $HiRISE_ROOT/Configuration/HiStitch/HiStitch.conf

HiStitch_update_pipeline = true or false (place output cube on next pipeline?)
HiStitch_next_pipeline = HiStitch (name of next pipeline)

Return Codes

The following codes are returned by HiStitch:

 0 - Success value
 1 - HiRISE_ROOT environment variable not defined
 2 - Cannot create directory for next pipeline
 3 - Configuration file does not exist
 4 - Error in configuration configuration file
 5 - Cannot create the processing text file
 6 - Cannot rename the calibration file.
 7 - Cannot make an entry on the next pipeline source table
 8 - Required command file parameter does not exist
 9 - Cannot create subdirectory name with Data_Location
10 - Cannot read the ISIS keyword PoweredCpmmFlag
11 - Cannot delete previous histitch file
12 - Problems with the input file
13 - Lockfile problem
14 - Cannot determine target name
15 - Error with systems command
16 - Error with ISIS command


Eric Eliason UA/LPL Audrie Fennema UA/LPL/HiRISE


Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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