
Run the ISIS spiceinit program for ISIS cube files associated with an observation. SpiceInit updates files in the HiRISE directory area specified by the HiRISE_ROOT environment variable.


SpiceInit -Observation <Observation_ID> -Color -Polar -Configuration <conf_file> -Overwrite_spice <TRUE/FALSE> -Predicted_spice <TRUE/FALSE> -Spk_file <SPK file> -Ck_file <CK file> -Verbose -Help

-Observation <Observation_ID>

The required parameter specifies the Observation_ID for the cube files to update with SPICE data

-Configuration <conf_file>

Configuration file such as SpiceInit.conf. If not specified the default is $HiRISE_ROOT/Configuration/HiSPICE/SpiceInit.conf


If the switch is specified then SpiceInit will update only ISIS 3-color files located in the Color Directory. If not specified then the ISIS single-band files associated with the individual CCD files are updated.


If the switch is specified then SpiceInit will use the Polar DTM model for the geometic processing.


If set to TRUE of FALSE the Overwrite parameter in the configuration file is ignored and this value is used.


If set to TRUE or FALSE the Predict_spice parameter in the configuration file is ignored and this value is used.

-Spk_file <SPK file>

This optional parameter specifies an alternate SPK file to be used to update the ISIS cube file with SPICE data. If this parameter is not specified then the SPK database file (kernels.xxxxx.db) will be used to find the appropriate kernel.

-Ck_file <CK file>

This optional parameter specifies an alternate CK file to be used to update the ISIS cube file with SPICE data. If this parameter is not specified then the CK database file (kernels.xxxxx.db) will be used to find the appropriate kernel.


This optional parameter specifies "verbose" printing of SpiceInit actions.


SpiceInit is used to update the ISIS cube files in the HiRISE directory structure specified by the HiRISE_ROOT environment variable.

If the "-Color" switch parameter is specified then only the ISIS 3-color products found in the HiColorNorm directory area updated. Otherwise, only the single-band ISIS cube files are updated.

Environment Variables

SpiceInit expects the HiRISE_ROOT environment variable specifying the root directory of the HiRISE directory tree. SpiceInit terminates if this environment variable does not exist.

Configuration file

SpiceInit must have a configuration file. It can be optionaly specified with the -Configruation parameter. If a configuration file is not specified then the $HiRISE_ROOT/Configuration/HiSPICE/SpiceInit.conf file is used. If the configuration file can not be found then SpiceInit will terminate.

The SpiceInit.conf file must have the following PVL object:

    /* Overwrite the SPICE kernel data if already in the ISIS label? */
    SpiceInit_Overwrite         = TRUE
    /* Run spiceinit on the EDR_Stats area? */
    SpiceInit_Update_EDR_Stats  = FALSE
    /* Run spiceinit on the HiCal area? */
    SpiceInit_Update_HiCal      = FALSE
    /* Run spiceinit oh the HiCal .balance.cub products */
    SpiceInit_Update_HiCal_Balance = FALSE
    /* Run spiceinit on the HiStitch .histitch.cub products? */
    SpiceInit_Update_HiStitch   = FALSE
    /* Run spiceinit on the HiStitch .balance.cub products */
    SpiceInit_Update_HiStitch_Balance   = TRUE
    /* Run spiceinit on the HiColorNorm _COLOR*.cub products */
    SpiceInit_Update_HiColorNorm   = TRUE
    s/* Use Smithed CK kernel if available? */
    SpiceInit_CK_Smithed        = TRUE
    /* Use Reconstructed CK kernel if available? */
    SpiceInit_CK_Reconstructed  = TRUE
    /* Use Predicted CK kernel if available? */
    SpiceInit_CK_Predicted      = FALSE
    /* Use Smithed SPK kernel if available? */
    SpiceInit_SPK_Smithed       = TRUE
    /* Use Reconstructed SPK kernel if available? */
    SpiceInit_SPK_Reconstructed = TRUE
    /* Use Predicted SPK kernel if available? */
    SpiceInit_SPK_Predicted     = FALSE
    /* Geometry processing Planet Shape Model */
    /* Must be SYSTEM, ELLIPSOID, USER. See ISIS  */
    /* spiceinit documentation for more information */
    SpiceInit_Shape_Model       = USER
    SpiceInit_Model_Path        = "/HiRISE/Data/NAIF/molaDTM/molaMarsPlanetaryRadius_HiRISE.cub"
    SpiceInit_Polar_Model_Path  = "/HiRISE/Data/NAIF/molaDTM/molaMarsPlanetaryRadius_Polar_Regions_HiRISE.cub"


Return Codes

The following codes are returned by SpiceInit:

 0 - Success value
 1 - Bad environment variable for HiRISE_ROOT
 2 - Bad command line for SpiceInit
 3 - Configuration file could not be found
 4 - Data Location could not create a subdirectory name
 5 - Could not find the SPICE file
 6 - No files found to update


Eric Eliason UA/LPL


Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


1.7 2007/05/10 18:21:25