HiPlan - Start the HiRISE planning tool, HiPlan.
HiPlan [--configuration <configuration_pathname>] [--disable-constraints] [--read-only] [--ptf-fields | --hicat-fields] [--jagged-text] <lon> <lat>
HiPlan [--configuration <configuration_pathname>] [--disable-constraints] [--read-only] [--ptf-fields | --hicat-fields] [--jagged-text] <jmars_save_file_pathname>
(Output is controlled by application menus.)
HiPlan --flight-settings
HiPlan --usage
HiPlan --man
HiPlan [--jagged-text] --help
HiPlan --environment
HiPlan --version
The HiPlan wrapper configures and invokes HiPlan. HiPlan is MTT with additional HiRISE-specific modules. In particular, it features the HOGG, which enables a HiRISE operator to configure HiRISE for an observation, and HiLiner, which draws the HiRISE CCD footprints.
HiPlan may be started with either a longitude and latitude coordinate pair or a JMARS save file. A JMARS save file is created within HiPlan; there are two types. (These files will be created in your home directory by default.)
A "JMARS State File" (file extension ".jmars") is created by selecting "Save As..." or "Save" from the main window's "File" menu. A JMARS state file contains all the layers currently loaded and the view settings, including the center coordinates of the main view. A "JMARS state file" is different from an MRO state file, please note. The former is the HiPlan (JMARS) state; the latter is a list of SPICE kernels and associated data that define MRO operations for a particular range of time.
A "JMARS Layer File" (file extension ".jlf") is created by selecting "Save Layers..." from the main window's "File" menu. A layer file contains only the layers specified when saving, and it does not include any view settings.
Note "HiPlan" is really just the MRO project targeting tool, MTT (Mars Target Tool), with several HiRISE-specific additions. MTT, in turn, is ASU's JMARS application with several MRO-specific additions.
HiRISE Flight Settings: This application uses a global configuration file (see FILES, below) to identify CCDs that have been decommissioned. Since these CCDs should not be commanded, this application will not enable these CCDs in observations that it creates. If such a CCD is active in a template being applied to an observation, that CCD is deactivated before the template is applied. Likewise, if such a CCD is active in an imaging mode, that CCD will not be enabled when the mode is applied.
The --flight-settings option produces a list of currently configured inactive CCDs.
Data Slacker: HiPlan includes a simplified model of HiRISE's use of the MRO solid state recorder (SSR), called Data Slacker. To view Data Slacker, click the "Data Slacker" button in the HiPlan Tracker window once the MRO Planning layer is loaded. If the HiPlan Tracker window doesn't show up, either change your configuration's Show_Tracker_On_Startup parameter to "true" or HOGG an observation and select "Show Tracker Window" from the HOGG's Utility menu.
Data Slacker displays the downlink, in base-2 megabits per second, in a small plot at the bottom of the window and HiRISE's use of the SSR, in percent framed, in a large plot above it. They share a common time axis. The SSR usage plot updates dynamically whenever a HiRISE observation is added or modified; a "Refresh Plot" button updates it as well if needed.
Use the Plot menu or right-click on the data volume plot to set or clear initial conditions.
Data Slacker Caveats: Data Slacker is a greatly simplified model. It treats raw and framed space as the same storage, and it models HiRISE observations as being written directly to framed. (In reality, they are written to raw and then drained from raw into framed, adding a certain amount of time and data volume in the process.) It also ignores the complex interplay between instruments when one instrument does not use its full allocation on a pass. Data Slacker is thus more like a HiRISE-only single-instrument run of the MRO project's Data Tracker application.
HiPlan recognizes the following options:
Specifies the configuration file pathname to be used by HiPlan. This configuration file includes access information for the HiRISE database, HiCat.
Sets up the MRO planning layer to disable MRO constraints checking. Do so only on the advice of your targeting specialist.
Configure HiPlan such that each record loaded from HiCat is read-only to the user. Using this option is equivalent to setting to "true" the Read_Only parameter in the configuration file.
Overrides: Read_Only configuration parameter
Enforces the "PTF field dominance" policy, in which PTF field values are used in favor of HiCat field values when there is a conflict. Only the observation duration, comment, and coordinated track history fields are affected.
This behavior is the default.
Enforces the "HiCat field dominance" policy, in which HiCat field values are used in favor of PTF field values when there is a conflict. Only the observation duration, comment, and coordinated track history fields are affected.
Renders HiPlan and the help viewer text without smoothing it. By default, the text will be smoothed, but doing so may be hard on one's eyes.
Displays basic information on the current HiRISE flight configuration and exits. The operational side is listed along with the disabled CCDs, if any.
Displays a short usage statement and exits.
Displays a detailed manual page and exits.
Displays a graphic help viewer for the application.
Prints a summary of environment variables and their default values to the standard output stream and exits. Additional user information is included in the report.
Displays a version number and exits.
Options are not case sensitive and may be abbreviated to their shortest, unique form. One or two dashes may be used.
When specifying a configuration file or a JMARS saved session file, a standard file pathname (absolute or relative) is required. Note that a bare filename is a relative file pathname for a file in the current working directory.
HiPlan uses two configuration files. One configures HiPlan for access to the HiRISE database, HiCat. The other configures the MTT core for HiRISE operations.
The HiPlan configuration file supplies the HiPlan modules with the information needed to connect to HiCat and retrieve observation data from the planning tables.
By default, the application looks for a configuration file in the following locations, in this order:
./HiPlan.conf ./HOGG.conf ./.HiPlan.conf ./.HOGG.conf ~/HiPlan.conf ~/HOGG.conf ~/.HiPlan.conf ~/.HOGG.conf
The --configuration command-line option overrides the default configuration search with a user-specified configuration file pathname; if the named configuration cannot be read for any reason, HiPlan will present the user with an error message. The configuration file is not checked until the HiRISE modules are loaded, however, which takes place only when the MRO Observation layer is added or when the HiRISE shape layer feature providers are loaded. See Diagnostics, below, for more information.
At a minimum, the configuration file must supply the usual database connection information.
HiPlan recognizes several additional configuration parameters, below, which should appear in the "HiPlan" group or the "HOGG" group; otherwise they may appear outside of a group or in any group at all (in that search order).
Specifies the database catalog to use. If no such parameter exists in the configuration, HiPlan will use "HiRISE_Test" by default.
Default: HiRISE_Test
Specifies the operator's HiWeb username if it is different from the operator's system username. The HiWeb username is used by the suggestion editor for backfilling an observation's suggestion and for creating new suggestions (including backfills). If the parameter is not found in the configuration, the operator's system username is used instead.
Default: (none - operator's system username used instead)
Specifies the operator's HiWeb password. The HiWeb password is used by the suggestion editor to authenticate the operator against the HiWeb database tables. If the parameter is not found in the configuration, the operator will be prompted to enter a HiWeb password prior to using the HOGG; the password must match the HiWeb username, which is taken either from the configuration or from the operator's system username. (See above.)
If the operator elects not to authenticate, the suggestion editor will not be available.
Default: (none)
Specifies the default FELICS compression ratio to use. If not present, or if its value is not a number, a default value of 2.5 is used.
Default: 2.5
If "true," specifies that HiPlan should load observations from HiCat in read-only mode, preventing changes from being saved. The read-only state may be changed on a case-by-case basis via the HOGG's Utility menu.
The --read-only command-line option has the same effect as setting this parameter to "true."
Default: false
Overridden By: --read-only
Specifies a set of observation IDs to be used as common template observations. These observations appear under the Template menu's Load Favorite submenu. The value for this parameter is a curly-brace-enclosed set: { Foo, Bar }.
Default: (none)
Specifies the style of crosshairs shown in the map window for HiRISE observations. Acceptable values are None, Standard, Timeline, Full, and Small. Standard is assumed by default or if the value is not one of the allowed values.
This parameter is not used by the standalone HOGG.
Specifies the color of the crosshairs. Its value can be White, Black, Yellow, or Blue. White is assumed by default or if the value is not one of the allowed values.
This parameter is not used by the standalone HOGG.
Default: WHITE
Indicates whether the HOGG's location should be reset whenever it is opened via the HOGG button in HiPlan. If "true," the HOGG always opens on top of the MRO Planning layer's focus panel, above the HOGG button. If false, the default, the HOGG opens wherever you last moved it.
This parameter also controls the location of the HiReporter window.
This parameter is not used by the standalone HOGG.
Default: false
Indicates whether the HiPlan Tracker is shown when the MRO Planning layer is opened. If "true," the default, the tracker is shown on startup. If "false," the tracker is not shown. The HOGG's utility menu provides a means to show the tracker if it is not currently showing.
This parameter is not used by the standalone HOGG.
Default: true
Sets the HOGG's unbinned line increment value. This value is the number of unbinned lines added to or removed from the observation when the line number increment commands are used. The value may also be changed within the HOGG.
Default: 100
Five parameters control HiPlan's autosave feature (see AUTOSAVE, below). These parameters should appear in the "HiPlan" group; otherwise they may appear outside of a group or in any group at all (in that search order).
Determines whether the autosave feature will be active. If "true," autosave takes place as defined by the other autosave parameters. If "false," autosave is deactivated.
Autosave may also be enabled/disabled via a menu item in the HiPlan Tracker's Utility menu.
Default: true
Sets the timed interval between autosaves in minutes. HiPlan will autosave the PTF and the HiPlan Tracker list at this frequency in addition to the frequency at which observations are HOGGed.
The minimum value for this parameter is 1; there is no maximum.
Default: 5
Sets the HOGGing interval between autosaves in number of observations HOGGed. HiPlan will autosave the PTF and the HiPlan Tracker list at this frequency in addition to the timed frequency.
The minimum value for this parameter is 1; there is no maximum.
Default: 5
Sets the maximum number of versions HiPlan maintains for the autosaved PTF and HiPlan Tracker list. Note that each invocation of HiPlan starts a new series of autosaves.
The minimum value for this parameter is 2; there is no maximum.
Default: 3
Sets the directory to which autosave files are written. If the directory does not exist, HiPlan will create it.
If the directory exists but is not really a directory, or if it does not exist and cannot be created by HiPlan, or if the value is the empty string, HiPlan will use the current working directory instead.
The value is otherwise treated being relative to the current working directory. Absolute paths may be used (e.g., "/Users/cipp/autosave"), but the Unix shell short-hand notation for "home directory" (the tilde character, "~") should not be used.
Default: autosave
Several additional parameters are recognized by the suggestion editor, SuggestEd, which is embedded in the HOGG under the "SuggestEd" tab. These parameters should appear in the "SuggestEd" group; otherwise they may appear outside of a group or in any group at all (in that search order).
Sets the default emission angle limits for new suggestions (including backfills); both the suggester and STL angles are so set. They can be adjusted after the suggestion is created, provided the operator is the suggester or has STL permissions for the science theme.
The default values are 0.0 and 40.0 degrees, respectively. The hard limits on these fields are 0.0 and 90.0 degrees.
Default: 0.0 (minimum); 40.0 (maximum)
Sets the default incidence angle limits for new suggestions (including backfills); both the suggester and STL angles are so set. They can be adjusted after the suggestion is created, provided the operator is the suggester or has STL permissions for the science theme.
The default values are 0.0 and 75.0 degrees, respectively. The hard limits on these fields are 0.0 and 100.0 degrees.
Default: 0.0 (minimum); 75.0 (maximum)
Sets the default phase angle limits for new suggestions (including backfills); both the suggester and STL angles are so set. They can be adjusted after the suggestion is created, provided the operator is the suggester or has STL permissions for the science theme.
The default values are 0.0 and 180.0 degrees, respectively. These are also the hard limits on the fields.
Default: 0.0 (minimum); 180.0 (maximum)
Sets the default solar longitude limits for new suggestions (including backfills); both the suggester and STL angles are so set. They can be adjusted after the suggestion is created, provided the operator is the suggester or has STL permissions for the science theme.
The default values are 0.0 and 360.0 degrees, respectively. These are also the hard limits on the fields.
Default: 0.0 (minimum); 360.0 (maximum)
Sets SuggestEd's operational mode. By default, SuggestEd is read-only (value: Read_Only), enabling it to load up a mapped suggestion, but not to edit the suggestion, change the mapping, or create a backfill suggestion. SuggestEd can also be set to fully enabled (value: Enabled) or entirely disabled (value: Disabled).
Default: READ_ONLY
Two parameters are used by Data_Slacker. They mark the raw and framed partition lines on the plot. These parameters should appear under the "Data_Slacker" group; otherwise they may appear outside of a group or in any group at all (in that search order).
The Raw_Parition_Megabits parameter is also used by the HOGG to limit the size of each observation.
See the Data_Slacker manual page for more information about Data_Slacker.
Indicates the size of the SSR raw partition for HiRISE in base-2 megabits. (A base-2 megabit is 1024 * 1024 bits; a base-10 megabit is 1000 * 1000 bits.)
This parameter is also used by the HOGG to limit the size of each observation. If an observation exceeds this value, the HOGG produces an error message and does not allow you to save the observation.
Default: 21544.0
Indicates the size of the SSR framed partition for HiRISE in base-2 megabits. (A base-2 megabit is 1024 * 1024 bits; a base-10 megabit is 1000 * 1000 bits.)
Default: 25311.0
A set of color parameters is recognized by several of the shape layer feature providers (Planned Observations, Acquired Observations, and Live From Mars; see the online help for more information about these providers). The parameter values have the same format: a hexadecimal RGB triplet.
These parameters should appear in the "Shapes" group; otherwise they may appear outside of a group or in any group at all (in that search order).
Sets the default color for a shape derived from a database table with a STATUS field of value PLAN.
Default: "0xCC6633" (a brown-orange)
Sets the default color for a shape derived from a database table with a STATUS field of value REQUEST.
Default: "0xFF9900" (orange)
Sets the default color for a shape derived from a database table with a STATUS field of value EXECUTED.
Default: "0x33CC33" (a bright green)
Sets the default color for a shape derived from a database table with a STATUS field of value INCOMPLETE.
Default: "0x00FFFF" (aqua)
Sets the default color for a shape derived from a database table with a STATUS field of value COMPLETE.
Default: "0x0066FF" (blue)
Sets the default color for a shape derived from a database table with a STATUS field of value DEFUNCT.
Default: "0x666666" (a dark gray)
A similar set of color parameters is recognized by the Suggested Observations shape layer feature provider. These parameters should also appear in the "Shapes" group; otherwise they may appear outside of a group or in any group at all (in that search order).
Sets the default color for a shape derived from a database table with a GROUP_NAME field of value TEAM_MEMBER.
Default: "0xFFCC66" (a golden yellow)
Sets the default color for a shape derived from a database table with a GROUP_NAME field of value PUB.
Default: "0x66CCFF" (a light blue)
Sets the default color for a shape derived from a database table with a GROUP_NAME field of value QUEST_CHALLENGE.
Default: "0x66FFCC" (a light green)
Sets the default color for a shape whose STATUS or GROUP_NAME is null or empty.
Default: "0xFF0000" (red)
The Planned Observations feature provider recognizes a set of configuration parameters that sets the initial state of its user interface elements. Note that these parameters control only the initial states of the interface elements; the interface elements themselves control the database query.
Specifies the observation status to include in the database query. The checkboxes corresponding to these values are in the checked state when the feature provider is first loaded. The parameter's value is an array of statuses.
Indicates whether the "Exclude geometry-processed observations" checkbox is checked. Its value is a boolean, either "true" or "false."
Default: true
Indicates whether the "Include TARGET = MARS observations only" checkbox is checked. Its value is a boolean, either "true" or "false."
Default: true
Indicates whether the "Include planned geometry outlines" checkbox is checked. Its value is a boolean, either "true" or "false."
Default: true
The shape layer feature providers recognize the following additional parameters. These parameters prevent database operations from colliding by uniquely identifying each provider's operations. Their exact values are unimportant; it is that each is different that matters.
Note that these parameters do not affect other users. Everyone can have these same values for these parameters without problem.
There is virtually no situation in which you should change these.
Sets the database factory ID for the Suggested Observations feature provider.
Default: Shapes.Suggested_Observations
Sets the database factory ID for the Planned Observations feature provider.
Default: Shapes.Planned_Observations
Sets the database factory ID for the Acquired Observations feature provider.
Default: Shapes.Acquired_Observations
Sets the database factory ID for the CTX Products feature provider.
Default: Shapes.CTX_Products
Finally, additional configuration parameters exist: a set for HiReporter, another for HIPHOP, and a final set for the displaying clocks in the HOGG's Help menu. See the online HiPlan or HOGG help for information. See the Clocks manual page or online help for information about the clock configuration. Configured clocks also appear in the HiPlan Tracker's Help menu.
The MTT configuration file configures the underlying MTT core of HiPlan for HiRISE-specific operations. Specifically, it tells MTT about the HOGG.
When the HiPlan wrapper starts, it checks for the existence of the MTT
configuration file (jmars.config
) in the current working directory. If it is
found, the wrapper checks that the HiRISE-specific parameters have the right
value. If they don't, the wrapper fixes the configuration file such that the
required parameters have the right value.
If the MTT configuration file is not found, it is created with all the right settings for HiRISE-specific parameters. Additional parameters are set as well; these are not strictly required but they do configure the MTT core more towards HiRISE operations use. Because they are not required, later invocations of HiPlan do not check their presence or their values.
There is no option to specify a particular MTT configuration file.
HiPlan periodically autosaves your work to a pair of files in a configurable directory. It saves the PTF, and it saves the list of HOGGed observations shown in the HiPlan Tracker table.
The frequency of the autosave operation is governed by three parameters in your configuration file (see CONFIGURATION FILE, above):
Enable_Autosave Autosave_Interval_Minutes Autosave_Interval_HOGGings
The first determines whether autosave takes place at all; it may be overridden via a menu item in the HiPlan Tracker window. The second parameter sets the interval in minutes between autosaves. The third sets the interval in HOGGed observations between autosaves. (An observation is "HOGGed" in this sense if you click OK in the HOGG window, even if you make no changes.)
If the interval in minutes is 5 (the default), then HiPlan will save your work every five minutes.
If the interval in HOGGings is 5 (the default), then HiPlan will save your work after every fifth HOGGed observation.
The two intervals are in effect simultaneously and are independent.
Autosave has a maximum number of versions of the two files, set by the Autosave_Version_Count parameter. The version counter is cyclical, so that when the last version is used, the counter rolls over and the first versions are overwritten.
ls -ltr
in a terminal/shell window to list the files by last-modified date, to see which autosave files are most recent. ("-ltr" means "long-form listing, sort by time, reverse sort.")
The files are stamped with the process ID of the invocation of HiPlan that is responsible for the autosave, or by the first 16 bits of the time at which HiPlan was invoked if the process ID is unavailable for some reason. The filenames have these forms:
autosave-PID-VV.ptf (the PTF) autosave-PID-VV.txt (the HiPlan Tracker list)
"VV" is the current version number, zero-padded.
The directory to which the files are saved is set by the Autosave_Directory parameter. Its value can be a relative or absolute path; if relative, it is relative to the directory from which you started HiPlan. If the directory does not exist, HiPlan will create it.
If the configured autosave directory exists but is not really a directory, or if it does not exist and cannot be created by HiPlan, or if the value is the empty string, HiPlan will just use the current working directory instead.
The default value is "autosave," which is relative to the current directory.
HiPlan performs numerous database operations. These are broken down by module, below.
The HOGG performs the following database operations on fields in the following tables. Operations marked SuggestEd require SuggestEd to be ENABLED or READ_ONLY, as indicated.
Read: The module reads the fields in this table for the suggestion mapped to the observation (SuggestEd: READ_ONLY, ENABLED)
Write: The module writes the DATE_SUCCESS and RETIRING_OBSERVATION_ID fields for each suggestion retired by the observation. (SuggestEd: ENABLED)
Write: The module writes the fields in this table when updated in SuggestEd. (SuggestEd: ENABLED)
Write: The module writes the fields in this table when a backfill suggestion is created. (SuggestEd: ENABLED)
Read: The module reads the fields in this table to identify the suggestion mapped to the observation. (SuggestEd: READ_ONLY, ENABLED)
Write: The module writes the fields in this table to map an observation to its suggestion. (SuggestEd: ENABLED)
Read: The module reads the fields in this table to link a suggestion to its science theme. (SuggestEd: READ_ONLY, ENABLED)
Write: The module writes the fields in this table to link a suggestion to its science theme when the theme is changed. (SuggestEd: ENABLED)
Read: The module reads the THEME field for each suggestion via the Suggested_Observations_Science_Theme_map table. (SuggestEd: READ_ONLY, ENABLED)
Read: The module reads the fields in this table to link each suggestion to its suggester. (SuggestEd: READ_ONLY, ENABLED)
Read: The module reads the following fields for the application operator. (SuggestEd: READ_ONLY, ENABLED)
Read: The module reads the above fields for a suggestion's suggester via the Suggested_Observations_People_map table. (SuggestEd: READ_ONLY, ENABLED)
Read The module reads the fields in this table to link a person to his or her science theme if the person is an STL. (SuggestEd: READ_ONLY, ENABLED)
Read: The module reads all fields for each observation.
Read: The module reads all fields for each template observation.
Write: The module writes all fields for each observation.
HiLiner is the module that supplies the CCD footprints and the targeting crosshairs. It performs the following database operation on fields in the following tables.
Read: The module reads all fields for each observation. It uses only the following fields.
The Suggested_Observations feature provider performs the following operations on fields in the following tables.
Read: The module reads the following fields for each of the selected suggestions.
Read: The module reads the fields in this table to link each suggestion to its science theme.
Read: The module reads the THEME field for each suggestion via the Suggested_Observations_Science_Theme_map table.
Read: The module reads the fields in this table to link each suggestion to its suggester.
Read: The module reads the USERNAME and GROUP_NAME fields for each suggestion via the Suggested_Observations_People_map table.
The Planned_Observations feature provider performs the following operations on fields in the following tables.
Read: The module reads the following fields for each of the selected observations.
Read: The module reads the ID and OBSERVATION_ID fields for each of the selected observations. This read is used to exclude geometry-processed observations when that checkbox is selected in the Query By Status tab of the dialog box.
The Acquired_Observations feature provider performs the following operations on fields in the following tables.
Read: The module reads the following fields for each of the selected observations.
Read: The module reads the following fields for each of the selected observations.
The CTX_Products feature provider performs the following operation on fields in on of the following tables. If the module is to use PDS-released products (as chosen via dialog), the CTX table is used. If the module is to use SCIDER-released products, the Scider_Products table is used. Note that these tables are in the CTX database catalog, not the configured catalog.
Read: The module reads the following fields for each CTX PDS-released observation.
Read: The module reads the following fields for each CTX SCIDER-released observation.
The HiPlan wrapper produces an exit status of 0 on success.
The wrapper produces an exit status of 2 on failure, along with a brief diagnostic message explaining the problem.
Note that HiPlan is MTT with HiRISE-specific additions, and that MTT is JMARS with MRO-specific additions. Neither MTT nor JMARS were developed by HiRISE, so diagnostics produced at the application level cannot easily be addressed in this documentation. Exit statuses produced are unknown and may not be reliably meaningful.
Furthermore, the HiRISE modules are not loaded at startup; there is no functional difference between HiPlan and JMARS at this point. It is only when the MRO Observation layer is added that the HiRISE modules are loaded and configured, and it is therefore only at this point that problems with HiCat or with the operator's configuration file will be detected and reported. In these cases, because the JMARS core of HiPlan is already up and running smoothly, the application will continue to run, but the HOGG may be disabled.
To start HiPlan centered on 0, 0, run the following command:
HiPlan 0 0
To start HiPlan centered near the south pole with constraints disabled, run this command:
HiPlan --disable-constraints 270 -85
If you save out your HiPlan (JMARS) state to a file called "saved.jmars," you can start HiPlan up again with the same layers and view settings with the following command. HiPlan will load the layers and set the JMARS view to the coordinates and scale specified in the file.
HiPlan saved.jmars
If you save out a collection of useful layers to a file called "layers.jlf," you can start HiPlan up again with the same layers using the following command. HiPlan will load the layers but use the default view coordinates (0, 0) and view scales.
HiPlan layers.jlf
HiPlan uses the following environment variables. To see their default values and their current values, run HiPlan with the --environment switch.
Used to locate the non-HiRISE Java libraries required by HiPlan.
Used to locate the HiRISE-related Java class files. Note that this environment variable spells "HiRISE" correctly, with a lowercase "i" after the "H," which differs from the usual environment variable convention.
Used to identify the command that starts the Java virtual machine.
Used to locate the JMARS library files. The JMARS Java archive is located at $JMARS/lib/jmars.jar. The JSPICE library files are located at $JMARS/lib/ARCH, where "ARCH" identifies the system architecture.
$HiRISE_ROOT/HiPlan/HOGG/resources/Flight_Settings.pvl - The list of inactive CCDs and the current operational side.
$HiRISE_ROOT/HiPlan/HOGG/resources/Standard_Imaging_Modes.pvl - The standard HiRISE imaging modes. Note that the flight settings file may override an imaging mode if the mode uses a CCD that is marked as inactive.
HOGG, Clocks, Data_Slacker
Note: Jovian atmospheric dynamics are in no way relevant to most HiRISE planning situations.
Christian Schaller, UA/PIRL
HIPHOP originally by Nick Thomas, U. Bern. Data_Slacker model by Ross Beyer, NASA Ames. MTT developed at ASU.
Copyright (C) 2006 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Planetary Image Research Laboratory, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.