Inititate the geometry processing pipelines to create mosaicked products geometrically processed to a standard map projection.
HiGeomInit -File <pathname> -Cat <Catalog> -Configuration <conf_file> -Nopipe -Help
The input to this pipe is a PVL file conntaining a list of ISIS file names that are to be used in the geometry processing. This file is presumably created by the "Launch_HiGeom" script. The list of ISIS file names, formatted as PVL, exists in the /HiRISE/Data/HiGeomInit directory tree.
Specify the name of the configuration file such as HiGeomInit.conf. If not specified then the default is $HiRISE_ROOT/Configuration/HiGeomInit/HiGeomInit.conf
Specify the catalog to be used for adding to the RedGeom Sources table. If not specified the default is HiRISE
This switch tells HiGeomInit to not place the processing files on the RedGeom_Sources table. All other functions of HiGeomInit are carried out.
Specify the -help parameter to get a description of the command line.
Inititiate the geometry processing pipelines to create mosaicked products geometrically processed to a standard map projection. The procedure is expected to run in the Conductor pipeline environment but may be run directly from the command line by a user.
The input to this program is a PVL file containing a list of ISIS file names to be used in the construction of the geometrically-processsed mosaics.
The procedure attempts to make a scrupulous check on the input images used to create the geometrically-processed mosaics. With these checks the subsequent geometry processing steps are likely to successfuly complete.
The HiGeomInit pipeline initiates the processing for either ISIS 3-color products (found in the Color directory tree) or red-filter products (found in the HiStitch directory tree). The name of the PVL file passed to the script specifies which processing is to occur. PVL files with extension "*_COLOR.higeom.pvl" identifies ISIS 3-color products are to be generated. The 3-color files are located in the Color directory tree. Files with extension "*_RED.higeom.pvl" identifies red-filter processing with input ISIS files are located in the HiStitch directory tree.
The procedure first updates the ISIS cube files with the necessary SPICE kernel information using the ISIS "spiceinit" program. Next, the procedure creates the map group processing parameters for the ".map.pvl" file placed in the RedGeom directory tree. Then the PVL file for the RedMosaic pipeline is created (but not submitted) in the RedMosaic directory tree for eventual RedMosaic pipeline step. Finally, the files to be processed are placed on the RedGeom Sources table.
The procedure also updates the Observation_Geometry table with viewing geometry information.
HiGeomInit must have a configuration file. It can be optionaly specified with the -Configruation parameter. If not specified in the command line, HiGeomInit looks for the file $HiRISE_ROOT/Configuration/HiGeomInit/HiGeomInit.conf. If the configuration file can not be found then HiGeomInit will terminate. Please see the documentation found in the configuration files for more information on the parameters used to guide the processing.
Please note:
Because the HiGeomInit pipeline uses ISIS, its peferences file should be set for pipeline processing.
HistoryPath = $PWD
HistoryRecording = Off
Group = SessionLog
TerminalOutput = On
FileOutput = Off
FileLine = on
Format = PVL
ISIS Programs called campt camrange
The following codes are returned by HiGeomInit:
0 Success value
1 Command line error
2 Can not create a directory file
3 HiRISE_ROOT enviornment variable not defined
4 Data_Location failed to create subdirectory specification
5 Can not find the input file
6 Can not open input file
7 No product records found in input file
8 Observation IDs do not match in list
9 There are more then 28 products in a list
10 More then two products specified for a CCD
11 One or more files are missing
12 PvlGetkeyval error
13 Target not Mars
14 Bad file nameing convention
15 spiceinit failed
16 Can not delete an existing file
17 campt failed
18 Problem with configuration file
19 Can not delete a file
20 Can not create a file
21 Cannot open MySQL catalog
22 Cannot delete the lockfile
23 Launch_HiGeom failed for color
Eric Eliason UA/LPL
Audrie Fennema UA/LPL
Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
1.49 2025/01/14 22:33:30