HiCat Data Dictionary
MGS catalog contains data from MOC, MOLA, TES instruments in Mars
Global Surveyor (MGS) mission.
- Table:MOLA
Data from the Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter (MOLA) on MGS.
Field |
Description |
Type |
Null |
Limits |
Size |
Key |
Default |
Authority |
Source |
- Field: the field name within the table.
- Description: the definition for the field.
- Type: the data type of the field.
- Null: whether the field is allowed to be null.
- Limits: the acceptable data range for the field.
- Size: the upper limit data storage size for the field.
- Default: the default value for the field.
- Authority: the agency responsible for definition of the field.
- Source: the most frequent source of data for this field.
Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Arizona Board of Regents on
behalf of the Planetary Image Research Laboratory,
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University
of Arizona.
This page was generated from the XML HiCat Data Dictionary.
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