HiCat Data Dictionary

Catalog: HiRISE
The main HiRISE catalog contains all the information used in operating the HiRISE camera after it is attached to the MRO spacecraft. The information is divided into those related to suggesting, planning, commanding, retrieving, processing, validating, and distributing the observations. The tag that follows an observation through all these catalogs (and from Earth to Mars and back) is the unique Observation_ID. This text representation also forms the core of the product names. The HiRISE catalog also contains ancillary information needed in various uplink and downlink activities, such as the people making image suggestions, MRO project uplink files, SPICE and engineering data, and public image releases.
Holds metadata about old versions of RDR products that have been removed from the system.

Field Description Type Null Limits Size Key Default Authority Source
ID This is the unique ID for each RDR Product. The values here should not be assigned by external programs. Instead it can either be ignored, or NULL can be inserted, and the database will automatically assign the next ID. INT(10) unsigned auto_increment Not Null Primary Key db server
PRODUCT_ID This is the unique public identifier for this RDR Product. It is derived from the Product ID of the EDR products it is generated from. VARCHAR(28) Not Null RDRgen
VERSION Version number of this record. VARCHAR(255) Not Null RDRgen
OBSERVATION_ID The Observation ID for the planned observation that was the basis for the generation of the data product. This corresponds to the OBSERVATION_ID field of the Planned_Observations table. VARCHAR(28) EDR SIS RDRgen
DATA_SET_ID_INDEX This column is a foreign key reference to the dsIdx column in the RDR_Datasets table. It indicates the correct Data_Set_ID record that the PDS Profile server should use when building a product profile. INT(10) unsigned Foreign Key which references RDR_Datasets (dsIdx) ON DELETE SET NULL
TARGET_NAME The name of the target for this Product. ENUM("MARS", "STARS", "PHOBOS", "DEIMOS", "SKY", "CAL", "LUNA", "MOON") RDRgen
MISSION_PHASE_NAME The mission phase name that this Product was acquired under. ENUM("Integration and Testing", "Calibration", "ATLO", "Kennedy Space Center", "Launch", "Cruise", "Approach", "Aerobraking", "Transition", "Primary Science Phase", "Relay", "Reserved_1", "Reserved_2", "Reserved_3", "Reserved_4", "Reserved_5", "Reserved_6", "Reserved_7", "Reserved_8", "Reserved_9", "Reserved_10", "Reserved_11", "Reserved_12", "Reserved_13", "Reserved_14", "Reserved_15", "Reserved_16", "Reserved_17", "Reserved_18", "Reserved_19", "Reserved_20", "Sequence Verification Tests") RDRgen
RATIONALE_DESC A description of what was acquired with this Product. TEXT RDRgen
ORBIT_NUMBER The orbit number that this Product was acquired during. SMALLINT(10) unsigned RDRgen
SOFTWARE_NAME Version of the RDRgen software that was used to create this product. VARCHAR(70) RDRgen
DATA_FILE_PATHNAME The full, logical path (filename included) of this RDR Product within the HiRISE filesystem. TEXT RDRgen
LABEL_FILE_PATHNAME The full, logical path (filename included) of the detached PDS label for this product. TEXT EDRgen
START_TIME This is the UTC start time of the first image line of this product. DATETIME RDRgen
STOP_TIME This is the UTC stop time of the last image line of this product. DATETIME RDRgen
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT This is the MRO spacecraft clock value in seconds:tics format where tics are one over 2 to the 16. This is relative to the J2000 epoch. VARCHAR(20) RDRgen
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT This is the MRO spacecraft clock value in seconds:tics format where tics are one over 2 to the 16. This is relative to the J2000 epoch. VARCHAR(20) RDRgen
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME This is the UTC time when this Product was created. DATETIME RDRgen
FILTER_NAME The verbose filter names for the different kinds of CCD that this Product was assembled from. SET("RED", "NEAR-INFRARED", "BLUE-GREEN") RDRgen
IMAGE_LINES The number of lines in this product. INT(11) unsigned RDRgen
LINE_SAMPLES The number of samples in each line. INT(11) unsigned RDRgen
SCALING_FACTOR The scaling factor that is part of the conversion equation used to convert the DN in the JP2 file to I/F units: I/F = DN * SCALING_FACTOR + OFFSET DOUBLE RDRgen
OFFSET The offset value used to convert the DN values in the JP2 image to I/F units. DOUBLE RDRgen
MAP_RESOLUTION The map resolution in pixels/degree. FLOAT unsigned RDRgen
MAP_SCALE The image resolution in meters/pixel at the center of the image. FLOAT unsigned RDRgen ?
LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET This column provides the line offset value of the map projection origin position from the line and sample 1, 1 (line and smaple 1, 1 is considered the upper left corner of the digital array). FLOAT(10) RDRgen
SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET This column provides the sample offset value of the map projection origin position from line and sample 1,1. Positive direction is to the right and down. FLOAT RDRgen
IMAGE_CENTER_LATITUDE The center planetocentric latitude of this image. FLOAT -90 to 90 RDRgen
IMAGE_CENTER_LONGITUDE The center east longitude of this observation. FLOAT -180 to 360 RDRgen
MINIMUM_LATITUDE The maximum latitude of the projected map product. FLOAT -90 to 90 RDRgen
MAXIMUM_LATITUDE The minimum latitude of the projected map product. FLOAT -90 to 90 RDRgen
MINIMUM_LONGITUDE The minimum longitude of the projected map product. FLOAT -180 to 360 RDRgen
MAXIMUM_LONGITUDE The maximum longitude of the projected map product. FLOAT -180 to 360 RDRgen
UPPER_LEFT_LATITUDE The planetocentric latitude of the upper left corner of the image. FLOAT -90 to 90 RDRgen
UPPER_LEFT_LONGITUDE The longitude of the upper left corner of the image. FLOAT 0 to 360 RDRgen
UPPER_RIGHT_LATITUDE The planetocentric latitude of the upper right corner of the image. FLOAT -90 to 90 RDRgen
UPPER_RIGHT_LONGITUDE The longitude of the upper right corner of the image. FLOAT 0 to 360 RDRgen
LOWER_LEFT_LATITUDE The planetocentric latitude of the lower left corner of the image. FLOAT -90 to 90 RDRgen
LOWER_LEFT_LONGITUDE The longitude of the lower left corner of the image. FLOAT 0 to 360 RDRgen
LOWER_RIGHT_LATITUDE The planetocentric latitude of the lower right corner of the image. FLOAT -90 to 90 RDRgen
LOWER_RIGHT_LONGITUDE The longitude of the lower right corner of the image. FLOAT 0 to 360 RDRgen
NORTH_AZIMUTH The angle in degrees clockwise from the reference axis of the observation (a line from the center to the right edge of the observation) to the direction to the north pole of the target body. FLOAT 0 to 360 RDRgen
SUB_SOLAR_AZIMUTH The angle in degrees clockwise from the reference axis of the observation (a line from the center to the right edge of the observation) to the direction to the sub-solar point on the target body. FLOAT 0 to 360 RDRgen
COORDINATION The set of instruments this observation was intended to be coordinated with. What should be the format of this field?? VARCHAR(64) RDRgen?
STEREO Indicates whether this product is intended to be part of a stereo pair? ENUM("NO", "YES") RDRgen?
PDS_DELIVER_DATE The date this product was delivered to the PDS. DATETIME HiArch ?
VALID_FLAG A NULL here means that this data has not gone through validation. Values mean that it has gone through the validation process. False means it has failed inspection and subsequent processing cannot proceed. True indicates that it can. TINYINT HiVali ?
VALIDATOR_USERNAME The system username of the person that has validated this Product. VARCHAR(32) HiVali ?
VALIDATOR_NOTE An optional note that may be written by the validator. TEXT HiVali ?
VALIDATE_TIME The UTC date when this Product was validated. DATETIME HiVali ?
IMG_FILE_SIZE The size of the PDS raw "img" file, in bytes. INTEGER(10) RDRgen
JP2_FILE_SIZE The size of the JPEG2000 file in bytes. INTEGER(10) RDRgen
JP2_DECOMPRESSION_TIME The amount of time, in seconds, that it takes to decompress the JPEG2000 image and convert it to PDS "raw" format. INTEGER(5) Reprocessing Procedures
LAST_UPDATE This column records the last time that a record was updated. TIMESTAMP db server

Table Options:

Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the Planetary Image Research Laboratory, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.

This page was generated from the XML HiCat Data Dictionary. HEAD


Please send comments to: HiCat@pirlmail.lpl.arizona.edu.