HiCat Data Dictionary
The HiCat (HiRISE Catalog) is the central database system that links
all the key elements of the HiRISE ground data system. It stores
the metadata needed for suggesting, planning, commanding, retrieving,
processing, validating, and distributing HiRISE images. In addition,
it stores metadata from previous Mars missions, such as Viking,
MGS, and Odyssey. HiCat provides links to the image data, but does
not store those data internally.
These data are available (to different degrees) for the HiROC staff,
distributed HiRISE Co-I's, other MRO scientists, and the general
public (which includes the Mars science community). Data are organized
with the following hierarchy: catalogs, tables, and fields.
The catalogs are listed below. They consist of tables which
have fields. For the sake of clarity, we subdivide the tables into
groups and subgroups. However, these are not functional hierarchical
levels in the database system. Follow the links below for more
detailed information about each catalog and its contents.
The main HiRISE catalog contains all the information used in operating
the HiRISE camera after it is attached to the MRO spacecraft. The
information is divided into those related to suggesting, planning,
commanding, retrieving, processing, validating, and distributing
the observations. The tag that follows an observation through all
these catalogs (and from Earth to Mars and back) is the unique
Observation_ID. This text representation
also forms the core of the product names. The HiRISE catalog also
contains ancillary information needed in various uplink and downlink
activities, such as the people making image suggestions, MRO project
uplink files, SPICE and engineering data, and public image releases.
This catalog stores metadata and locations of data files from the
MRO Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer (CRISM).
CRISM is a high spatial and spectral resolution
spectrometer operating in the near-infrared. Many HiRISE observations
are planned in coordination with CRISM.
This catalog stores metadata from the MRO Context Imager (CTX).
CTX provides high resolution, wide field-of-view
context images for both HiRISE and CRISM observations, as well as
targetting areas of scientific interest on its own. Many HiRISE
observations have associated CTX observations.
The Odyssey catalog contains data from the THEMIS and GRS instruments
from the Mars Odyssey mission.
MGS catalog contains data from MOC, MOLA, TES instruments in Mars
Global Surveyor (MGS) mission.
The Viking catalog contains data from the cameras and the IRTM
instrument from the Viking orbiters.
Some utilities are available.
Copyright (C) 2005 Arizona Board of Regents on
behalf of the Planetary Image Research Laboratory,
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University
of Arizona.
This page was generated from the XML HiCat Data Dictionary.
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