x_solve_dc_drift - Find Best-fitting D.C.-shift and Drift
x_solve_dc_drift [ -Xxbase ] [ -Llbase ] [ -Iignorefile ]
[ -S ] [ -Citeration ] [ -Mmin_nx ] [
-Rwest/east/south/north ] [ -Uuselegsfile ] [ -V ] [
-Bbinfile ] [ -AASCIIfile ]
x_solve_dc_drift will read the database files and, by
iterating, find the best-fitting regression line to the
<time,COE> points for each leg that minimizes the overall
standard deviation of the data set in a least squares
sense. Finally, correction file(s) are created.
-X Indicate an alternate database to read. [Default is
-L Indicate an alternate legbase to read. [Default is
-I Ignore information for certain legs (that might be
bad etc).
-S Reset the old d.c.-shift and drift estimates to
zero before iterating.
-C Specify how many iterations to do. Default is
interactive session.
-M Solve for drift only if the leg has more than
min_nx cross-overs.
-R Only take COEs inside this region into account.
[Default is world].
-U Solve for corrections involving COEs from legs in
the uselegsfile only.
-B Create a binary correction file (which can be read
by xlist and gmtlist).
-A Create an ASCII correction table. At least one of
-A and -B must be specified.
-V Operate in verbose mode.
The reason for the -M option is that if the COEs are few, then a
stable estimate of the slope may
not be obtained (e.g. when most of the COEs occur midway
between ports). However, in most cases the bulk of the
time-series and the computed regression line to see if it
makes sense.
gmt(l), x_system(l)
Wessel, P. XOVER: A Cross-over Error Detector for Track
Data, Computers & Geosciences, 15, 333-346.
Man(1) output converted with