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1.7.6 Eckert IV and VI projection

We conclude the survey of map projections with the Eckert IV and VI projections (-–JK), two of several projections used for global thematic maps; They are both equal-area projections whose syntax is


where f gives Eckert IV (4) and s (Default) gives Eckert VI (6). The $lon_0$ is the central meridian (which takes precedence over the mid-value implied by the -–R setting). A simple Eckert VI world map is thus generated by

pscoast -–R0/360/-90/90 –-JKs180/9i -–B60g30/30g15 –-Dc –-A5000 -–G180/120/60 \
    -–S100/180/255 -–W0.25p >!


Paul Wessel 2001-04-18