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1.7.4 Albers projection

The Albers projection (-–JB) is an equal-area conical projection; its conformal cousin is the Lambert conic projection (-–JL). Their usages are almost identical so we will only use the Albers here. The general syntax is

-–JB $lon_0/lat_0/lat_1/lat_2/width$

where ($lon_0, lat_0$) is the map (projection) center and $lat_1, lat_2$ are the two standard parallels where the cone intersects the Earth's surface. We try the following command:

pscoast –-R-130/-70/24/52 -–JB-100/35/33/45/6i -–B10g5:."Conic Projection": \
   –-N1/2p -–N2/0.25p -–A500 -–G200 –-W0.25p -–P >!


Paul Wessel 2001-04-18