
       triangulate  -  Perform optimal Delauney triangulation and


       triangulate infiles [ -Dx|y ] [ -Eempty ] [ -Ggrdfile ]  [
       -H[nrec]  ] [ -Ix_inc[m|c][/y_inc[m|c]] ] [ -Jparameters ]
       [ -L ] [ -M[flag] ] [ -Rwest/east/south/north[r] ] [ -V  ]
       [ -Z ] [ -: ] [ -bi[s][n] ] [ -bo[s] ]


       triangulate  reads one or more ASCII [or binary] files (or
       standard input) containing x,y[,z] and  performs  Delauney
       triangulation, i.e., it find how the points should be con­
       nected to give the most equilateral  triangulation  possi­
       ble.  If  a  map  projection  is chosen then it is applied
       before the triangulation is calculated.  By  default,  the
       output  is  triplets of point id numbers that make up each
       triangle and is written to standard output.  The  id  num­
       bers  refer  to the points position in the input file.  As
       an option, you may choose to  create  a  multiple  segment
       file that can be piped through psxy to draw the triangula­
       tion network. If -G -I are set a grid will  be  calculated
       based  on the surface defined by the planar triangles. The
       actual algorithm used in the triangulations is either that
       of   Watson  [1982]  [Default]  or  Shewchuck  [1996]  (if
       installed).  This choice is made during the GMT  installa­

              Data  files with the point coordinates in ASCII (or
              binary; see -b). If no files are given the standard
              input is read.


       -D     Take either the x- or y-derivatives of surface rep­
              resented by the planar facets (only used when -G is

       -E     Set  the  value  assigned to empty nodes when -G is
              set [NaN].

       -G     Use triangulation to grid the  data  onto  an  even
              grid  (specified  with  -I, -R). Append the name of
              the output grid file.  The  interpolation  is  per­
              formed in the original coordinates, so if your tri­
              angles are close to the poles you  are  better  off
              projecting  all  data  to a local coordinate system
              before using triangulate (this is true of all grid­
              ding routines).

       -H     Input  file(s)  has  Header  record(s).  Number  of
              header records can be changed by editing your .gmt­

       -I     x_inc [and optionally y_inc] sets the grid size for
              optional  grid  output (see -G).  Append m to indi­
              cate minutes or c to indicate seconds.

       -J     Selects the map projection. Scale  is  UNIT/degree,
              1:xxxxx,  or  width  in UNIT (upper case modifier).
              UNIT is cm, inch,  or  m,  depending  on  the  MEA­
              SURE_UNIT  setting in .gmtdefaults, but this can be
              overridden on the command line by appending the  c,
              i, or m to the scale/width value.


              -Jclon0/lat0/scale (Cassini)
              -Jjlon0/scale (Miller)
              -Jmscale  (Mercator - Greenwich and Equator as ori­
              -Jmlon0/lat0/scale (Mercator -  Give  meridian  and
              standard parallel)
              -Joalon0/lat0/azimuth/scale   (Oblique  Mercator  -
              point and azimuth)
              -Joblon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale (Oblique  Mercator  -
              two points)
              -Joclon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale  (Oblique  Mercator -
              point and pole)
              -Jqlon0/scale (Equidistant  Cylindrical  Projection
              (Plate Carree))
              -Jtlon0/scale (TM - Transverse Mercator, with Equa­
              tor as y = 0)
              -Jtlon0/lat0/scale (TM - Transverse  Mercator,  set
              -Juzone/scale (UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator)
              -Jylon0/lats/scale (Basic Cylindrical Projection)


              -Jalon0/lat0/scale (Lambert).
              -Jelon0/lat0/scale (Equidistant).
              -Jflon0/lat0/horizon/scale (Gnomonic).
              -Jglon0/lat0/scale (Orthographic).
              -Jslon0/lat0/[slat/]scale (General Stereographic)

              CONIC PROJECTIONS:

              -Jblon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Albers)
              -Jdlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Equidistant)
              -Jllon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Lambert)


              -Jhlon0/scale (Hammer)
              -Jnlon0/scale (Robinson)
              -Jrlon0/scale (Winkel Tripel)
              -Jvlon0/scale (Van der Grinten)
              -Jwlon0/scale (Mollweide)


              -Jp[a]scale[/origin] (polar (theta,r)  coordinates,
              optional a for azimuths and offset theta [0])
              -Jxx-scale[l|ppow][/y-scale[l|ppow]]  (Linear, log,
              and power scaling)
              More details can be found  in  the  psbasemap  man­

       -L     Indicates  that  the  x column contains longitudes,
              which may differ from the region in -R  by  [multi­
              ples  of] 360 degrees [Default assumes no periodic­

       -M     Output triangulation network as multiple line  seg­
              ments  separated  by a record whose first character
              is flag [>]. To plot, use psxy with the  -M  option
              (see Examples).

       -R     west,  east, south, and north specify the Region of
              interest. To specify boundaries in degrees and min­
              utes  [and  seconds],  use  the  dd:mm[:ss] format.
              Append r if lower left and upper right map  coordi­
              nates are given instead of wesn.

       -V     Selects  verbose  mode,  which  will  send progress
              reports to stderr [Default runs "silently"].

       -Z     Controls whether binary data file has two or  three
              columns [2]. Ignored if -b is not set.

       -:     Toggles  between  (longitude,latitude)  and  (lati­
              tude,longitude) input/output. [Default  is  (longi­
              tude,latitude)].  Applies to geographic coordinates

       -bi    Selects binary input. Append s for single precision
              [Default  is  double].   Append n for the number of
              columns in the binary file(s).  [Default is 2 input

       -bo    Selects  binary  output. Append s for single preci­
              sion [Default is double].  Node ids are  stored  as
              binary  4-byte  integer triplets. -bo is ignored if
              -M is selected.


       for the given area and spacing, try

       triangulate -bo -R0/30/0/30 -I2  -Gsurf.grd  >

       To  draw  the optimal Delauney triangulation network based
       on the same file using a 15-cm-wide Mercator map, try

       triangulate -M -R-100/-90/30/34 -JM15c |  psxy
       -M -R-100/-90/30/34 -JM15c -W0.5p -B1 >


       gmt(l), pscontour(l)


       Watson,  D.  F.,  1982, Acord: Automatic contouring of raw
       data, Comp. & Geosci., 8, 97-101.
       Shewchuck, J. R., 1996, Triangle: Engineering a 2D Quality
       Mesh  Generator  and Delaunay Triangulator, First Workshop
       on  Applied  Computational  Geometry  (Philadelphia,  PA),
       124-133, ACM, May 1996.

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