psvelo - Plot velocity vectors, crosses, and wedges on
psvelo files -Jparameters -Rwest/east/south/north [
-Btickinfo ] [ -Dsigma_scale ] [ -Fred/green/blue ] [
-Ered/green/blue ] [ -Gfill ] [ -H ] [ -K ] [ -L ] [ -N ]
[ -O ] [ -P ] [ -Ssymbol/scale/conf/font_size ] [
-U[/dx/dy/][label] ] [ -V ] [ -Wpen ] [ -Xx-shift ] [ -Yy-
shift ] [ -: ] [ -ccopies ]
psvelo reads data values from files [or standard input]
and generates PostScript code that will plot velocity
arrows on a map. Most options are the same as for psxy,
except -S The PostScript code is written to standard out
put. The previous version (psvelomeca) is now obsolete. It
has been replaced by psvelo and psmeca.
files List one or more file-names. If no files are given,
psvelo will read standard input.
-J Selects the map projection. Scale is UNIT/degree,
1:xxxxx, or width in UNIT (upper case modifier).
UNIT is cm, inch, or m, depending on the MEA
SURE_UNIT setting in .gmtdefaults, but this can be
overridden on the command line by appending the c,
i, or m to the scale/width value.
-Jclon0/lat0/scale (Cassini)
-Jjlon0/scale (Miller)
-Jmscale (Mercator - Greenwich and Equator as ori
-Jmlon0/lat0/scale (Mercator - Give meridian and
standard parallel)
-Joalon0/lat0/azimuth/scale (Oblique Mercator -
point and azimuth)
-Joblon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale (Oblique Mercator -
two points)
-Joclon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale (Oblique Mercator -
point and pole)
-Jqlon0/scale (Equidistant Cylindrical Projection
(Plate Carree))
-Jtlon0/scale (TM - Transverse Mercator, with Equa
tor as y = 0)
-Jtlon0/lat0/scale (TM - Transverse Mercator, set
-Juzone/scale (UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator)
-Jalon0/lat0/scale (Lambert).
-Jelon0/lat0/scale (Equidistant).
-Jflon0/lat0/horizon/scale (Gnomonic).
-Jglon0/lat0/scale (Orthographic).
-Jslon0/lat0/[slat/]scale (General Stereographic)
-Jblon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Albers)
-Jdlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Equidistant)
-Jllon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Lambert)
-Jhlon0/scale (Hammer)
-Jilon0/scale (Sinusoidal)
-Jk[f|s]lon0/scale (Eckert IV (f) and VI (s))
-Jnlon0/scale (Robinson)
-Jrlon0/scale (Winkel Tripel)
-Jvlon0/scale (Van der Grinten)
-Jwlon0/scale (Mollweide)
-Jp[a]scale[/origin] (polar (theta,r) coordinates,
optional a for azimuths and offset theta [0])
-Jxx-scale[l|ppow][/y-scale[l|ppow]] (Linear, log,
and power scaling)
More details can be found in the psbasemap man
-R west, east, south, and north specify the Region of
interest. To specify boundaries in degrees and min
utes [and seconds], use the dd:mm[:ss] format.
Append r if lower left and upper right map coordi
nates are given instead of wesn. -SSelects the
meaning of the columns in the data file and the
figure to be plotted.
-Sevelscale/confidence/fontsize. Velocity ellipses in
(N,E) convention. Vscale sets the scaling of the velocity
arrows. This scaling gives inches (unless c, i, m, or p
is appended).
Confidence sets the 2-dimensional confidence limit for
the ellipse, e.g., 0.95 for 95% confidence ellipse. Font
size sets the size of the text in points. The ellipse will
be filled with the color or shade specified by the -G
option [default transparent]. The arrow and the circumfer
ence of the ellipse will be drawn with the pen attributes
specified by the -W option. Parameters are expected to be
changes order)
3,4 eastward, northward velocity (-: option inter
changes order)
5,6 uncertainty of eastward, northward velocities
(1-sigma) (-: option interchanges order)
7 correlation between eastward and northward compo
8 name of station (optional). The bug which previ
ously wrote a garbage string if this argument was
omitted has been fixed.
-Snbarscale. Anisotropy bars. Barscale sets the scaling
of the bars This scaling gives inches (unless c, i, m, or
p is appended). Parameters are expected to be in the fol
lowing columns:
1,2 longitude, latitude of station (-: option inter
changes order)
3,4 eastward, northward components of anisotropy vector
(-: option interchanges order)
-Srvelscale/confidence/fontsize. Velocity ellipses in
rotated convention. Vscale sets the scaling of the veloc
ity arrows. This scaling gives inches (unless c, i, m, or
p is appended).
Confidence sets the 2-dimensional confidence limit for
the ellipse, e.g., 0.95 for 95% confidence ellipse. Font
size sets the size of the text in points. The ellipse
will be filled with the color or shade specified by the -G
option [default transparent]. The arrow and the circumfer
ence of the ellipse will be drawn with the pen attributes
specified by the -W option. Parameters are expected to be
in the following columns:
1,2 longitude, latitude, of station (-: option inter
changes order)
3,4 eastward, northward velocity (-: option inter
changes order)
5,6 semi-major, semi-minor axes
7 counter-clockwise angle, in degrees, from horizon
tal axis to major axis of ellipse.
sets the size of the wedges in inches (unless c, i, m, or
p is appended). Values are multiplied by Wedge_mag before
plotting. For example, setting Wedge_mag to 1.e7 works
well for rotations of the order of 100 nanoradians/yr. Use
-G to set the fill color or shade for the wedge, and -E to
set the color or shade for the uncertainty. Parameters
are expected to be in the following columns:
1,2 longitude, latitude, of station (-: option inter
changes order)
3 rotation in radians
4 rotation uncertainty in radians
-Sxcross_scale Strain crosses. Cross_scale sets the size
of the cross in inches (unless c, i, m, or p is appended).
Parameters are expected to be in the following columns:
1,2 longitude, latitude, of station (-: option inter
changes order)
3 eps1, the most extensional eigenvalue of strain
tensor, with extension taken positive.
4 eps2, the most compressional eigenvalue of strain
tensor, with extension taken positive.
5 azimuth of eps2 in degrees CW from North.
-R west, east, south, and north specify the region of
To specify your boundaries in degrees and minutes, use
the dd:mm format by appending 'm'.
No space between the option flag and the associated argu
-A Arrow_width/Head_length/Head_width Size of arrow in
inches. [Default is 0.03/0.12/0.09].
-B Sets map boundary tickmark intervals. See psbasemap
for details. -C Offset focal mechanisms to the
latitude and longitude specified in the last two
columns of the input file.
-D Sigma_scale can be used to rescale the uncer
tainties of velocities (-Se and -Sr) and rotations
(-Sw). Can be combined with the confidence vari
annotation. [Default is 0/0/0 (black)]
-Efill Sets the color or shade used for filling
uncertainty wedges (-Sw) or velocity error ellipses
(-Se or -Sr). [If -E is not specified, the uncer
tainty regions will be transparent.]
-Gfill Select filling of ellipses, wedges, and
focal mechanisms. By convention, the compressional
quadrants of the focal mechanism beach balls are
shaded. Set the shade (0-255) or color (r/g/b)
[Default is 0/0/0]. Optionally, specify -Gpi
con_size/pattern, where pattern gives the number of
the image pattern (1-32) OR the name of a icon-for
mat file. icon_size sets the unit size in inches.
To invert black and white pixels, use -GP instead
of -Gp. See pspatterns for information on individ
ual patterns.
-H Input file(s) has Header record(s). Number of
header records can be changed by editing your .gmt
defaults file. If used, GMT default is 1 header
-K More PostScript code will be appended later
[Default terminates the plot system]. -L Draw
lines. Ellipses and fault planes will have their
outlines drawn using current pen (see -W).
-N Do NOT skip symbols that fall outside the frame
boudary specified by -R.
[Default plots symbols inside frame only].
-O Selects Overlay plot mode [Default initializes a
new plot system].
-P Selects Portrait plotting mode [GMT Default is
Landscape, see gmtdefaults to change this].
-U Draw Unix System time stamp on plot. User may spec
ify where the lower left corner of the stamp should
fall on the page relative to lower left corner of
plot. Optionally, append a label, or c (which will
plot the command string.)
-V Selects verbose mode, which will send progress
reports to stderr [Default runs "silently"]. -W
Set pen attributes for velocity arrows, ellipse
circumference and fault plane edges.
[Defaults: width = 1, color = 0/0/0, texture =
reset plot origin.
-: Toggles between (longitude,latitude) and (lati
tude,longitude) input/output. [Default is (longi
tude,latitude)]. Applies to geographic coordinates
-c Specifies the number of plot copies. [Default is 1]
The following should make big red arrows with green
ellipses, outlined in red. Note that the 39% confidence
scaling will give an ellipse which fits inside a rectangle
of dimension Esig by Nsig.
psvelo << END -H2 -R-10/10/-10/10 -W1/255/0/0 .br
-G0/255/0 -L -Se0.2/0.39/18 -B1g1 -Jx0.4/0.4 .br
-A0.1/0.3/0.3 -P -V >!
Long. Lat. Evel Nvel Esig Nsig CorEN SITE
(deg) (deg) (mm/yr) (mm/yr)
0. -8. 0.0 0.0 4.0 6.0 0.500 4x6
-8. 5. 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.500 3x3
0. 0. 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 0.500
-5. -5. 6.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 0.500 6x4
5. 0. -6.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 -0.500 -6x4
0. -5. 6.0 -4.0 6.0 4.0 -0.500 6x-4
The example should plot some residual rates of rotation in
the Western Transverse Ranges, California. The wedges will
be dark gray, with light gray wedges to represent the
2-sigma uncertainties.
psvelo <<END -Sw0.4/1.e7 -W3 -G60 -E210 -H1 -D2 -Jm2.2 .br
-R240./243./32.5/34.75 -Bf10ma60m/WeSn -P >!
lon lat spin(rad/yr) spin_sigma (rad/yr)
241.4806 34.2073 5.65E-08 1.17E-08
241.6024 34.4468 -4.85E-08 1.85E-08
241.0952 34.4079 4.46E-09 3.07E-08
241.2542 34.2581 1.28E-07 1.59E-08
242.0593 34.0773 -6.62E-08 1.74E-08
241.0553 34.5369 -2.38E-07 4.27E-08
241.1993 33.1894 -2.99E-10 7.64E-09
241.1084 34.2565 2.17E-08 3.53E-08
gmt(l), psbasemap(l) psxy(l)
Bomford, G., Geodesy, 4th ed., Oxford University Press,
Kurt Feigl
Toulouse, France
Genevieve Patau
Seismology Dept.
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Man(1) output converted with