mgd77togmt - Convert an MGD-77 ascii file to a binary gmt
mgd77togmt [ -Llist ] [ mgd77file ] -Flegid -Ystart_year [
-Ainformation ] [ -Itime_increment ] [ -V ]
mgd77togmt reads an ASCII MGD-77 format file [or standard
input] and creates a binary gmt file. The 16 header
records specified in the MGD-77 documentation may or may
not be present. If two-way travel times are available,
mgd77togmt will convert those to corrected depths using
the Carter tables. Both old and new (Y2K-compiant) MGD-77
files are supported.
-L Name of file with several records of the format
mgd77file legid start_year. For multiple files, use
this option rather than the -F -Y combination. -F
Leg id that will be used in file name (legid.gmt).
-Y The year of the first data point in the file
No space between the option flag and the associated argu
-A Set an optional 10 character information string to
be stored in the header [Default is blank].
-I Used for files where time is missing. The increment
is used to calculate fake times.
-V Selects verbose mode, which will send progress
reports to stderr [Default runs "silently"].
To create a gmt file from the ASCII file c2104.mgd77, try
mgd77togmt c2104.mgd77 -Y1977 -Fc2104
To create new gmt files from all the mgd77-file listed in
list.d, try
mgd77togmt -Llist.d -V
dat2gmt, gmt
Wessel, P., and W. H. F. Smith, 1999, The Generic Mapping
Tools (GMT) version 3.2 Technical Reference & Cookbook,
sion of Generic Mapping Tools Released, EOS Trans., AGU,
79 (47), p. 579.
Wessel, P., and W. H. F. Smith, 1995, New Version of the
Generic Mapping Tools Released, EOS Trans., AGU, 76 (33),
p. 329.
Wessel, P., and W. H. F. Smith, 1995, New Version of the
Generic Mapping Tools Released, http: American Geophysical
Wessel, P., and W. H. F. Smith, 1991, Free Software Helps
Map and Display Data, EOS Trans., AGU, 72 (41), p. 441.
MGD77 Task Group, 1977, The Marine Geophysical Data
Exchange Format - 'MGD77', Key to Geophysical Records doc
umentation No. 10, National Geophysical and Solar-Terres
trial Data Center, Boulder, CO.
Carter, D. J. T., Echo Sounding Correction Tables: For
merly Matthews' Tables,' 150 pp, Hydrographic Department,
Ministry of Defense, Taunton, Somerset, England, 1980.
Man(1) output converted with